Config rails server on vps hosting - ruby-on-rails

I must configure my RoR vps hosting for my rails app, but on my localmachine i simple use webrick...
Are any ways to do this on server, so that it will be faster, and also, if it reboot's or memory down, or something that call's shutdown of server, then it automatically starts?
Also how about rails enterprise?
Now i have clean ubuntu server, and rvm on it

Follow this tutorial, it's great for beginner and will answer all your questions:

Which webserver to use depends on many things. Among others, there's Thin, Unicorn, Rainbows, Puma, and counting.
I suggest you look on google (or even here, I'm pretty this was answered before) for comparisons between ruby webservers, so that you can know what situation each of them are adapted to, and which one will fit your needs best.

For production deployment you need to install nginx or apache,
nginx is lightweight ,consider installing nginx,
Now there are various ways simple and easy to install is passenger with nginx
Or simply you can use nginx+unicorn or nginx+thin you can find various article just google it.


How to configure and deploy Ruby on Rails Application on server using apache, heroku or Phusion Passenger dont know about such terms

I am new to Ruby on Rails. I have been working as junior developer and most of time working on localhost so don't know how to launch Ruby on rails application, How to Configure Ruby on rails application and how to deploy it.
often I came accross following terms but don't know It's meaning and how to use them and where to use them.
Phusion Passenger
Please Help me and also looking forward to any good tutorial to learn all that terms.
I think there is quite a lot of resources on the web for this, but :
Heroku is a platform as a service. Basically, you push your rails app to a git remote, and that's it, deployed. You can manage addons, workers, and processes from CLI, and scale up/down if you need. Probably the most painless way to start with.
Apache & nginx are two werbservers, I'd say they are the most common in the rails world. Nginx is the latest of the two and it seems to be better for most of the tasks, but if you want to know which to choose, there is several posts on the internet for that too.
Phusion passenger is the bridge (or one of the available bridges) between your rails app and your webserver. If you've done php before, think of it as mod_php.
Since this is all new to you I'd advise that you start with hosting on Heroku. You can do a lot with the free version and it's arguably the easiest way to get started with hosting your rails website. Check out the getting started guide from Heroku. There's also another beginners guide here.
Once you feel comfortable with Heroku your next step could be looking into hosting on your own virtual private server (VPS). The setup is much more manual but things that would cost extra money on Heroku are now free if you set it up yourself on your VPS. Here is a great article on VPS hosting.
For reference, I was hosting websites on Heroku for about a year before I started looking into hosting on my own VPS. Now what I do is start by hosting my projects on Heroku since it's the fastest way to get up and running. Then if the website is successful I transition to a VPS.

Ruby on rails with unicorn

What is the best deployment environment for a RoR app? Someone has suggested Unicorn but am not sure. Any suggestions?
well, i have a small app with just 3-4 pages and will be accessed by not more than 25-50 concurrent users. "best" here means, ease of deployment of the app and ease of maintenance of the environment itself. Obviously stability of the solution matters as well
You should try passenger standalone, it uses nginx under the hoods and is lightning fast with little configuration. Especially when you use many apps on one server, with different gemsets and ruby versions.
Even using nginx under the hoods, you can still choose apache or nginx to maintain your webservers domains using sockets.
read this article:
In terms of ease of deployment and maintenance.
Then its hard to beat Phusion Passenger.
It appears as an apache or nginx mod.
I always go for the apache mod
as I prefer to have apache installed from apt,
and I find it easier to do version upgrade.
It can be installed as simply as;
gem install passenger
And from then on the install process will tell you exactly what to do.

Are there any easy-to-configure webserver with ruby for Windows?

Are there any easy-to-configure webserver with ruby for Windows ?
I am hoping to find a webserver that can easily be configured to work with Ruby on Rails or Sinatra.
Anyone know of any ?
I use Sinatra+Thin on Windows, sometimes behind either Apache or Nginx as a reverse proxy (to speed up serving static files and to create a pool of 2-4 server instances). The speed is not as good as it is on Ubuntu with similar (or lesser) hardware, but at work I have to use certain servers allocated to me.
To use Thin with Sinatra, simply install Thin, and Sinatra will use it. If you need further help configuring Apache or Nginx, post more questions (after searching the web, of course).
If you want easy, stay with WEBrick.
If you want a production server, go with Apache + Passenger. But that won't be as simple as just using WEBrick.
Probably it is not answer you want but: Installation is easy - follow instructions to install rails.
Second step is enable/configure port/application in firewall. Because ruby server works on port 3000 but http is common on port 80.
BUT this RoR environment is for development, so don't expect high performance.

