Installing apps on my own device through Xcode - ios

I’m quite new to Xcode and I’m only interested in making apps as a hobby. I would like to install my own apps that I make on my own devices without using the App Store (without paying the £99/year developer fee). So I would like to know the following:
How can I install an app through Xcode so that the app remains on my iPhone after disconnecting it from my Mac?
How long will the app remain on my iPhone i.e. how long until I have to manually reinstall it? (I’ve seen some websites that say 7 days and some that say 1 year)
This is something else really but am I right in thinking to use the TestFlight app I’d need to pay the £99/year developer fee?
If it helps all my devices are running the latest software versions.

Yes, you can use your own device for testing purposes and it will remain on your phone after you disconnect it.
To set this up, connect your device to your Mac. Then, click the simulator selection dropdown in the top left of Xcode. It might say Generic iOS Device if you haven't selected a simulator since opening Xcode. At the bottom of that dropdown menu, you should see a button that says Add additional simulators...
At the top of the window that comes up after you click Add additional simulators.. there should be a Devices tab. Select that tab and add your device via the + icon in the bottom left of the window. Once connected and paired, you can travel back to the simulator dropdown menu and scroll up. Your device should be listed there if it's plugged in and paired. Select the device and run your app - Xcode will take care of installation.
Without purchasing the Apple Developer Program, your app will function on your phone for one week after the most recent run.
Yes, you are correct. TestFlight is something that comes with the Apple Developer Program.


React Native 0.47: Reload on iOS device

react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.47.1
react: 16.0.0-alpha.12
I finally managed to hook up an iOS device (iPhone 4S) to xcode and build my react native code to the device.
Shaking the phone gives me the following options:
as you can see there is no Live Reload option and the Reload doesn't work. I am forced to build it from xcode every single time I make a change.
Can anybody help me getting the Reload to work and enable Live Reload?
I have struggled with this for many days now - because it seems to change all the time and the only answers I have been able to find are obsolete.
Could the issue be that my iPhone runs iOS 9.3.5? _____
Had the same issue here, and fixed it like that:
Make sure wifi is disabled on the iDevice
Open System Preferences by selecting System Preferences from the Apple menu, or by clicking the System Preferences icon in the Dock.
When the System Preferences window opens, click the Sharing preference pane.
The left side of the Sharing preference pane lists the services that you can share. Place a check mark in the Internet Sharing box.
Then Check "USB YourDevice/iPhone/iPod/iPad"
You are Done! (working here on v0.47.1)
Check that you can access internet/network on your device, then run your app form XCode in Debug mode. Now, you should have the green bar on top loading from the packager and you can debug remotely.

iOS: in-house app wireless installation does not display progress

I am using the procedure described here to install an in-house app using a wireless network. As indicated in the docs, I have created a website serving a webpage containing the link to the app manifest.
A user would typically install the in-house app on his device by opening the webpage and then pressing on the link to the manifest. With iOS 7.x, the Safari browser would then go in the background and the user would see the app installation in progress (app logo + progress indicator on top of the logo).
In iOS 9.x this is no longer the case: Safari does not go in the background and there is no visible indication of the app installation except a very tiny progress indicator at the upper left corner of the device's screen. In other words there is no immediate visual clue that the app is installing, as in iOS 6.x & 7.x
However the installation completes successfully and the app logo eventually appears on the device screen.
Is there a specific way of activating the previous iOS 6.x & 7.x behaviour? Has something changed in the in-house wireless installation procedure?
I got the same issue in my company, and it's more a bug than a feature. I hope the 9.3 version will fix this

Why doesn't my iphone install seem to finish?

I have an iPhone app that compiles and works fine in the simulator. However when I try to sideload it as an Ad Hoc application, the install seems to fail silently.
Initially when it's trying to sync to the phone, it gets the grey icon (as expected), and I get a install sweep / radar over lay on it.
It gets to about 80% (10 o'clock) and then disappears. The icon remains grey and the title says "Waiting". If I later try to run the application the title changes to "Installing..."
iOS: 8.4
Xcode: 6.4
Embarcadero/FireMonkey: XE8
Digging in further... by looking at the Console for my iPhone in Xcode
Window -> Devices -> (phone) -> little triangle button on the bottom left of the Device Information panel.
The listed error has now scrolled past the end of the buffer so I can't post an example; but as I recall it was this one that clued me in to what happened:
profile not valid: <hex_identifier>
I was able to determine that it was indeed the provisioning profile that was the problem.
Back in the Embarcadero/FireMonkey side of the equation, the Mobile Provision and Developer Certificate settings were missing/reverted to defaults.
Project -> Options -> Provisioning
Near as I can tell, because I have a couple different sets of certificates on my Mac, the ones that are set as the default are broken/missing devices and I needed to explicitly specify the good one.

Why Can't I delete or Remove iPhone / iPad Duplicate Enterprise App Icon Copy?

I created an enterprise app in Xcode 4.6.3 and posted it on a website. The app succesfully downloads to iPhone5 and iPad3 (both running iOS 7). The app runs just fine. However, it created a duplicate "ghosted" app icon on both devices that cannot be removed See Screen Capture.
I tried removing it by long-pressing the app icon and touching the "X" on the device. I also tried removing it in iTunes. No luck. I updated to Xcode 5.0.1, developed for iOS 7, recompiled and repeated the process. No luck. The duplicate icon remains!
This is not an issue on devices not running iOS 7.
A similar thing happened to me while trying to delete an app that was being built at the same time with XCode.
Try restarting the phone by pressing and holding the button on the top and the circle button on the bottom.
When the OS repopulates the dashboard on the next launch, it should detect the discrepancy and either not display the bad icon or make it available for removal.
If your Apps don't includ iOS, you are surely able to delete Apps from iPhone, do all of your 3rd party apps no longer show the delete "x" when wiggling? If so, try the following steps as needed:
Restart phone
Reset phone (no data loss): press both home and power buttons for at least 10 seconds, releasing when the Apple logo appears
Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
Restore iOS using iTunes, also restoring a backup
Restore iOS as new, without using a backup

Xcode adhoc provisioning

I just distributed my first ad hoc provisioning app to my iPad via iTunes and all seemed to have worked fine, except the fact that my app does not show an icon on the iPad, only a silver button.
When I start the app, the screen goes black for around 2 seconds, then the "desktop" is shown again.
I am not sure how I should go on now. There isn't any such thing as a "log file" on the iPad, is there? The reason why it doesn't really start might have a hundred reasons, I guess.
On the simulator it worked fine.
Thank you very much!
I think you've got the answers you need in the edits, but to answer the original question.
You only need to add UDIDs in the portal, nowhere else.
You can get crash reports from an AdHoc device. Sync the device and then look in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/
Alternatively, if it is your device, connect the device and use the Devices panel in the Organizer.
The plain white icon means you don't have an icon set for the deployment device. I've never had this after setting an Icon. Check the target summary for any icon errors, they're normally shown next to the icon space.
