iOS 6 + phonegap -- Splash screen rotates without interaction - ios

So, I had a phonegap app that worked fine on iOS 5, but when iOS 6 debuted the only issue introduced into the application is that now on the iPad, only, when I run my application in Landscape orientation, the splash screen will now load up and show correctly, then the app flashes and the splash screen rotates 90 degrees clockwise, and apparently moves 20-30 px, roughly, to the left.
It appears that it's trying to use a Portrait oriented splash screen, instead of the landscape one, but all the files are the correct ones, so I've run out of ideas on where to look.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, as this last little thing is the only thing preventing me pushing my update.

see here
or update to phonegap 2.1


iOS black screen after splash screen

I have a slight problem with my application, which was done under ionic, in AngularJS.
The application launches and works very well under android, but on the iOS part, just after the splash screen, it gives me a black screen.
So I can access my index, which is a login page, I need to rotate the device, or that I orient it in landscape. After doing this, the application works very well, whether in portrait or landscape, I do not understand anything..
I would like to know what is happening, since on Xcode I tried everything ..
here is what I did, I even made it only in portrait, but nothing helps
Thank you for your answers.

Black bar at the bottom after update to iOS 8

I have an app on the store and I started working on the update for iOS 8 a while ago, everything seemed to work fine except for this problem I'm having with the layouts. No matter what device I test the app on, there's always a black bar at the bottom (or the side on landscape mode).
Test on iPhone 5S
Test on iPhone 4S
Is this an issue with iOS 8? How can I solve it?
I had this same issue with the thin bar along one side when an iOS 8 device was rotated to landscape. I found the solution to this problem here: Building project with Xcode 6 (iOS 8 SDK) causes landscape rotation rendering issue on iPad
The fix I did was to go to MainWindow.xib, select the Window, then go to the Attributes inspector and select the two check boxes for Visible at Launch and Full Screen at Launch.

Apps UIWebView stuck on landscape on iPad on iOS 7

I have an iOS 5 + app I am getting ready for iOS 7.
I have a standard TabBar based app loading in viewcontrollers, one of which loads in a webView.
This webview has a landscape and portrait mode as the app can be rotated, this works fine on all devices except iPad running iOS 7.
The issue being the webview is always displayed as landscape on iPad on iOS 7 irrespective of the orientation, iOS 7 gets rid of the 2x button that you used to get with iPhone apps running on an iPad so it is faux full screen.
The app opens in portrait mode, if I rotate the iPad everything else rotates - all other views adjust and reposition - except the html in the webview - it is stuck on landscape.
This happens on device and simulator
The question I suppose is why? has anyone else had experience of this?
Many thanks
Try setting constraints on the UIWebView. In the storyboard, look for the menu icons on the bottom right, and select the one that looks like a tie fighter. Then select 'Add Missing Constraints' or 'Reset to Suggested Constraints'. then when your View changes (orientation), the space constraints will adjust.

iOS Phonegap: Changing orientation during splash/loading

Nowadays, I am working on a iOS project formed with Phonegap 2.0 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 and I am having a serious issue with orientation changes.
The problem is the screen size proportions after the orientation changes that you make during loading.
After loading completes orientation works without any problem if I didn't change the orientation during loading.
If I change the orientation during the launch/loading of the application than it starts acting weird! like giving white spaces near the screen etc. Orientation is completely start acting weird from that point which pushes me to restart the app.
Did some one face the same problem?

Resize effect of iOS launch images (and AIR?)

I have a problem when I use launch images in an Air application. I don't know if this is the expected behaviour, but when the app starts, the launch image is first displayed as expected, however then it gets resized for a second.
I don't care too much about this, although since the iPhone images have to take into account the statusbar, the effect is a bit ugly in this case.
Can this be solved? is it a problem with Air? is it expected behaviour?
I noticed a similar problem with AIR 3.2 and a fullscreen, fixed-orientation (landscape) app in iOS - the splash image starts in landscape, then flips to the wrong orientation during loading. I suspect it's a bug but couldn't find a workaround.
Since I don't see any pressing reason to move to 3.2, I'm sticking with AIR 3.1 for the time being, which displays the splash image correctly.
