IDependencyResolver in mvc -

I read a bout IDependencyResolver in MVC (fundamentalbook), but i don't know what is exactly DependencyResolver in mvc?
Could some one please explain these methods?

It allows for implementing dependency injection into controllers and other components. Brad Wilson wrote a nice article about it. For example when you implement a custom dependency resolver that is capable of returning proper implementations for a give type you could have your ASP.NET MVC controllers take abstract dependencies or interfaces as constructor arguments:
public class HomeController: Controller
private readonly ISomeService _someService;
public class HomeController(ISomeService someService)
_someService = someService;
... some actions
if you have written a custom dependency resolve it will be able to inject the proper implementation of the interface when instantiating the controller.
Dependency Injection allows for weaker coupling between the different layers of your application and making them easier to unit test in isolation.


Implementation of DI in Core

This issue is different, I know what DI is, but I want to know how core use DI. We can configure custom logging in ASP.NET Core, but I do not know why it works.
Normally, we use the new keyword to instantiate a class, and then we can use it in the controller. In ASP.NET Core, we use a controller constructor with parameter like below:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger)
_logger = logger;
I know it is a design pattern called Dependency Injection, but I am wondering how this is implemented. How did the ASP.NET Core team realize this?
In Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control jargon, what is injected is called a "service".
You register your services with an IoC container upon application startup, meaning: you tie concrete implementations and a lifetime to a certain type.
Now when a controller is required to serve an incoming request, MVC will use a controller factory to look up and instantiate the relevant controller. When that controller has constructor parameters, it'll ask the IoC container to resolve the required service parameters.
More information on Dependency injection into controllers.

How to solve No parameterless constructor defined for this object error in Mvc?

I am creating one demo application to learn how to use repository pattern for performing Insert operation.I am using Nop Commerce**( **code for repository pattern
Error:No parameterless constructor defined for this object
I have seen this link:MVC: No parameterless constructor defined for this object
This is my Structure:
My Repository interface:
public partial interface IRepository<T>
void Insert(T entity);
My Service Layer:
public partial interface IEmployeeService
void InsertCategory(EmployeeMaster employeeMaster);
My Class which will implement that interface(service):
public partial class EmployeeService : IEmployeeService
#region Fields
private readonly IRepository<EmployeeMaster> _employeeMasterRepository;
#region Ctor
public EmployeeService
IRepository<EmployeeMaster> employeeMasterRepository
this._employeeMasterRepository = employeeMasterRepository;
public virtual void InsertCategory(EmployeeMaster employeeMaster)
if (employeeMaster == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("employeeMaster");
This is my controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
#region Fields
private readonly IEmployeeService _employeeService;
#region Constructors
public HomeController
IEmployeeService employeeService
this._employeeService = employeeService;
Getting Error:No parameterless constructor defined for this object
I have studied regarding this error and all the sources are saying that use Dependency injection to solve this error.
Can anybody guide me how to use dependency injection to solve this error??
Maybe you're taking as a sample a project that is too complex for you at this moment. Nopcommerce is a big and full featured product that has a lot of elements, so it easy to get lost. Not the best sample to learn how the repository pattern works, but I certainly recommend you to check it again once you have the basic concepts clear to see them used in a real scenario.
NopCommerce uses Autofac for dependency injection, a very popular IoC container. You can look for a class called DependencyRegistrar in the project Nop.Web.Framework to see how it is used, if you're curious about it. You can get more examples on how to use dependency injection with Autofac in their repository and their getting started guide.
My recommendation is to look for an easier to follow example. For starters, any of the popular IoC containers will be OK until you have your own criteria to choose one. For instance you can follow the Autofac's guide for MVC
You're correct - you'll need to use something like Unity, Ninject or Autofac to get this running.
Essentially - the steps are roughly the same regardless of the tech used.
Using unity as an example:
1) In your MVC project, use NuGet to add "Unity Bootstrapper for MVC". (right click references, manage nuget packages, search for unity online, select "Unity Bootstrapper for MVC"
This will add a few things to your project - the most interesting is the unityConfig.cs in App_start.
2) In unityConfig.cs - find RegisterTypes method
RegisterTypes is where you tell the unity container "when you need one of X, use implementation Y" - in your case "when you need an IEmployeeService, use EmployeeService"
3) In register types - add your type mappings - for example, in your case:
container.RegisterType<IEmployeeService, EmployeeService>();
4) Bit more complicated: as you have IRepository and you need this to resolve your employeeService correctly you'll also have to register a generic type against a generic implementation (it's a little odd). Looking at your types, it's going to be something like:
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));
(You'll need to resolve the namespaces according to your projects).
So - what this is saying is...
Right MVC - when you need an IEmployeeService use employeeService, and
when you need an IRepository<>, use Repository<>
Now - because of the webActivator that was added during the NuGet installation (right next door to UnityConfig.cs), that should be it - the webActivator sets the DependencyResolver.Current to something that uses this unityContainer.
Beacause of this, MVC will now use this new unityContainer whenever it tries to instantiate your controllers, resolving the type mappings on the way.
The webActivator and unityConfig classes do alot of the heavy-lifting for you, just elaborate registerTypes and you should at least have a foot-hold in the solution.
HTH - good luck.
PS - DI itself is a massive subject - far too much for here, you'll bump into all sort of weird and wonderful things (supplying Ctor args for resolutions, lifetime management just for a start!) - it's fun, but not trivial, so you'll have to excuse me if this doesn't work "out of the box" (it's almost impractical to think it would) - this is merely just a vague attempt to give you a foothold in the subject!
For more info on unity - I suggest you read up here (Dev guide to using Unity on MSDN)

