snapshot of OpenGL ES view iOs 6.0 [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why is glReadPixels() failing in this code in iOS 6.0?
We're trying to take a snapshot of OpenGL ES view and to save the result in a UIImage.
For iOS 5.x our function works well.
For iOS 6 our function works only on the simulator and not on the device. We receive a blank (white) image on the device.
We referred to the technical report at
and our function is almost identical to the function presented by apple in this technical report
Enclosed below is our function (in the Additional Details window).
We would be grateful to receive an assistance and we hope to have a reply as soon as possible since our app is currently online with this critical bug.
(BTW, we use only opengl es and not cocos2d)

In case you didn't get an answer on this: As documented in some other posts, I found that this only affected devices and not the emulator running my app. I set CAEAGLLayer drawableProperties when initializing with kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking set true. Haven't noticed a huge hit in speed and my captures are working again.


iOS App does not take full screen on some iPhones [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I encounter a very strange problem: I got reports from some of my clients that my iPhone App does not show up full screen. It leaves a black bar on top and bottom of the screen. I have got one sample report from a client running iPhone 7 and iOS 12.1. Having the same device and installing the same App (AppStore download, as client does) I cannot reproduce this behaviour. I cannot reproduce it on none of my many devices and iOS versions nor on the simulators. According to AppStore reviews other clients are facing the same behaviour too, but nobody I know can reproduce it. I attached a screenshot taken by one of the clients: anonymous screenshot of app with black bars
Edit (due to Question put on hold by guys not understanding the question...): The desired behaviour of course is an App presenting full screen without any black bars
The project is all iOS/XCode default, I am using a LaunchScreen.storyboard with identical settings than a new default XCode Project. I am developing using XCode 9.4, Deployment Target is 9.0, the project is in Swift. I am aware that this was a common problem with the arrival of iPhone 5, but it should no longer occur if using Launch storyboards. None of my other app share this problem.
Does anybody has an advice?
It looks like you are using an old way of determining launch screen. After iOS7 you can define a launch storyboard to create the launch screen. If you use the old method by assets, were you add some images to be used as launch screen, the app 'understands' that is not updated for iOS greater than 7, so, you have to remove these assets screens and use the launch storyboard. It must fix the top and bottom banners.
You can add LuanchImage like:
Then you can set images with the correct sizes for atleast:

iOS split keyboard messes up cordova webview

I am working on a hybrid app using Cordova and Ionic the app works fine on all iOS devices except iPad that too with split key board
The problem i face is posted here you can see the image in the post.
I tried to do some research and found out this
Also on stack overflow I found out this preference in config see answer but this is not documented neither does it work
Please help
If you don't want the webView to scroll,
use this,
and in device ready,

IOS 8 and dialog boxes

i have an app that i acquired (did not write myself). I am VERY new to IOS and xCode programming, but have been able to slug my way through a lot of the issues in the past 15 months.
Moving the app onto an IOS 8 platform has me totally stumped. My dialog boxes are the wrong size, Facebook login is sideways, twitter login is sideways, etc.
I think it is all related to the change Apple made with orientation, but i have no way to verify it or to figure out how to fix it in my code.
I know this is a stretch, but does anyone have a simple recipe to get IOS 8 to function like IOS 7 in regards to orientation of dialog boxes, etc?
Your best bet might be converting all pages to auto layout. It will allow all the controls to adapt to current size (and orientation) of the device. There were some improvements in iOS 8 that are worth learning.

Apparently random purple 'tearing' on iPhone 5 camera under iOS 7

I'm using AVFoundation to set up and display a custom camera interface. I've used a lot of code from Apple's AVCam sample code project. It works mostly but every now and then the camera display 'tears', with parts of the screen displaying a bright purple.
I have no idea why this could be happening. It seems to be completely random (usually happens when I move the camera around though). Has anyone else experienced this?
This is a common issue for iPhone 5 and iOS 7. I have experienced it quite a few times (on multiple iPhone 5 models) even with native
When asking questions that might relate to HW issues you'd better state your device and OS version because it can help us help you.
Try running your code on another device and if that helps I'd suggest you visit nearest Apple Store to claim this problem.

OpenGL ES iOS tearing/flickering

I've looked around and none of the fixes for this type of issue is working on my particular OpenGL app. The problem is I get some type of artifacts/tearing/flickering on the model I'm rendering. The model is built up of small squares next to each other and the flickering is shown between these where there are glimpses of the background even though they are side to side. The problem is NOT showing on the iOS simulator but only on devices (I use an iPhone 5 and an iPad 4th Gen). I've tried the kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking setting both ways without luck. Any ideas?
