From where I can download Jenkins build-pipeline-plugin? - jenkins

I am trying to find location from where I can download the latest release of Jenkins build
pipeline plugin but am
unable to do so. I checkout out the code and build it on my system but when I installed the
plugin it does not show me the view option for build pipeline. It would be helpful if you can
help me find the location of plugin?

Check out the download server of Jenkins. There you will find all the downloads available for both Jenkins releases as well as plugins:


Jenkins job - no options found under pipeline section

I have started learning Jenkins recently.
I installed docker on a server which I created on AWS server and using docker I have installed Jenkins.
I wanted to test a Hello pipeline stage by creating new item, but when I go to the pipeline tab I cant see any options like pipeline script or pipeline script from SCM . I have installed git plugin and pipeline plugin also seems to be installed successfully. I am not able to continue my study further. I will be really thankful if someone can help me here.
In reality the pipeline plugin is not just one plugin but a bunch of 6 to 8 plugins. So you may want to install all the pipeline related items in your available plugins section of Manage Jenkins. Once this is done, a reboot of Jenkins is required for the changes to take effect. Here are some of them:

How to integrate SonarCloud with GitHub and Jenkins

I just concluded my GitHub integration with Jenkins so that every time I commit code to my GitHub repository, Jenkins automatically builds.
Now I'm trying to integrate SonarCloud too but I haven't been successful.
I'm not looking to integrate with a local SonarQube server, I really need SonarCloud for my team to check it every time Jenkins builds.
I'm not sure if I should analyse the project locally to achieve this or if I can analyse my Jenkins server or GitHub repository and get the result I want because I can't find any documentation.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Sonarcloud is just a sonarqube server.
Just use sonar-scanner(the documentation for jenkins can be found here).
At first, you need to install the jenkins plugin for sonar-scanner.
After that, you open the configuration of sonar-scanner using Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
Insert under Server URL and your sonar token(of sonarclound) under Server authentication token
Under Manage Jenkins > Configure System, you should check Enable injection of SonarQube server configuration as build environment variables and in Build Environment in your job, you should enable Prepare SonarScanner environment.
After you've done that, you can run sonar-scanner with $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL (if you are using maven), ./gradlew sonarqube (if you are using gradle) or sonar-scanner (if you use none of that).

Jenkins pipeline build history.

I have configured the Jenkins pipeline and its working fine but it does not show the size of the builds on the dashboards in the build history.I have the disk usage plugin installed as well. I see that on a normal Jenkins job its showing there but in the pipeline it does not show the Size. Please help me w/ this Build historyImage
CloudBees Simple Disk Usage Plugin won't work on Windows masters. try Disk Usage Plugin.

Is there a way to trigger a Jenkins build after publishing an npm package to Sonatype Nexus?

Is there a way to trigger a Jenkins build after publishing an npm package to Sonatype Nexus?
I've been clicking through Sonetype's docs for Nexus and exploring my Nexus admin console. I've also tried searching for some plugins but I'm not sure if I'm not using the right terminology or if there just isn't a lot of info about calling a URL or something after publishing a package to Nexus.
I haven't tried it but it looks like you're hunting for this?
You'd have to create a middleware to consume the hook and trigger a build via the jenkins api.

Jenkins Integration with Jira issue

I have installed Jenkins Plugin for JIRA on my JIRA installation and also JIRA Plugin for Jenkins on to my Jenkins installation. I have added an application link in JIRA settings.
I am facing below issue:
1) On Application Links page there is a warning that my Jenkins Application "seems to be offline". While Adding a jenkins link it gives me error : The host doesn't respond. Change the url or click next to confirm.
Jira Version - 6.0.5
Jenkins Version - 1.562
Jenkins-Jira Plugin Version - 1.4.3
Thanks to anybody who's willing to help me out on this.
You can follow four steps:
Install JIRA Plugin in Jenkins
In Jenkins:
Manage Jenkins > manager plugins > available
search and choose Jenkins JIRA plugin , Jenkins JiraTestResultReporter plugin and Jenkins JIRA Issue Updater
Install Jenkins Plugin in JIRA.
see: Installation section.
Add Jenkins 's Application Links in JIRA
The integration between JIRA and Jenkins has Application Links as its base. This allows administrators to configure and manage the Jenkins
To get started, go to [JIRA_BASEURL]/plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks and click on the Add Application Link button to add a new Application Link for Jenkins.
or administration > plugin > Application Link > add Application Link; do as instruction
note: Optionally, but required if Jenkins is secured,
configure Outgoing Authentication that JIRA should use.
To do this, click on the Edit link next to the Jenkins Application Link, and select OutGoing Authentication tab
Provide the Username of the user to use to authenticate against Jenkins with
Provide the Password of the use
Jenkins Configuration
After the installation of the Jenkins Plugin for JIRA, and the configuration of at-least one Application Link, administrators will be able to control which Jobs are included in the synchronisation process and which aren't.
in Administration > plugins (add-ons) >Jenkins Configuration
Download JIRA plugin for Jenkins and install this plugin in Jenkins
way 1: copy it to Jenkins's plugin folder. and restart Jenkins
way2: Manage Jenkins > manager plugins > advanced > Upload Plugin . Choose file and upload then restart Jenkins
Enable Jenkins job in JIRA
then just use a known JIRA Issue Key in a commit message of your source code repo
Jenkins will make all the change sets (commits) available to the JIRA plugin when syncing a build.
The sync process uses the change sets to look for JIRA Issue Keys. Once this process locates a link, then that build will be available in the CI Build Panels.
download jenkins-jira-plugin at
