Provisioning profile not showing in drop down when distributing for Enterprise - ios

We created a new provisioning profile for distribution using the same team certificate as the former profile that worked, to extend the date. When I try to distribute for enterprise from archive, I'm only seeing the earlier dated profile. I'm not clear how to get the new profile to appear.

Download the new profile to your computer and then drag and drop it onto the xcode app icon (in the system app tray). Then try to distribute it again through Organizer and you should see it.


Manually create provisioning profile in Xcode

I have a simple goal I would like to achieve, manually create a provisioning profile in Xcode.
So, I was trying to use the Pythonista Template in Xcode, and I wanted to flash it to one of my devices so that I could test it on a real device and not just the iOS simulator.
So I enter in what I want the app ID to be, and it says, No profiles for 'com.cartercoding.getnpostserver' were found. So I need to manually create a provisioning profile for it, which I have looked up, but the answers I have found are not relevant.
I am using Xcode 11, stable release.
I don't really know what a provisioning profile does...
A provisioning profile grants permission for one or more iOS devices to run an app signed with a specific certificate. Normally, an iOS device will only run apps that are signed by Apple; a provisioning profile tells the device that it may also run apps signed with a key corresponding to the certificate specified in the profile.
I am trying to put an app that I downloaded from the internet on my phone, so I can't do it the usual way.
The whole iOS code signing infrastructure is designed to prevent you from doing that. Short of jailbreaking your device (which is a whole other conversation) you can't just install an app that you've downloaded onto your phone.
I have a simple goal I would like to achieve, manually create a provisioning profile in Xcode.
You can't create a provisioning profile "manually," if by that you mean to construct one on your own; you have to get one from Apple (whether that's automatically through Xcode or via the developer portal).
For users who need to manually create a provisioning profile (in some companies every app has to have its own provisioning profile)
Sign in to your Apple Developer account and navigate to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Identifiers > Provisioning Profiles.
Add a new provisioning profile.
Activate App Store.
Click Continue.
From the dropdown menu, select the app ID you just created.
Click Continue.
Select the certificate you just created.
Click Continue.
Fill in a name of your choice. The name is not visible to end users.
Click Generate.
Download the provisioning profile.
Click Done.
The provisioning profiles overview with your new provisioning profile is displayed.
If you need a Provisioning Profile of Type Ad Hoc
Is everything the same except point 3
These instructions were copied from this page

Xcode 6 - Can't pick signing certificate/provisioning profile for Ad-Hoc distribution. Always taken default

To distribute the app we are using Xcode 6.0.1, where we encountered some issues by using the following process:
Added App-Id and distribution provision profile under developer program.
Chose provision profile under build settings and Archive application.
Chose Export option to do Ad-HocDistribute.
But with Xcode 6.0.1, this workflow was changed a bit. I couls still select the Ad-Hoc distribution option, but I cannot select the provisioning profile which I have created under developer program against my App-ID. There were no listing of provisional profile as we use to do in Xcode 5 version.
The Xcode 6.0.1 has tried to match the provisional profile from the dev-program and it returns message as no matching certificate and it automatically created identity as XC Ad Hoc * profile. Once I chose the Export option the XC Ad Hoc* profile has been created automatically under the distribution provision profile option in dev-program.
Under the provision profile all devices has been selected which I have added and listing total devices under my testflight application. Please assist me how to choose my provision profile which I have already created specifically for my application. Its really consume my whole day.
Xcode wanted to automatically sign with the default "XC com.*" wildcard provisioning profile instead of the explicit profile that already had.
To fix this, I just re-generated the profile on the Apple Developer Portal:
1) Go to and find the distribution provisioning profile you want to use.
2) Select it, click "Edit", re-name the profile, and click "Generate".
3) Download the provisioning profile to the Desktop and drag it onto the Xcode 6 icon.
4) Re-start Xcode 6.
5) Open the organizer window and click "Submit" on the archive you built. Xcode will automatically pick your explicit profile instead of the generic one.
In Xcode 7 try to select "Use local signing assets" when selecting team. In my case it automatically selected custom Ad-Hoc profile, instead of XC Ad-Hoc*
It's quite tricky but in your app build settings, you don't have the good provisioning and/or the good code signing identity for the archive mode (RELEASE) and maybe be the bad team too. You have to re set all this things and re archive. You know it's good when Xcode show the good certificate.
Hope you will export your application.
Organizer -> Export worked for me as Organizer -> Upload to App Store and Validate were picking Xcode generated provisioning every-time.
Similar topic discussed here.

