Xcode adhoc provisioning - ios

I just distributed my first ad hoc provisioning app to my iPad via iTunes and all seemed to have worked fine, except the fact that my app does not show an icon on the iPad, only a silver button.
When I start the app, the screen goes black for around 2 seconds, then the "desktop" is shown again.
I am not sure how I should go on now. There isn't any such thing as a "log file" on the iPad, is there? The reason why it doesn't really start might have a hundred reasons, I guess.
On the simulator it worked fine.
Thank you very much!

I think you've got the answers you need in the edits, but to answer the original question.
You only need to add UDIDs in the portal, nowhere else.
You can get crash reports from an AdHoc device. Sync the device and then look in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/
Alternatively, if it is your device, connect the device and use the Devices panel in the Organizer.
The plain white icon means you don't have an icon set for the deployment device. I've never had this after setting an Icon. Check the target summary for any icon errors, they're normally shown next to the icon space.


Installing apps on my own device through Xcode

I’m quite new to Xcode and I’m only interested in making apps as a hobby. I would like to install my own apps that I make on my own devices without using the App Store (without paying the £99/year developer fee). So I would like to know the following:
How can I install an app through Xcode so that the app remains on my iPhone after disconnecting it from my Mac?
How long will the app remain on my iPhone i.e. how long until I have to manually reinstall it? (I’ve seen some websites that say 7 days and some that say 1 year)
This is something else really but am I right in thinking to use the TestFlight app I’d need to pay the £99/year developer fee?
If it helps all my devices are running the latest software versions.
Yes, you can use your own device for testing purposes and it will remain on your phone after you disconnect it.
To set this up, connect your device to your Mac. Then, click the simulator selection dropdown in the top left of Xcode. It might say Generic iOS Device if you haven't selected a simulator since opening Xcode. At the bottom of that dropdown menu, you should see a button that says Add additional simulators...
At the top of the window that comes up after you click Add additional simulators.. there should be a Devices tab. Select that tab and add your device via the + icon in the bottom left of the window. Once connected and paired, you can travel back to the simulator dropdown menu and scroll up. Your device should be listed there if it's plugged in and paired. Select the device and run your app - Xcode will take care of installation.
Without purchasing the Apple Developer Program, your app will function on your phone for one week after the most recent run.
Yes, you are correct. TestFlight is something that comes with the Apple Developer Program.

Black bars on all sides when running iPhone app on iPad

I have an iPhone app and I am trying to run it on iPad. But when I run I see black bars on all the sides as shown below:
I am using a LaunchScreen.storyboard file. The LaunchScreen.storyboard is set as launch screen (checkmark is checked). In the target settings I have the following settings:
Any ideas?
Edit: That apple tester got it wrong. your app is good !!!
I created a new project that only support an iphone and ran it on the ipad simulator. I calculated the ratio of the screen inside it is equal to 0.69. the same as the ratio of the screen inside the screen shot sent to you by apple.
Apple tester got it wrong. looks like that is the new behaviour on the
iOS 10 and that apple test does not know it. reply to them with this
they should accept your app without resubmitting new binary.
Original Answer:
Deleting DerivedData, Clean and remove app from simultator should solve the problem. Or maybe you didn't support iPad:
Its because of app is only for iphone, thats why if you are run in iPad it shows actually iphone's view, Enable for ipad and then check.
The Apple tester did not likely get it wrong. Check the following:
Go to your app's target. In the General tab, look at the Deployment section. What is listed for Devices? If it says Universal, change it to iPhone.
Go to your info.plist. Remove any keys pertaining to the iPad. (Supported interface orientations (iPad) may be there, for example.)
Now, your app should run correctly on an iPad, even though it was made for iPhone only.

Why doesn't my iphone install seem to finish?

I have an iPhone app that compiles and works fine in the simulator. However when I try to sideload it as an Ad Hoc application, the install seems to fail silently.
Initially when it's trying to sync to the phone, it gets the grey icon (as expected), and I get a install sweep / radar over lay on it.
It gets to about 80% (10 o'clock) and then disappears. The icon remains grey and the title says "Waiting". If I later try to run the application the title changes to "Installing..."
iOS: 8.4
Xcode: 6.4
Embarcadero/FireMonkey: XE8
Digging in further... by looking at the Console for my iPhone in Xcode
Window -> Devices -> (phone) -> little triangle button on the bottom left of the Device Information panel.
The listed error has now scrolled past the end of the buffer so I can't post an example; but as I recall it was this one that clued me in to what happened:
profile not valid: <hex_identifier>
I was able to determine that it was indeed the provisioning profile that was the problem.
Back in the Embarcadero/FireMonkey side of the equation, the Mobile Provision and Developer Certificate settings were missing/reverted to defaults.
Project -> Options -> Provisioning
Near as I can tell, because I have a couple different sets of certificates on my Mac, the ones that are set as the default are broken/missing devices and I needed to explicitly specify the good one.

Hello World causes Iphone 5s to freeze

I recently began going through the official Apple documentation and tutorials to learn iPhone development. I got my Iphone 5s a couple of days ago, but the sample ToDo list app that I'm making causes the device to lock up randomly when I try to test on the device. For example, I if I make a chance to the code and build/run it on the device, it will work. However, as I keep updating the code and testing it, eventually it will just open up my app on the device as a complete black screen, and freezes. The home button then no longer works, no touch events work, the only think I can do is to hold Home+lock button until the device shuts down.
This cannot be normal, can it? I mean, its just a basic app, what could be causing it?
Attached is the error that shows in xcode, and also a screenshot of the Iphone when it its frozen. Surprisingly, I was able to use the screenshot functionality on the phone... :/
Please check whether you are using a distribution provisioning profile/certificate to sign the app. If you plan to debug the app on the device (use breakpoints etc.), you should sign it with a development provisioning profile.
It only happens sometimes, so it's not provisioning related.
It causes a message to popup in XCode itself, so it's not code related.
I had the same problems before (not that often really...). What I did was
Restart the device
Remove the app from the device
Clear the project builds (CMD SHIFT K)
Restart XCode.
Build & Run again
I actually haven't seen this for a while. I always thought that they fixed the bug. Hope this helps!

iPad Home Screen Icon Pixelated when inatlled via Ad-Hoc

I am testing my app via Ad-Hoc Distribution and have run into a strange problem.
When testing via Xcode to my iOS device everything looks and works exactly as expected; however when installing the app through iTunes (using an IPA file generated in Xcode using the Ad-Hoc Provisiong Profile) the Home Screen icon appears pixelated, as if the wrong size version is being used.
Does anyone know what's going on; is this normal behavior because this is a Ad-Hoc distro?
Any help would be appreciated.
For anyone experiencing the same problem; turns out the Simulator that comes with Xcode ignores the case of a file name, while the actual iPad does not. This will lead to the incorrect home screen icon being displayed on the iPad home screen, if the case of the icon name was changed in the directory or Xcode.
I hope this helps some one!
