iOS modify the layer of a UIElements that are created with IB - ios

In my app, I would like to create a custom UIElement, in my case a UITextView with rounded corners and border color and everything. however I can only do it if I create the UITextView from code and add it to a view with the addSubView method.
That's not too elegant, plus it fails during the unit tests as well.
Is there a way how I can create my UITextView with using Interface Bulder and still being able to modify its layer property?
Any help is very much appreciated.

If you create an IBOutlet by ctrl-dragging from the nib or storyboard to your .h file, you can access your graphical element as usual with something like myTextView.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0;.


Can you add a custom button to the Utilities Panel in Xcode?

Just wondering if it's possible to add a custom button to the Utilities Panel in Xcode that you can drag it into a storyboard scene and have certain aspects already set, color, font/size, gradient etc.?
You are describing a custom xib file containing a view and its subviews. You then load the xib and stick the view in your interface in code, wherever and whenever you need it. Okay, you won't be able to see the effects of that within the storyboard, but it solves the problem extremely neatly.
Another possibility, if this is just about a button and nothing else, would be a UIButton subclass where the button configures itself to have the features you want.
But there is no way to drag-and-drop a custom button from the Object library into the design canvas. What's in the Object library is what's in the Object library and you can't change that.

How to make a circle on the LaunchScreen?

I made a Cocoa Touch Class called BlackCircle, a UILabel subview which called the drawRect() method to make a black circular label. I dragged a UILabel onto the LaunchScreen.xib file, and when I assigned the Cocoa Touch Class File as the class of the UILabel, I got an error-
"Launch Screen may not use instances of BlackCircle".
It works fine on the main.storyboard file, but it doesn't work on the LaunchScreen.xib file. How can I fix this? Thanks!
LaunchScreen will not load your custom instances. Remember the app hasn't launched yet. Thus you cannot have custom instances.
You are only allowed to use basic UIKit classes like UIView, UIImageView, UILabel, etc.
Your best bet would be to make an image resource for the black circular label and import it to the LaunchScreen.xib
Yes there is a way!
You can add an image view and use SF image like "circle.fill" (just enter the name in the topmost text field) and use tint color to style it in your way.

iOS add view to Button in IB

I am trying to add a view on a UIButton inside IB. The only problem it doesn't allow me to put in inside the button only on top?
Is this not possible through IB or am I doing it wrong?
It's not possible in Interface Builder. You have to add it in code.
You should not do this:
Do Not Customize Controls by Embedding Subviews
Although it is technically possible to add subviews to the standard system controls—objects that inherit from UIControl—you should never customize them in this way. Controls that support customizations do so through explicit and well-documented interfaces in the control class itself. For example, the UIButton class contains methods for setting the title and background images for the button. Using the defined customization points means that your code will always work correctly. Circumventing these methods, by embedding a custom image view or label inside the button, might cause your application to behave incorrectly now or at some point in the future if the button’s implementation changes.
If you need to add a UIView on your UIButton you can achieve it in 2 different ways
The easy way is to follow Cyrille answer: you can do it programmatically because IB doesn't allow you to modify a UIBUtton adding a view on it
The hard way is to create your custom button (let me call it "MYCustomButton"), that extends a UIButton, and use it in your application. With this way when you need to modify the buttons in your interface, you can achieve it modifying the XIB of the "MYCustomButton".

How to connect custom UIView in interface builder using storyboards?

I want to use an F3BarGauge ( ) in my iOS app and I want to use a .storyboard for my UI design.
I managed to achieve this programmatically by writing code into the view controller's loadView: method, which creates the instance of the F3BarGauge and adds it to the view via [self.view addSubview:myBarGauge]; .
However, now I can't see the F3BarGauge at all in the preview in Interface Builder and therefor I also can't adjust the size or position of the F3BarGauge from there. I can only do this in the code. Moreover, I think it is confusing for my colleagues if I create parts of the UI elements automatically through the .storyboard and some in my own code.
I would like to find a solution for both of these disadvantages.
It is not important for me to see the actual custom UI element's content (in this case the F3BarGauge) in Interface Builder. If the frame of the F3BarGauge's area is displayed in Interface Builder and I can move and resize it, then I'm happy with the solution.
I do not have an example for this approach, because the example from the author of the F3BarGauge uses a .xib file and not a .storyboard.
I'm relatively new to iOS programming and Xcode / Interface Builder. Maybe there is a better way to achieve what I want than how I imagine my solution.
I don't think there is a way to see the F3BarGauge in IB, but you can add a UIView as a subview of your main view in IB, size and position it as you like, and then in code, add the F3BarGauge to the subview.
After Edit: Actually, after looking at the author's demo project, you can see it in IB. Just copy and paste his view from the demo project into a view controller (after deleting the default view first).

How do I make UITextview like Facebook comment view?

I want to make UITextview like in the Facebook comment view. How can I do it without using any external libraries?
Here is example image:
First, set the appearance of your UITextField to Alert to get the black keyboard.
Then, you only need two more views :
a black one for the background
a white one which will be the background of your text field, which you programmatically apply the following code to (don't forget to #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> first):
view.layer.cornerRadius = 10;
i have get sample code for this - here it is YIPopupTextView
What they do is use an image, that's it! They also probably expand the size of the UITextfield to make it fit the entire screen but yeah it's pretty easy. If you go into Interface Builder you can see a thing that says image. If you want to do this programmatically there is a value is textfield.background (A UIImage).
If you don't want to create an image you can create a custom UITextField subclass and use the -(void) drawInRect:(CGRect)rect function, and draw it with Quartz, and in interface builder set the UITextField class to your textfield.
