how to build a full df command in coreutils in openwrt? - openwrt

I need a full df command in openwrt, and I know it was in coreutils, now I run the make in openwrt to build the coreutils, it seems that it built everything except df, so how could I modify the Makefile to build the df? Many thanks!

Generally speaking, it goes like this
Check out the feeds repository to your local machine, see this place for URLs
modify which ever packages you want
edit the feeds.conf or the feeds.conf.default to source the feeds from the local copy
Use ./scripts/feeds update|install to update and then install such a package,
make menuconfig to select for building


how should I persistently save Julia packages in a Docker container

I'm running Julia on the raspberry pi 4. For what I'm doing, I need Julia 1.5 and thankfully there is a docker image of it here:
My challenge is that, because this is a work-in-progress development I find myself adding packages here and there as I work. What is the best way to persistently save the updated environment?
Here are my problems:
I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around volumes that will save packages from Julia's package manager and keep them around the next time I run the container
It seems kludgy to commit my docker container somehow every time I install a package.
Is there a consensus on the best way or maybe there's another way to do what I'm trying to do?
You can persist the state of downloaded & precompiled packages by mounting a dedicated volume into /home/your_user/.julia inside the container:
$ docker run --mount source=dot-julia,target=/home/your_user/.julia [OTHER_OPTIONS]
Depending on how (and by which user) julia is run inside the container, you might have to adjust the target path above to point to the first entry in Julia's DEPOT_PATH.
You can control this path by setting it yourself via the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH environment variable. Alternatively, you can check whether it is in a nonstandard location by running the following command in a Julia REPL in the container:
julia> println(first(DEPOT_PATH))
You can manage the package and their versions via a Julia Project.toml file.
This file can keep both the list of your dependencies.
Here is a sample Julia session:
julia> using Pkg
julia> pkg"generate MyProject"
Generating project MyProject:
julia> cd("MyProject")
julia> pkg"activate ."
Activating environment at `C:\Users\pszufe\myp\MyProject\Project.toml`
julia> pkg"add DataFrames"
Now the last step is to provide package version information to your Project.toml file. We start by checking the version number that "works good":
julia> pkg"st DataFrames"
Project MyProject v0.1.0
Status `C:\Users\pszufe\myp\MyProject\Project.toml`
[a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.21.7
Now you want to edit Project.toml file [compat] to fix that version number to always be v0.21.7:
name = "MyProject"
uuid = "5fe874ab-e862-465c-89f9-b6882972cba7"
authors = ["pszufe <pszufe#******.com>"]
version = "0.1.0"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
DataFrames = "= 0.21.7"
Note that in the last line the equality operator is twice to fix the exact version number see also
Now in order to reuse that structure (e.g. different docker, moving between systems etc.) all you do is
using Pkg
pkg"activate ."
Additional note
Also have a look at the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH variable (
When moving installations between dockers here and there it might be also sometimes convenient to have control where all your packages are actually installed. For an example you might want to copy JULIA_DEPOT_PATH folder between 2 dockers having the same Julia installations to avoid the time spent in installing packages or you could be building the Docker image having no internet connection etc.
In my Dockerfile I simply install the packages just like you would do with pip:
FROM jupyter/datascience-notebook
RUN julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add.(["CSV", "DataFrames", "DataFramesMeta", "Gadfly"])'
Here I start with a base datascience notebook which includes Julia, and then call Julia from the commandline instructing it to execute the code needed to install the packages. Only downside for now is that package precompilation is triggered each time I load the container in VS Code.
If I need new packages, I simply add them to the list.

Manage apt-get based dependency's on Docker

We have a large code based on c++ in my company and we are trying to move to a microservice infrastructure based on docker.
We have a couple of library in house that help us with things like helper functions and utility that we regularly use in our code. Our idea was to create a base image for developers with this library's already installed and make it available to use it as our "base" image. This will give us the benefit of all our software always using the latest version of our own library's.
My questions is related to the cache system of Docker in relation with CI and external dependencys. Lets say we have a Docker file like this:
FROM ubuntu:latest
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs \
# Copy our software
# Build it
# Install it
If our code changes we can trigger the CI and docker will understand that it can use the cached image that was created before up to the point were it copy's our software. What happens if one of our external dependency's offers a newer version? Will the cached be automatically be invalidated? How can we trigger a CI build in case any of our packages receives a new version?
In essence how do we make sure we are always using the latest packages available for our external dependency's?
Please keep in mind the above Dockerfile is just an example to illustrate we are trying to use other tricks in the playbook such us using a lighter base image (not Ubuntu) and multistage builds to avoid dev-packages in our production containers.
Docker's caching algorithm is fairly simple. It looks at the previous state of the image build, and the string of the command you are running. If you are performing a COPY or ADD, it also looks at a hash of those files being copied. If a previous build is found on the server with the same previous state and command being run, it will reuse the cache.
That means an external change, e.g. pulling packages from an external repository, will not be detected and the cache will be reused instead of rerunning that line. There are two solutions that I've seen to this:
Option 1: Change your command by adding versions to the dependencies. When one of those dependencies changes, you'll need to update your build. This is added work, but also guarantees that you only pull in the versions that you are ready for. That would look like (fixing boost-libs to a 1.5 version number):
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs=1.5 \
Option 2: change a build arg. These are injected as environment variables into the RUN commands and docker sees a change in the environment as a different command to run. That would look like:
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs \
And then you could build the above with the following to trigger the cache to be recreated daily on that line:
docker build --build-arg "UNIQUE_VAR=$(date +%Y%m%d)" ...
Note, there's also the option to build without the cache any time you wish with:
docker build --no-cache ...
This would cause the cache to be ignored for all steps (except the from line).

