How do you add a new device to an ad hoc distribution profile? - ios

I've added some new devices to the development portal and want to be able to send them an ad-hoc distribution for installation via iTunes.
However I can't see anywhere on portal website where devices can be added to the ad-hoc profile.
I've tried refreshing the profiles via XCode, and that added the new devices to other profiles but it didn't add them to the ad-hoc profile.

There's an "Edit" button on the right side of your Ad-hoc profile listing, click that and use the checkboxes to select the devices you want on this profile.

Try this:
Log into the provisioning portal at
Go to distribution tab.
Find your ad-hoc provisioning profile
Hit edit.
Tick the new device in the list thats shown (or choose 'select all').
Profile will say pending.
wait a few seconds, reload.
Download and install new profile.


Manually create provisioning profile in Xcode

I have a simple goal I would like to achieve, manually create a provisioning profile in Xcode.
So, I was trying to use the Pythonista Template in Xcode, and I wanted to flash it to one of my devices so that I could test it on a real device and not just the iOS simulator.
So I enter in what I want the app ID to be, and it says, No profiles for 'com.cartercoding.getnpostserver' were found. So I need to manually create a provisioning profile for it, which I have looked up, but the answers I have found are not relevant.
I am using Xcode 11, stable release.
I don't really know what a provisioning profile does...
A provisioning profile grants permission for one or more iOS devices to run an app signed with a specific certificate. Normally, an iOS device will only run apps that are signed by Apple; a provisioning profile tells the device that it may also run apps signed with a key corresponding to the certificate specified in the profile.
I am trying to put an app that I downloaded from the internet on my phone, so I can't do it the usual way.
The whole iOS code signing infrastructure is designed to prevent you from doing that. Short of jailbreaking your device (which is a whole other conversation) you can't just install an app that you've downloaded onto your phone.
I have a simple goal I would like to achieve, manually create a provisioning profile in Xcode.
You can't create a provisioning profile "manually," if by that you mean to construct one on your own; you have to get one from Apple (whether that's automatically through Xcode or via the developer portal).
For users who need to manually create a provisioning profile (in some companies every app has to have its own provisioning profile)
Sign in to your Apple Developer account and navigate to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Identifiers > Provisioning Profiles.
Add a new provisioning profile.
Activate App Store.
Click Continue.
From the dropdown menu, select the app ID you just created.
Click Continue.
Select the certificate you just created.
Click Continue.
Fill in a name of your choice. The name is not visible to end users.
Click Generate.
Download the provisioning profile.
Click Done.
The provisioning profiles overview with your new provisioning profile is displayed.
If you need a Provisioning Profile of Type Ad Hoc
Is everything the same except point 3
These instructions were copied from this page

Ad hoc distribution add new device

I am trying to publish my app using ad hoc. And i was thinking about the 100 devices limitation.
Let's say I published my app for 20 users for example. And after some time a new user asks for my app.
What is the correct way to add him ?
-- If it's creating a new profile :
If I create a new ad hoc profile, what is gonna happen to the users using the old profile, will the app using the old profile stops working for them or what exactly?
what about the limitation if the app will keep working, does that mean that we can create infinite ad hoc profiles and keep adding devices?
It won't affect the users with old profile.
Just add your new device and then go to your ad hoc profile and select all devices or the newly added device and then click generate and download and install the profile by double clicking it and do the routine [i.e., build & archive] again.
1. Add the new UDID in Devices.
2. Select the Team Provisioning profile in Provisioning Profiles[i.e., Adhoc profile in your case].
3. Click the Edit button.
4. And under devices for that provisioning profile, click Select All, or just the devices you want included.
5. Click Generate.
Sometimes it takes a while before the certificate is updated and fetched from XCode.

How to add a device to provisioning profile automatically?

I want to allow my users to install my iOS app with ad-hoc distribution. I want to get their UDIDs and add them to the provisioning profile automatically. I know how to do it manually in the developer portal but what I need is an api to do this process automatically not manually.
Does apple provide any api or other means to add devices to provisioning profile automatically?
(Note that I do not have any device available. I just have their UDIDs)
Xcode will automatically add your devices into your provisioning profile. You will see a warning about that on xcode. You can click "Register" button on it.
Try the below steps
Login to your iphone provisioning portal through
Add the UDID in devices
Go back to XCode, open up the Organizer and select "Provisioning Profiles", ensure that "Automatic Device Provisioning" is checked on the top right pane, then click on the "Refresh" button, and magically all your devices set in the provisioning portal will be automatically added.

Xcode 6 error when building app for release

I am having issues trying to achieve or even build a release build of an app I am working on. Whenever I try to build the app for release I get an error saying:
No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found.
I have the cert for this profile on my computer but in the Developer Portal I only have a certificate for development. Is this causing this error to occur? Do I need to have a Distribution cert to be able to build for release? Any help would be appreciated.
Note: I am a developer(team member) for a company so I do not have direct access to the Apple Developer Portal.
I know provisioning profiles are a pain :) This is what I do to stay organize and develop/distribute my projects:
The developer portal (not xcode) contains the most accurate source of profiles. For example, imagine you created a merchant certificate, turned on apple pay, and then generated a provisioning profile. Then let's say you decide you no longer want to use apple pay - the act of turning it off actually invalidates the provisioning profile. You will see a yellow "invalid" warning in the developer portal, but the provisioning profile may still be available in xcode! Really annoying. So I would always make sure that your provisioning profile is valid in the developer profile before distributing an app.
In the developer portal, always make sure you have two distribution profiles -- one ad hoc to use with testflight, and one to distribute to the apple store. You should also have one developer profile to build and debug your code.
Once you have your profiles set up, go into xcode and refresh the provisioning profiles as described here: I.e. go to preferences, accounts, view details..., and click the refresh button on the bottom left hand corner.
Now that xcode's provisioning profiles are updated, you need to now code sign with the right profiles. To do so, go into your project settings, and go into build settings for both the project and the target. Under debug, select your iOS development certificate. Under release, select your iOS distribution certificate. Under provisioning profile, you will want to select your development profile just to build on your device and debug, your ad hoc distribution profile if you want to archive the project and send it via testflight, or your apple store distribution profile if you want to archive the project and submit it to the apple store.
A few things to note, is that when you are creating the provisioning profiles, you need to specify the certificate you are dealing with. So if you are creating one of the two distribution profiles, you will need to select your iOS distribution certificate. And when you select ad hoc distribution, will need to select the devices that you want to be able to distribute too. Testflight will help you register the devices that you want to distribute to, and once registered, you will be able to select those devices to add them to the provisioning profile. If the certificate you select in xcode was not used to generate the provisioning profile you selected in xcode, then you will probably get the error you mentioned. Think of the provisioning profile as the link from you as a developer (i.e. your certificate) and/or your devices to your app id (i.e. your project).

Provisioning profile not showing in drop down when distributing for Enterprise

We created a new provisioning profile for distribution using the same team certificate as the former profile that worked, to extend the date. When I try to distribute for enterprise from archive, I'm only seeing the earlier dated profile. I'm not clear how to get the new profile to appear.
Download the new profile to your computer and then drag and drop it onto the xcode app icon (in the system app tray). Then try to distribute it again through Organizer and you should see it.
