Resizing picker in Titanium Studio (Iphone) - ios

I am new to mobile development with Titanium Studio. I want to create a picker with a little smaller size. I tried setting the Height and Width property but of no use. And I came across below link:
Changing the height of the picker
But I saw that it scales the whole picker including the content in it. I want to reduce the size of the picker without reducing the size of its content. And any idea to customize the picker like changing the background color would be more helpful. Thanks in advance.

Do not try to modify the picker. If you do any transforming in the UI controls of Apple, you'll get a rejection from Apple, since this is a Apple Specific UI element, so any egregious resizing of it will violate the Human Interface guidelines. The general rule is to not use scaling transforms with any of the native UI elements, Apple is big on the unified look and feel so many reviewers will rip you for it.
Please refer the following links
IOS Human interface guidelines

setting the height or width of the picker actually set the height or width of the rows/ entries of the picker. similarly it will effect the width of the Colmms of the picker, if you are using the multi picker.
i will suggest that u use a model window and add background color/image then add the picker to thad window. you can apply animation on opening and closing of model window. you can also specify the position of the picker in this way.
hope this will help you to achieve what you are trying


Is there a Cocoapod/Standard way that allows user to change the font size within the app like the one in iBooks app in Swift?

I am trying to implement a font size changer functionality similar to the one provided by the iBooks app in iPhone.
I know how to set the font using Dynamic Type when Text Size changes at the phone level, but the requirement here is to allow the user to change the font size within the app, and update the content as per the new font size.
(I need to change the brightness and the font size only.)
I looked over the net and found this link
This link shows a manual way of doing it. I was wondering if this a common requirement among apps and is there a standard way/cocoa pod to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Been a Java developer for about 8 years, and was used to using the term "library" which I believe didn't make much sense in the iOS world.
I was looking for something that lets me change the font size and the screen brightness in one shot since I thought it would be a common requirement in most of the reading apps. Something like this :
Since I didn't find anything, and like #WTEDST mentioned saying it requires few lines of code, I went ahead and
Added a view(B) on top of my main view(A)
Showed this view(B) only on clicking of the ᴀA button
This view(B) contained the slider component and 2 buttons at the bottom for increasing and decreasing the font size.
I added a method to change screen brightness on moving the slider and another method on each of the increase/decrease font buttons.
Used a UIStackView to arrange the items nicely.

IOS - make app scale

I want to make an application, that have big and clear UI (Like GrabTAXI). In app, every element have big font, i.e: Status bar, keyboard etc.
I try to change font, size of every element, but I think it have other way.
Help me, anyone?
I think you should be use AutoLayout in your project.
This is the best way.

iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Picker Control on iPad without Popover

I am planning to use a couple of picker controls and segmented controls (as a kind of control panel) embedded in a container view controller to control the contents of a second child view controller. However, according to Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines, on an iPad a picker may not be presented in the main screen and must be presented in a popover:
On iPad, present a picker only within a popover. A picker is not
suitable for the main screen.
How strict is this rule?
Would it be ok in my case to have the picker on the main screen in order to provide the required interactivity?
Clearly the answer to your question really depends on Apple, not on anything we developers might think or say. Your screen design looks very reasonable to me, but the issue is really whether Apple will approve it.
It might be better to ask if anyone has had an app approved with pickers outside of popovers.
Alternatively, you could ask if anyone has had an app rejected for using Pickers outside popovers.
Apple rules and common sense have a high degree of overlap, but where they differ the only thing that matters is Apple. Either ask them, or just submit your app for approval and see.
Good luck!
Here is my experience regarding picker.
I had an app (say appAA) approved, which use picker view in a modal view, three pickers, one followed by another.
I had another app (say appBB) which basically copies the modal view of appAA. This app was rejected because of a functional problem which I could not reproduce. I debuted in Resolution Center, then the reviewer rejected again with additional reason, saying the pickers are not presented in popover!
I guess I have to put the pickers into the popover if I want appBB to be approved since the review mentioned so.
I think the answer is simply How ugly does it make the UI look?
The left/right edges of the picker were originally intended to be flush with the edge of the iPhone screen (and it was hardcoded to be 320px wide, which failed to work sensibly in landscape mode). On the iPad, the UIPopover lets it be flush with the frame. The obvious way to achieve this effect without using a UIPopover is to draw your own frame, instead of leaving a flat grey background between the pickers.
However, the easiest (and better looking, IMO) solution is to take the picker background (as a 1px-wide image) and use a UIImageView to stretch it behind all the pickers so they look like part of a continuous bar. Remember to check both retina and non-retina versions.

What are the guidelines for using UIDatePickers on iPad?

I know that it is against Apple's iOS Human Interface Guidelines to have a picker view extend all the way across the screen on an iPad so that it is touching both sides. Is this the same case for date pickers?
An excerpt from the iOS Human Interface Guidelines:
On iPad, present a date and time picker only within a popover. A date
and time picker is not suitable for the main screen.
The overall size of a date and time picker is fixed at the same size
as the iPhone keyboard.
Err, yea, seeing as they are basically the same thing. Remember though the HIG is not a set of rules, they are guidelines. If you think a full-width picker makes sense for your app do it.
IMO, I cannot think of a reason to use a full-width picker on iPad. It would look quite ugly. Your better off showing the UIDatePicker in a popover. What are you trying to achieve?

Large uipickerview on ipad

Does anyone know if the sdk provides a way to display a larger picker view on the iPad?
I see it in many iPad apps but not sure if it's a built-in ui element or not. If it's custom made where can. Find some sample code?
It looks kind of like this
A check mark appears when you select it.
Set the frame.size.width to the value that fits your needs.