x11 dependency in a homebrew formula?

What is the correct way to specify x11 dependency in a homebrew formula?
The default superenv removes /opt/X11/lib from its arguments.
I am writing a formula for a package that I can build outside of homebrew with the usual configure, make install.
So I have this install function:
def install
ENV["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = "/usr/local/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig"
# ENV["PATH"] = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" <--- work around
system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
system "make install"
The link phase that gets echoed shows
/bin/sh ../../../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link clang++ .... -I /opt/X11/include ..... -L/opt/X11/lib ...
But the link fails with
ld: library not found for -lX11
If I add this to the top of the class definition, the build is successful
env :std
Alternatively, I can set PATH inside the build function and the build succeeds.
This makes sense since within the context of brew install, /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/super appears at the start of the PATH, and that directory has a clang++ which among other things strips /opt/X11 components out.
I assume there is a good reason for this behavior, and am curious what is the best way to specify that X11 library.
The easiest way to know how to do something in writing Hombrew formulas is to look at existing formulas. For your case you can look at MuPDF a lightweight PDF and XPS viewer depending on X11. In its formula you will find the solution:
depends_on :x11

building go package using docker

I am trying to dockerize the go package that I found here...
The docker image is much more convenient than installing go on all the servers. But the following dockerfile is not working.
FROM golang:1.6-onbuild
RUN go get
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/
RUN make
RUN ./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch -config=./etc/river.toml
How do I build a go package directly from github using a concise dockerfile?
I found the exact dockerfile that would do this. But the docker command mentioned on that page does not work. It does not start the go package nor does it start the container.
It depends on what you mean by "not working", but RUN ./bin/... means RUN from the current working directory (/go/src/app in golang/1.6/onbuild/Dockerfile).
And go build in Makefile would put the binary in
So you need to add to your Dockerfile:
I guess this should do what I am looking for.
And I hope one day I will learn to use that little search box.

Make no rule found 'kernel-toolchain' . Stop

I am trying got port FreeBSD on the ARMv8 foundation model.
I am following the wiki from [1]. But, I am not able to get past the step of building the tool chain.
a) According to step one, I could download all the binutils and it is in my home directory.
b) Next it is asking to change PATH of root Makefile. So I changed it as
**export PATH= $PATH:/aarch64-freebsd-sandbox/toolchain/build/aarch64-none-freebsd10/bin/**
c) Next, the step is to make kernel toolchain. But when I type
**make kernel-toolchain TARGET=arm64**
It gives an error saying
**make: *** No rule to make target `kernel-toolchain'. Stop.**
I did echo $PATH and found that the path is added correctly.
What might be the problem?
Thank you!
To do this, you have to start with a working FreeBSD system. Cross compiling from Linux won't work. If you are on FreeBSD 10, you can use the included svnlite, if you are on an earlier version, you need to install the /usr/ports/devel/subversion port.
First you need to build the binutils as described on the wiki.
Then you should download the branch that is mentioned on the wiki page. This branch should be installed at /usr/src (make a backup of the contents first in case you have to rebuil your current system!);
# mv /usr/src /usr/orig-src
# mkdir /usr/src
# svnlite co /usr/src
Then edit the Makefile in /usr/src to contain the path for the special binutils first. Otherwise the normal binaries for whatever architecture you're running will be found first, which will not work.
After then you can build the kernel toolchain;
# cd /usr/src
# make kernel-toolchain TARGET=arm64
# make _includes TARGET=arm64
Then you'll have to build the loader;
# make buildenv TARGET=arm64
This will open a new shell. From that shell you should run;
# make -C lib/libstand obj all
# make -C sys/boot -DWITHOUT_FORTH obj all
Don't exit that shell, because there is more. I assume that the kernel build procedure is more or less standard, it is not mentioned on the wiki;
# make buildkernel
This command needs to run in the shell that was opened by make buildenv.
Note: do not run make installkernel. That would presumably leave your x86 PC with an ARM kernel. :-)
The wiki doesn't mention building a userland, and it only shows the boot process, so I don't know if it even works.
You'll need a Linux box (or VM) to run the ARMv8 emulator. You will have to supply the kernel and boot loader that you built to this emulator, but I don't know how to do that. You definitly need to take that up on the freebsd-arm mailing list!
