Setting a "tag" with Flurry Analytics for iOS - ios

I am working on an iOS app, and using Flurry Analytics to track analytics. In the app, the user has the option of selecting a group to belong to. Is there a way to mark analytics with a tag, so that I can separate the analytics for each group in Flurry?

You can use the Segments feature in Flurry to track user groups based on age, gender, location, custom events, date range, etc. In your particular case, you can log an event when a user makes a selection, and assign that event to a unique Segment. The analytics of each Segment can be tracked independently on the developer dashboard. Please write to if you need any further assistance on this. (Disclaimer: I work at Flurry)


Rename Firebase Analytics Log Event

I currently have a production app using Firebase Analytics events, some of the event names no longer make sense and I would like to rename them.
Is it possible to rename a Firebase Analytics log event?
For instance, rename My_Event to My_New_Event
Analytics.logEvent("My_Event", parameters: nil)
There is no way to change historical analytics data. So while you can start logging a new name for the same event at any point, you will then have to look for both events in the Google Analytics and Firebase dashboards.
If you're using the BigQuery integration, you can implement the old name as an alias in your queries. But no such functionality exists in the Google Analytics or Firebase dashboards that I'm aware of.
In response to your question: "Is it possible to rename a Firebase Analytics log event?" The answer is yes if you have edit permissions for your Google Analytics 4 property.
In Firebase Analytics click Events, the Modify Event button, and then the Create button. Follow the guidance from here or the video to rename the event, for example:

View analytics for a specific device

I'm doing a project in Unity that includes Firebase Analytics.
The project is an iOS App that is distributed to a small number of iPads across the country.
The client wants to be able to look at the analytics for each specific device in each area.
Is there a way I can set an identifying name to each device that then reports to the analytics?
I've had a look into 'Set a user ID' but that requires the use of 'BigQuery' which I would have to pay for and would want to avoid incurring extra costs for the client
I basically just want to set a device name (e.g. Device001) which will then group all the relevant data under this variant.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
You can log custom events using method - Analytics.logEvent("Event NAME", parameters: ["Device_ID":"uniqueDeviceIDHere","DeviceName":"Device001"]).
Now in analytics DeviceName and Device_ID will be available as filters.

Can I track session duration of a specific user-id via Google Analytics?

I have an iOS app with Google Analytics to track engagement/retention, and I have been trying to set up a way to track the session durations of specific users. I followed all of the steps to send the User-ID value when a user logs into a session (using &uid), and I have also created a User-ID enabled reporting view. However, I have no idea how to sift through the bulk session data to pick out the behavior of an individual user. Thanks for your time and help, this is really important to my company.
User ID - iOS SDK
The User ID feature enables the measurement of user activities that
span across devices in Google Analytics, such as attributing an
interaction with a marketing campaign on one mobile device to a
conversion that occurs on another mobile device or in the browser.
When User IDs are sent with Google Analytics hits using the userId
field, your reports will reflect a more accurate count of unique users
and offer new cross-device reporting options.
Userid is used internally by Google analytics to give you more actuate user data in your reports, there for your reports already have it included.
If you are trying to find the value itself so that you can track a user though their use of your application you cant. Google Analytics doesn't allow you to track individual users that would violate their privacy. You could add this value as a custom dimension and track them that way as long as its a non identifiable userid you are using, something that cant be tracked back to a specific user.

Google Analytics for iOS 1-time (per user) event tracking

I am using Google Analytics iOS SDK (version 2 but will upgrade if it solves problem). How can I track what percentage of my app users have pressed a certain button at least once? I set up a lot of event tracking, thinking this would do it, but the reports are in terms of sessions not users. E.g., it will show what percentage of sessions included an event, so a single user may be counted multiple times. I defined a custom dimension variable that is unique for each app install, but I don't see how to use that as aggregation unit.
All I can think of is to define my own "one time events" by keeping my own database on the device and only pass to Google Analytics the first time it occurs. Is there no better way?
Google Analytics now offers User segment. You could create a user segment, and use the particular event you're interested in as a condition.
In the context of app measurement, a User is defined as a unique Client ID, which is the random ID generated by the GA SDK when the application first runs. It remains stable for as long as an app is installed.
More details here:

On which mobile analytics SDK can I define different types of users?

I'm building an iOS app and would like to use a analytics tool (Flurry, localytics or others).
My app will have 2 types of users, where some users can be of the 1st type, some can be of the 2nd type and some will be both kinds.
On which analytics tool can I get adequate reports that take these 2 types into account?
Is there some kind of "tag" that I can use to identify the types of users, and then see those in the reports? For example, a report that shows users only from a certain type.
On Flurry, you can use the setUserID to log the user's assigned ID or username in your system after identifying the user. Please be sure not to use this method to pass any private or confidential information about the user.
(Full disclosure: I work in the Support team at Flurry)
The Quantcast app measurement SDK allows you do exactly what you are asking. It is the "labels" feature of their SDK. It allows you to create audience segments against which you create reports for those users with a given label. This is different than setting a user ID (which the Quantcast SDK allows, but not requires, you to do too) in that a label is simply a tag that many users can share. Multiple labels can be assigned to a given user, and a user's labels can change over time.
(Full disclosure: I work at Quantcast. Also, as of July 2013, the reporting available against labels is rapidly evolving and improving).