Implementing Dependency Injection in a Controller to create loosly couple system

I have a HomeController and a Referrence of a type-class.If I create a new object of the class it works fine for me. But I dont want to create new object in the Controller instead I want to pass a referrence of the class through the HomwController's Constructor.Here is my code. I need to implement DI here.
//private readonly UnitOfWork<Student> _unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork<Student>();
private readonly UnitOfWork<Student> _unitOfWork;
//TODO ??
public HomeController(UnitOfWork<Student> unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public ActionResult Index()
return View(_unitOfWork.GenericRepository.GetAll());
Any help?
First, if you want to use dependency injection, you'll have to go through a third party dependency injection container - NInject or Unity for example among many others (or building your own if you are looking for some challenge).
Second, your HomeController should take an abstract unit of work type (interface or abstract class) as a parameter. You are actually using a concrete type in your HomeController constructor which is not how things should work in a dependency injection world (when using "Constructor Injection", your dependency container is in charge of providing the concrete implementation for the abstraction, based on container configuration).
Third your UnitOfWork<Student> does not make a lot of sense. A Repository<Student> would make some sense, but a Unit Of Work is not working on a single "Type" but rather on a "collection" of different data sets (a unit of work is potentially working on a collection of repositories). What would make sense here is to specify a parameter IUnitOfWork unitOfWork in your HomeController constructor, and configure your depency container to pass in a concrete UnitOfWork object on which you can get your Repository<Student> do operations on it in your action method (and potentially on other repositories accessed from the UnitOfWork object) and then Commit all modifcations by calling the associated method on the UnitOfWork object.
You should make some searches arround NInject use with ASP.NET MVC3 and also take a look at EntityFramework if you are dealing with UnitOfWork and Repository patterns (and if data is backed by a DB).
In reaction to your comment dealing with (IUnitOfWork<Student> and IUnitOfWork<Course>).
As I said before, it does not make a lot of sense :
A UnitOfWork can be grossly seen as a "container" of repositories, giving access to these repositories and coordinating actions (like commiting all the changes) on these repositories. You should rather have an abstract non generic type IUnitOfWork, providing access to generic repositories such as IRepository<Student> or IRepository<Course>, and also containing a Commit method which would commit to DB (or file, or memory or whatever the unitofwork/repository implementation is targeting to persist data).
This way instead of injecting an IRepository<Student> and/or IRepository<Course> in your controller constructor (or if your controller needs to work on 10 different repositories, well, pass 10 parameters :S), you just accept a single parameter of abstract type IUnitOfWork (the concrete instance being injected by the DI container), and then any action method can work on any set of repository by getting them from the UnitOfWork, and once it has done all the changes, it can call Commit on the unitOfWork which will take care of comming all the modifications that have been done in the repository.
That's the theory and the general idea.
Now more specifically about DI in ASP.NET MVC, the more common way (there are other ways) of "plumbing" the DI container is to create a class inheriting from IDependencyResolver making use of the DI container to resolve types, and in Application_Start call DependencyResolver.SetResolver whith an instance of this class.
This way, when ASP.NET MVC is asked to create a controller (end user request), it will go through this depency resolver to ask for an instance of the controller, and this dependency resolver will turn to the DI container to create an instance of the controller by taking care of all needed injection.
You should take a look on the website / forums of your specific DI container as they all show ways to plumb it with ASP.NET MVC.
This is just a very high overview, there are a lot of tricky details, but that's the gross idea.
Just posted an article (my first one) on my blog to explain how to correctly use the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns in an ASP.NET MVC project.
Are you talking ASP.NET MVC ?
I have been working with Ninject for some time now, and am very happy with it! Take a look at the sample app in this repository to get an idea on how to use it in ASP.NET MVC 3:
To expand a bit on the reply, here's a code snippet from where I set up the Ninject bindings
And my controller:
public class MyController : Controller {
private readonly IUnitOfWork<Student> uowStudent;
public MyController(IUnitOfWork<Student> uowStudent) {
this.uowStudent = uowStudent;
Then all you need to do, is make sure any arguments in the constructor for the UnitOfWork class are also bound in the kernel.