Cannot add distribution provisioning profile to Xcode 5

I'm trying to distribute my Phonegap app on the iTunes. I have done this before successfully before but I have since changed to a new Mac. I'm using Xcode 5.0.2.
I have created development and distribution certificates. I then created an App ID, entering the Bundle ID under "Explicit App ID".
I then created a development provisioning profile for the app, choosing the correct App I.D., the iOS Development certificate, my device, giving the profile a name and clicking "generate". I download it and double click to add to xcode. The xcode organiser opens and I see it added under my device provisioning profiles. I can then successfully run the app on my physical device.
Now I want to distribute it. I created a new provisioning profle, selecting "App Store" under Distribution, selecting the correct App I.D., the iOS Distribution certificate, and clicking "generate". When I double click the downloaded file, the organiser in xcode opens, but the distribution provisioning profile doesn't under the device provisioning profiles. When I click the + button to add the profile, I cannot select the Distribution provisioning profile, but I can select the Development provisioning profile:
I have no idea why this is. I tried closing down and opening xcode, to no avail. I tried waiting a few hours. Again, it didnt work.
I then try to distribute my app by creating an archive. First I go to build settings > code signing and choose iPhone Distribution:
I then select my physical device and choose Product > Archive. I get the error:
No matching provisioning profiles found
None of the valid provisioning profiles include the device Belgian Iphone (identifier: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Xcode can resolve this issue by downloading a new provisioning profile from the Member Center.
I click "Fix Issue" and end up with the error:
There was an error generating the team provisioning profile for AppID 'FT49U8Q9JE'.
The AppID given here is different to the prefix in App ID's in the developer portal. I don't know if it should be the same. Any suggestion? I have spent 3 days on this problem and as stated above, I had no issues on my previous mac (which I no longer have)!
Something that got me recently was having to actually set the provisioning profile in the build settings

How do you add a new device to an ad hoc distribution profile?

I've added some new devices to the development portal and want to be able to send them an ad-hoc distribution for installation via iTunes.
However I can't see anywhere on portal website where devices can be added to the ad-hoc profile.
I've tried refreshing the profiles via XCode, and that added the new devices to other profiles but it didn't add them to the ad-hoc profile.
There's an "Edit" button on the right side of your Ad-hoc profile listing, click that and use the checkboxes to select the devices you want on this profile.
Try this:
Log into the provisioning portal at
Go to distribution tab.
Find your ad-hoc provisioning profile
Hit edit.
Tick the new device in the list thats shown (or choose 'select all').
Profile will say pending.
wait a few seconds, reload.
Download and install new profile.

Cannot create new provisioning profile from xcode

I was trying to create a new provisioning profile for beta test distribution on an app I'm working on, and I'm running into some difficulties. I believe I have valid certificates available, since I can get apps up and running when they're attached to the development machine. I also have my private key connected to the developer certificate.
The problem is that I cannot create a new provisioning profile from within Xcode. In the organizer, after hitting create profile, no certificates are displayed in the menu. Even if I fill in all the details that I can, I am not allowed to create the profile since there is no certificate to attach to it.
In the Developer Profile tab, I do have both developer and distribution identities. I can also create the provisioning profile from the provisioning portal, which is then picked up by Xcode and automatically downloaded. It would just be nice to be able to complete this task from within Xcode.
Check your keychain for invalid certificates and remove them. Re-download/re-install Apple's WWDR intermediate certificate (available on the provisioning page).
Turns out, installing Xcode 4.3 corrected it. I have no idea what was the cause, but the upgrade fixed the issues so I'm not particularly concerned now.
