CDN & Heroku: Background images doesn't show up - ruby-on-rails

In my Heroku rails app. I follow this instruction and implemented CDN.
It is almost working correctly, but the background image I wrote in css.scss.erb file doesn't show up.
My files and the problem are below.
.ap-sidebar .ap-nav li a span {
background: transparent url(asset-path('nav_arrows.png', image)) no-repeat 0 50%;
config.action_controller.asset_host = "//#{ENV['FOG_DIRECTORY']}"
The output url should be:
but the indeed output is like below:
I changed asset-path to asset-url, but it didn't work.
How can I fix this?

Two things you should check:
The environment variable ENV['FOG_DIRECTORY'] may be nil. You can check the env variables with the command:
heroku config --app
More details:
The mode of your app running on Heroku. By default, your app will run in production mode, while you're configuring for staging mode. You can change the mode by following this article:

I found a way to solve this.
just change this:
.ap-sidebar .ap-nav li a span {
background: transparent url(asset-path('nav_arrows.png', image)) no-repeat 0 50%;
to this:
.ap-sidebar .ap-nav li a span {
background: transparent url('nav_arrows.png') no-repeat 0 50%;
css.scss.erb is not working, so I also omit erb from the file.


Rails 6/webpacker... how get background images to work BOTH in development and on Heroku?

In a Rails 6 app, I have an image file in app/assets/images/bgs/abc.jpg
To attach that image to body background, how can I have a style declaration in a style tag in application.html.haml that works the same for both local development and when pushed to heroku?
Works in development, but not Heroku, due I suppose to asset handling differences:
body::after {
content: "";
background: url("/assets/bgs/abc.jpg"); ### WORKS DEVT ONLY ###
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
opacity: 0.12;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
position: absolute;
background-attachment: fixed;
z-index: -1;
I understand I should be using asset_path but none of these work in development:
background: asset_path("/bgs/abc.jpg");
background: asset_path("bgs/abc.jpg");
background: asset_url("/bgs/abc.jpg");
background: asset_url("bgs/abc.jpg");
There is a spectacular amount of inconsistent information out there, some cases saying use asset-url or asset-path, some cases saying asset_url or asset_path, and even some cases saying use url(~filename.jpg), some say use background: some say background-image.
Is there a simple way to use a background image with the exact same code working both on development and Heroku?
Rails on production mode will precompile assets so that all images on assets folder (and child folders) will be precompiled and saved as image name-fingeprint on public folder, for example: i have a image assets/images/bgs/pragmatic_programmer.jpg, then after run command rake assets:precompile, this image will become /public/assets/bgs/pragmatic_programmer-9aa8a13ac97f205fe891bee7c42c6e711f997186d8975d5a4106ca2fe53ccc61.jpg.
That the cause your app work on development mode but not on production mode since the images path changed, you can access new compiled images by ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper#image_path as below
body::after {
content: "";
background: url(= image_path("bgs/abc.jpg"));
you could test on development mode, just run rake assets:precompile before start server.
The answer is for the style definition to be:
background: url( asset_path("bgs/abc.jpg") );
that works on both development and production.

Rails 4 Heroku does not show images

I've searched through Stack lot of times but still nothing works for me.
Images Ive set in my css.erb file does not show in heroku app.
here is my css file example
.bird-box {
position: relative;
height: 600px;
background: url(<%= image_path 'bird-bg.jpg' %>);
background-size: auto 600px;
background-position: top center;
background-attachment: fixed;
overflow: hidden; }
I've changed producion.rb
config.serve_static_files = true;#ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present?
config.assets.compile = true
But that did not help at all.
Also I tried to compile locally than push to heroku, still no result. Can anybody tell me the way out?
Go to development console in your browser and check if images are loaded
Try to precompile assets on heroku using heroku run rake assets:precompile

Assets' URLs changing/not changing in CSS

I can't figure out what made this happen in the first place, and now I can't figure out why it stopped happening.
My CSS is shared across applications and changing it is not an option. I can use different CSS files in development but this mysterious feature was nice while it lasted. It is not created using any asset helper tags.
This is the CSS at it is in on my hard-drive:
body .page-background {
background: #ffffff url(/images/template/css/bg_body.gif) 0 0 repeat-x;
And this is how the CSS was appearing on the page:
body .page-background {
background: #ffffff url(/assets/template/css/bg_body.gif) 0 0 repeat-x;
So /images -> /assets.
This was a surprise at first, but it ended up being great because my images actually WERE in /assets when running in the development environment. How did Rails know this and why did it stop converting the URL?
I've been searching through Rails' source but I can't find any place that this substitution would have been made.
Rails Verision: 3.2

Rails assets pipeline images with relative path arent loading

I'm confused about how works assets pipeline, im using a gem called aloha-rails and it have the next CSS rule:
button.aloha-button {
background: url("../img/base.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
If I run it on local, that rule is on file:
And I CAN see the image, it is loaded from this address:
But when I run it on heroku, on when I precompile assets on local the css rule is loaded from applications.css, the rule still with ../img/base.png so the image is trying to be loaded from:
and that DOESNT exist, so I receive a 404 error and dont see the image.
Write as following: Remove the dots(..) before the path.
button.aloha-button {
background: url("/img/base.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
Please do let me know if not working still.
In order to access your image assets in production, where asset precompilation will stick a hash at the end of each filename, you need to use the img-url helper provided by sass-rails if your css has a .scss or .sass extension, or you can use the asset_path helper if you add .erb to the end of your stylesheet filenames:
button.aloha-button {
background: image-url("/img/base.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
It seems like the aloha-rails gem doesn't do this. Probably also needs to drop the .. in front of the path.

Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline and Caching

I'm working with Rails 3.1's asset pipeline and although it seems to work flawlessly in my development environment on my localhost, I'm having huge issues with it on engine yard.
Here's my basic problem.
When I include images for a background in one of my scss files:
a {
color: #3c7f8b;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 35px;
font-size: 13px;
display: block;
background: white url(shade.png) top right;
&:hover {
color: #222222;
background: white url(shade2.png) top right; }
&.on {
color: #222222;
background: white url(shade2.png) top right; } } }
I run into the following issues: Even though I have precompiled my assets, the browser requests /assets/shade.png instead of /assets/shade-FINGERPRINT.png which is the actual file that exists.
Does anybody know what I can fix this issues with referencing images in my assets folder inside my .scss files?
You should use image-url rather than url to reference images when using scss in Rails 3.1.
Also, ensure you load compass before sass-rails, as sass-rails over-rides the asset methods to work with the asset pipeline.
Lastly, if you're using capistrano to deploy, add in
load 'deploy/assets'
To enable asset compilation when you deploy.
Check out the answer from 'tybro0103' on this post - Rails 3.1 and Image Assets
basically change the file from scss to scss.erb and then use the asset_path helper method
pre-compile before deploy
disclaimer: i have not tried this myself
qnm Actually I think there is an error with the image_url helper. Not sure if they fixed it but I saw a recommendation to use asset_url with the "image" explicting stated.
i.e. asset_url("some.img","image)