Automatically set property after component creation with Autofac

Here is the example code:
public interface IService<TEntity> {
IContext Context { get; set; }
//unimportant methods
bool Validate(TEntity entity);
void Add(TEntity enttity);
public class UsersController : Controller {
private IService<User> _service;
public MyController(IService<User> service){
_service = service;
_service.Context = ControllerContext;
I'm using AutofacControllerFactory to create controllers in my ASP.NET MVC app.
Is it possible to eliminate this line of code in every controller's constructor:
_service.Context = ControllerContext;
In other words: is it possible to automatically set this property with ControllerContext?
It should be possible because every IService implementation has a settable IContext property.
Should I extend the AutofacControllerFactory or is there a standard way of doint this?
What you have there is a Circular Dependency.
UsersController depends on IService<User>
IService<User> depends on ControllerContext
ControllerContext depends on UsersController
No DI Container can reach into your classes' innards and control what happens there. They can set up dependencies for you and inject them into your classes from the outside. However, they can't very well deal with circular dependencies, so a better option is to redesign the API.
From here it looks very much like the Context property of IService<TEntity> is a Leaky Abstraction. A Service shouldn't need to know anything about the UI framework in which it is running.
You can often break a circular dependency by changing one of the consumers to a more event-driven architecture.
Here's an article about this sort of problem.
Here's a related answer to a ASP.NET MVC question that looks a lot like yours: Is there a good/proper way of solving the dependency injection loop problem in the ASP.NET MVC ContactsManager tutorial?
See also the answer: Dependency-Injection to resolve circular dependencies

Constructor Dependency Injection in a ASP.NET MVC Controller

public class HomeController : Controller
private IDependency dependency;
public HomeController(IDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
And the fact that Controllers in ASP.NET MVC must have one empty default constructor is there any way other than defining an empty (and useless in my opinion) constructor for DI?
If you want to have parameterless constructors you have to define a custom controller factory. Phil Haack has a great blog post about the subject.
If you don't want to roll your own controller factory you can get them pre-made in the ASP.NET MVC Contrib project at codeplex/github.
You don't have to have the empty constructor if you setup a custom ControllerFactory to use a dependency injection framework like Ninject, AutoFac, Castle Windsor, and etc. Most of these have code for a CustomControllerFactory to use their container that you can reuse.
The problem is, the default controller factory doesn't know how to pass the dependency in. If you don't want to use a framework mentioned above, you can do what is called poor man's dependency injection:
public class HomeController : Controller
private IDependency iDependency;
public HomeController() : this(new Dependency())
public HomeController(IDependency iDependency)
this.iDependency = iDependency;
Take a look at MVCContrib They have controller factories for a number of DI containers. Windsor, Structure map etc.
You can inject your dependency by Property for example see: Injection by Property
Using Ninject looks like this:
public IDependency YourDependency { get; set; }
