jQuery Mobile : replace click event by vclick event - jquery-mobile

Is there a way to replace all click event by vclick event in jQuery mobile?
The only solution I've found so far is to register a vclick event as below
$('a').bind("vclick", function (ev) {
// Do Some stuff
The problem is that this solution doesn't prevent jQuery mobile click event to fire so clicks are triggered twice

For some reason, I got the following to work:
$('a').bind('vclick click',function(e){
//do some stuff//
Without the e.preventDefault() the event fires twice. With it, it only fires once (but it does fire)
This is similar to what you stated, but may be more all encompassing.

//your code..
this is working properly.


Jquery mobile, init bind page events only once

I'm using jquery mobile v1.3.2
For some reasons I want to set an global pagechange event to prepare all of my pages :
var Front = {
initDom : function($dom) {
// here i can bind some events in my page
alert("some actions");
// etc.....
$(document).on("pagechange", function(event, data) {
This works well. But it is triggered at each page change. And some times it will init the same event twice and that will lead to some bugs.
Now i have tested to do it with the event pageinit or pagecreate but both are triggered before the page is ready and $("ui-page-active"); is empty.
I have though about some setTimeout, but that's definitively a bad idea.
I have also though to init everything at the first pageinit and unbind it. But ajax called page wont be bound.
It there some good workarround ?
You can use pageinit and then get the id of the page from the event target object:
$(document).on("pageinit", function(e){

jQuery Mobile pageinit re-binds on every page load

Adding my bindings to the pageinit event like so:
$('#mypage').on("pageinit", function () {
$('#login-sumbit').on('click', function () {
console.log('button clicked');
I would expect pageinit to bind the click event once only. But what happens in my single page app is that the button is binding every time the page is loaded even when clicking back.
This results in undesirable multiple duplicate binds. Any ideas on what event to use to bind only once in my single page app, so that loading the page again (back button, loading inline page) in the same session doesn't re-bind?
Looks like I found the answer myself, turns out quite rightly pageinit fires every time the page is loaded even though it's not reloading from the server, otherwise what would fire when a new page is shown.
pageinit is the right event but I need to use .one not .on, .one will bind one time only.
$('#mypage').on("pageinit", function () {
$('#login-sumbit').one('click', function () {
console.log('button clicked');
Now everything works as expected. Better still I've found you can use .one with the pageinit event for even more control over your bindings and data loads perfect for my requirements.
You could use:
$('#login-sumbit').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
console.log('button clicked');

Jquery autocomplete change event not firing

I'm using JQuery UI autocomplete feature and I'm facing a problem.
This is my code:
source: url,
change : function (event,ui){
I would like that the change event will fire any time the user type anything in the input text
It's not the case here.
when I type something it does not fire until I'm pressing with the mouse on somewhere else on the screen.
How to handle this scenario?
Try to bind a keypress event to it directly?
source: url,
change : function (event,ui){
I solve my problem by using the keypress event separately. instead of using the change event.
The new code:
source: url
$("#Id").keydown(function() {
// Logic goes here
This problem occurred because we got out of focus two events were fired the onBlur and the onclick event of some button I have. and this cause inconsistently behavior.

Jquery ui Dialogue close event to refresh window

I need a way to reload my parent page when I close my jqUI modal window. Somehow or the other, what I am currently doing is not working (imagine that)...
$('div#addPat').live('dialogclose', function (event) {
I never get to the debugger statement so I assume just assume that my event is wrong...
How do I get the close dialog event and how can I use it to reload the page... I think I have the second part figured out.
Try this:
$( "div#addPat" ).dialog({
close: function(event, ui) {
REF: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#event-close

jQuery AutoComplete Trigger Change Event

How do you trigger jQuery UI's AutoComplete change event handler programmatically?
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged
Misc Attempts Thus Far
Based on other answers it should work:
How to trigger jQuery change event in code
jQuery Autocomplete and on change Problem
JQuery Autocomplete help
The change event fires as expected when I manually interact with the AutoComplete input via browser; however I would like to programmatically trigger the change event in some cases.
What am I missing?
Here you go. It's a little messy but it works.
$(function () {
var companyList = $("#CompanyList").autocomplete({
change: function() {
this will work,too
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
// deprecated
// use this now
It's better to use the select event instead. The change event is bound to keydown as Wil said. So if you want to listen to change on selection use select like that.
select: function(event, ui) {
They are binding to keydown in the autocomplete source, so triggering the keydown will case it to update.
They aren't binding to the 'change' event because that only triggers at the DOM level when the form field loses focus. The autocomplete needs to respond faster than 'lost focus' so it has to bind to a key event.
Doing this:
Will cause a bug if the user retypes the exact option that was there before.
Here is a relatively clean solution for others looking up this topic:
// run when eventlistener is triggered
$("#CompanyList").on( "autocompletechange", function(event,ui) {
// post value to console for validation
Per api.jqueryui.com/autocomplete/, this binds a function to the eventlistener. It is triggered both when the user selects a value from the autocomplete list and when they manually type in a value. The trigger fires when the field loses focus.
The simplest, most robust way is to use the internal ._trigger() to fire the autocomplete change event.
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
Note, jQuery UI 1.9 changed from .data("autocomplete") to .data("ui-autocomplete"). You may also see some people using .data("uiAutocomplete") which indeed works in 1.9 and 1.10, but "ui-autocomplete" is the official preferred form. See http://jqueryui.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/#changed-naming-convention-for-data-keys for jQuery UI namespaecing on data keys.
You have to manually bind the event, rather than supply it as a property of the initialization object, to make it available to trigger.
source: context.companies
}).bind( 'autocompletechange', handleCompanyChanged );
It's a bit of a workaround, but I'm in favor of workarounds that improve the semantic uniformity of the library!
The programmatically trigger to call the autocomplete.change event is via a namespaced trigger on the source select element.
Within version 1.8 of jquery UI..
.bind( "blur.autocomplete", function( event ) {
if ( self.options.disabled ) {
clearTimeout( self.searching );
// clicks on the menu (or a button to trigger a search) will cause a blur event
self.closing = setTimeout(function() {
self.close( event );
self._change( event );
}, 150 );
I was trying to do the same, but without keeping a variable of autocomplete. I walk throught this calling change handler programatically on the select event, you only need to worry about the actual value of input.
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged,
select: function(event,ui){
Well it works for me just binding a keypress event to the search input, like this:
... Instantiate your autofill here...
$("#CompanyList").bind("keypress", function(){
if (nowDoing==1) {
nowDoing = 0;
$('#search').autocomplete( { source: items } );
$('#search:focus').autocomplete('search', $('#search').val() );
This seems to be the only one that worked for me.
This post is pretty old, but for thoses who got here in 2016. None of the example here worked for me. Using keyup instead of autocompletechange did the job. Using jquery-ui 10.4
$("#CompanyList").on("keyup", function (event, ui) {
Hope this help!
Another solution than the previous ones:
//With trigger
//With the autocomplete API
jQuery UI Autocomplete API
