is there any tool to auto tidy up F# code - f#

Visual Studio doesn't offer automatic formatting for F#, is there any other editor I can use to automate that?
I would like it would put reasonable white spaces in between arithmetic operators (a+b) goes to (a + b) or assignment operators =

I have been developing a source code formatter for F#. The source can be found on Github.
At the moment, a VS extension has been released in Visual Studio gallery. Integration to other IDEs and editors should be possible while the API and command line are already available.
The VS extension can handle the situations you described quite well via formatting selection feature.

Generic code indentation is supported in FSharpMode in Emacs:
Link to download site
But it wont help you to do automatic white-space separation of operators, only indentation.
Maybe write a simple formatter based on Tomas Petriceks code for syntax highlighting?
Link to FSharp.Formatting


I would like to write a syntax highlighting editor extension for VS 2019 in C++ (nothing else), are there any samples to get me started?

I would like to write a syntax highlighting editor extension for VS 2019 in C++ (nothing else), are there any samples to get me started?
I can only find one example extension for VS 2019 written in C++ and it consists of a subclass with no explanations of how to do anything AFAI can see.
I believe I need a language editor extension, but am not 100%
The language it needs to highlight is similar to assembler.
If this was VS6, I might have just used the custom keyword colouriser.
I would like to write a syntax highlighting editor extension for VS
2019 in C++ (nothing else), are there any samples to get me started?
In current VS IDE, Microsoft does not advocate writing extensions in c++.
As Microsoft recommends, current extensions are more likely to use c# rather than c++.
Although some VS SDK APIs are probably written in c++, but the interfaces are still called using c#.
However, there is only one c++ project template called vspakcage
But this project provides various background services for VS IDE . It will only be loaded when needed. So for you to add the syntax highlighting feature permanently, this project is afraid of lacking.
Besides, there is no official documentation to guide the writing of the c++ project.
You can try to write such extension in c#, and you can refer to this official document and this.
In addition, if you still want your feature, I suggest you could suggest a feature on our User Voice Forum.(click suggest a feature). Then you can share the link with us here and anyone who is interested in this feature will vote for you so that it will get Microsoft's attention.

Autocomplete punctuation using grammar

I'm working on a tool that is able to autocomplete the necessary literals defined in a grammar. For example: in C# if a programmer enters: for with a space after it, then it's entirely possible to parse the code, determine that the programmer has started a for statement and autocomplete the necessary punctuation: ( ; ; ).
The more I think about the problem, the more I think there must already be a solution for it, because it's such a common use case, but I can't find anything.
Is there a tool that can do this using a given grammar?
If you don't mind using ANTLR v3 instead of v4 you can use Xtext in order to generate an editor that features auto-complete and error-highlighting. This will happen in form of a plugin for eclipse and apparently also for IntelliJ IDEA.
If you want to use a different IDE or simply want to make use of ANTLR v4's powerfull features you could still have a look at the Xtext Sources as they have to do what you are searching for in order to provide the above mentioned features properly...
This package looks very promising at first glance... You might find the respective code in there.
Be aware though that Xtext is mainly written with Xtend so you either have to do so as well or you have to rewrite it a bit

A Simple automatic completion Editor

I have a genric BNF grammar and I would like to implement an editor, starting from that grammar and through an automatic completion feature, that can suggest phrases and signle strings belonging to a language derived from that grammar.
What can be the best approach to implement this editor?
Thank you for your attention.
I suggest KDE's "kate" editor:
mature and flexible editor
Qt based, so cross platform
excellent highlighting engine
working autocompletion engine
usable standalone or embedded
Using such an existing editor just leaves the task to implement a syntax description and load it into the editor. This approach is much less error prone as starting from scratch trying to implement editor number 29583659.

FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi?

Does anyone know of an equivalent to FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi? I would really like to get the automatic checking of style, etc. into Continuous Integration.
There's Pascal Analyzer from Peganza:
I don't know how the features compare to FxCop, since I haven't really used either one.
The closest I've seen is CodeHealer from SOCK software. We use it, and we have integrated it into our FinalBuilder build. It differs from FxCop in one important way: It analyzes the source code, rather than the produced executable. It also doesn't check quite as much as FxCop does. But I think it is the best thing which is available in this category for Delphi.
Delphi 2009 support isn't there just yet, but they say they're working on it.
Delphi Code Analyzer is another one that is open source.
The DGrok project started with something like FxCop some years ago. The parser and analysis parts are still available, read more at "DGrok 0.8.1: multithreading, default options, GPL" - The parser is a .Net project but
DGrok is a set of tools for parsing
Delphi source code and telling you
stuff about it. Read more about it on
the DGrok project page.
There is a new Delphi plugin for Sonar, which uses a Delphi grammar to run automatic tests over the source code.
I've heard of something called Delforex but haven't used it myself (yet)
Delforex is great for actually formatting the code. It does not do much more than that though. (we have/do use it).
I would second the votes for either Pascal Analyzer or Code Healer.
Doesn't Delphi output .net compatible IL code? I haven't used it in an age but I thought newer versions output .net assemblies.
If so then I would have thought FXcop would work and you could always add some of your own custom rules to it. Stylecop would not work but you could at least get FXCop running.

Are there any support tools like coderush or resharper for F#?

Are there any support tools like coderush or resharper for F#?
Preview version of FSharpRefactor released in Visual Studio Gallery.
F# Refactor open source project on CodePlex (Apache license).
Take a look at the open-source Visual F# Power Tools project. They've got a rename refactoring, some code generation stuff (eg. record stub generation), graying out of unused declarations, as well as some other things. They're moving pretty fast at the moment, with lots of new features getting added all the time.
There's an effort to support F# in ReSharper via an external plug-in (itself written in F#). You can find preliminary info here.
FSharpRefactor 0.1 (Preview version) Released on the Visual Studio Gallery.
Not yet, as far as I know. I was also looking for something similar to no success. I suspect as soon as F# hits VS2010 as its integral part, or even a bit earlier, such tools will eventually emerge.
As far as ReSharper is concerned, you may want to drop JetBrains a quick email, it would be interesting to know whether these guys have any plans regarding F#.
Since the push in f# is towards light mode the reformatting possible is likely to be both limited, and hard to implement.
Normally reformatting takes the structural information and uses that to create the textual position. In the case of #light the textual position (of indenting at least) is the structure. As such any reformatting would be at best to sort inter symbol spacing, hardly onerous to do yourself.
I would therefore not expect a commercial product for it at least until the 'proper' integration with the IDE (I do not consider the current CTP proper in this regard since several outstanding bugs with it exist which will not be fixed in 2008)
CodeRush is working in F# editor. At least some code assistance and code templates. But code templates are not defined yet (you have to create your own).
