how to update app before continuing [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm writing an noobie app that deals with advertising and time limited offers, how can I check to see if I've added a newer version to the app store and stop it working until they update? If you have any examples to help a noob that will be great.

I can't tell you this with 100% certainty but I believe it is very unlikely that Apple will approve this. You should take a look at the review guidelines before developing to make sure what you're doing is allowed, but I really wouldn't expect Apple to approve an app that only worked if you have the newest version. Possible rejection reasons listed below.
From The App Store Review Guidelines:
2.9: Apps that are "beta", "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected
2.13: Apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements will be rejected
2.22: Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the app, such as by location or carrier, may be rejected
11.9: Apps containing "rental" content or services that expire after a limited time will be rejected

You can't query the app story (easily), but you can query your own website. Just create a static text file that contains the latest version active in the app store, then always check that file from your app when it starts up.


iOS apps in the kids category and apps intended for kids cannot include third-party advertising will Apple allow after 3rd sept? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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As per new AppStore review Guidelines 1.3 and 5.1.4 for iOS Apps Apple updated guideline "apps in the kids category and apps intended for kids cannot include third-party advertising or analytics software and may not transmit data to third parties(".
My App is in the kids category and we are using superawesomeads ("").
So my question is: So, should i remove superawesomeads as per Apple's new guideline?
As per Apple Review Guidelines for the new Applications it will be immediately in effect.
So here are the rules :
If you are uploading brand new application you must not use third party ads or analytics on it. Other wise Apple will reject your Application.
If you are updating your existing application, than Apple has allowed the time till 3rd September 2019 to remove the third party ads & analytics. After that if you send for update, It can get rejected.
Hope this will help everyone.

iOS app with only launch feature will it clear store review? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am tying to launch an iOS app for my website. Planned to start development few months later but like to have my app on store immediately with a small functionality of launching my app would open the mWeb directly with my site url.
So will this app be accepted in app store review?
I strongly suggest Apple would reject it.
To quote the app store review guidelines:
Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as
Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be

Crash found after submitting the App to iTunes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Today I have submitted my app to iTunes Connect.
I had tested my app thousand times and also distributed my app for testing among my clients.
After approval from all side I finally submitted it to iTunes.
But just after submitting I found a Crash at some point in the app.
I am very afraid about it. Will my app get rejected ? Now what should I do?
Apple Aprroves my App. Now it is Live :)
Well, Apple app approval process is always a little gamble: you never know for sure what will happen.
If you know your app will crash under some conditions then of course changes are higher that your app might get reject by Apple.
So right now you have two options:
Wait about 7 days (so long does it take apple to review your app) and see what happens.
Cancel the submit (developer reject), fix the crash and resubmit.

Publish Phonegap Build App at Apple's App Store - Experiences? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we want to build our HTML5 App through Phonegap Build for the App Store.
Has anyone else published a Phonegap App to the App Store? Or is there any difference in publishing to the App Store to a normal "native" App?
Of course any information about that would be very helpful!
Thanks for your help!
The review process is same as for other iOS apps. The Apple guidelines are available here. Apps are evaluate based on a range of criteria, including user interface design, functionality, content, and the use of specific technologies.
PhoneGap obviously gives you access to all the device features, so you have all you need to build an app that complies with the guidelines. Here is some authentic tips (one from Phonegap) that you must take care-
one here &
I published a Phonegap App to the AppStore and there are absolutely no differences!

How much native functionality is required for Apple app store approval? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We've made an application that embeds some web content, which has been approved before. Recently Apple has begun rejecting these app's stating that they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native functionality, even though they have native functionality such as push notifications and reachability checks.
We now considered splitting the web views up and make a native UITabBar.
The question now is—does any of you have any experience whether or not this sort of app would be approved?
I think it will also depend on the reviewer. I once got an application accepted, and the update wasn't accepted because I did not gave an access account (although when I first submitted, the reviewer, did created one to test). Try adding the UITabBar so you can have a more native look, but perhaps, they do have a check a list, at least as a guide line to see if an application does have a native look.
they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native
By this apple means that if you can easily show your data using a mobile website then don't create a native app for this.
Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
see here -