Deploy Rails app to EC2

My setup: Rails 2.3.10, Ruby 1.8.7 on Windows
The last time I deployed a Rails app from Windows to Linux on Slicehost, I used Capistrano, Nginx, Mongrel, and SVN. That was 3 years ago, fast forward to now, I'm still on Windows for development and is now looking to deploy to EC2. A quick search turns up tools like Rubber and Chef which aren't easy to grasp with a quick read. It seems like Rubber and Chef are designed for multi-EC2 instances deployment which will be useful when I need to scale.
I'm also new to Passenger but it seems to be the default way to deploy Rails app nowadays, one thing that isn't so clear to me is whether Passenger is a replacement for Mongrel? In my old setup, I configured Nginx to forward the Rails requests to a cluster of Mongrel processes but I don't see anything like that for Passenger.
Any insights are much appreciated.
We use something like what you're describing for our production server: EC2 + Apache + Passenger. We haven't had any need to use the fancy deployment tools you describe - plain old Capistrano (plus capistrano-ext so we can use it for multiple environments) does the job just fine. I've looked at Rubber (not Chef), but deemed it needlessly automagical and too poorly documented, and I'm really not sure what it offers that can't be done just as well with roles in Capistrano.
Passenger has been great. It's an "overseer" that manages a collection of Mongrel-like workers (I had thought that the workers were Mongrels, but upon further reading, I don't think they are. The Passenger comparisons page even compares its RPS to a Mongrel cluster, so...), starting them up as needed, culling them under low loads, restarting them if they crash, etc. It's actually very similar to the Server + Mongrel Cluster you described, but probably a bit better, as Passenger has an understanding of the underlying workers that Nginx / Apache don't. And you'll have to make a few minor tweaks to get Capistrano playing nicely with Passenger.
And if possible, pair Passenger with Ruby Enterprise Edition (from the same guys who made Passenger). It's a much faster version of Ruby, mostly due to a rewritten, configurable garbage collector. You'll have to tune your GC settings to get the most out of it.
Hope this helps!
Both might help:
Hosting rails on ec2
Rubystack allows you to have the same Rails environment for development on Windows and for deployment on Linux. We also have EC2 images (scroll to the bottom) and it is completely free, so you may want to give it a try.
Also, this may not work for you, but depending on your requirements, you may want to go for a PaaS solution like Heroku

Rails application on shared hosting?

Is there a way that I can deploy my locally made rails app on a shared host that has Ruby installed?
Capistrano to deploy and (Mongrel or Passenger... preferably the latter... or if you HAVE to, FastCGI although FastCGI is pretty slow with Rails) to serve.
If you have a shared host you'll have to vendor your Rails version and all your gems, as you probably won't have access to install gems. Even if you did, you won't want Rails picking old versions of things.
Personally, I would use Capistrano. There are plenty of books and tutorials around that will tell you how to use it to deploy Rails applications. It is very easy to configure.
Dreamhost supports Rails, many others probably do also.
As for installation of your app: it depends a bit on what's already available on your shared host, and what you're allow to do / install / configure there. For Dreamhost, here's their documentation. Other shared hosting solutions may or may not be similar depending on their policy.
The best way I've found is to install the passenger gem. Once you've uploaded your app to your account all you need to do is add a few lines to your .htaccess file and you should be off.
Definitely capistrano + git (git, if you have SSH access, like f.e. in HostingRails shared host), nothing can be easier.
Neat Capistrano guide:
How to config Capistrano + git:
Some nice Capistrano recipes:
Assuming your http server is nginx or apache, install Phusion Passenger
On the Passenger site, there are very good docs for configuring Apache/nginx with Rails
As a first step, just copy your Rails app somewhere to the host and get Passenger working
Once you have that working, you will need a better way to deploy/update the app; as others have suggested, Capistrano is a popular way to do it and you should have no problem finding some tutorials online to help you do it
I have done steps 1-3 and it is incredibly easy and works perfectly fine (I was just too lazy to do step 4).
Found a good reference : REFERENCE LINK this will help to deploy ROR App on a shared host.
