Traversing Z3_ast tree in C/C++ - z3

In short, I need to be able to traverse Z3_ast tree and access the data associated with its nodes. Cannot seem to find any documentation/examples on how to do that. Any pointers would be helpful.
At length, I need to parse smt2lib type formulae into Z3, make some variable to constant substitutions and then reproduce the formula in a data structure which is compatible with another unrelated SMT sovler (mistral to be specific, I don't think details about mistral are important to this question but funnily enough it does not have a command line interface where I can feed it text formulae. It just has a C API). I have figured that to generate the formula in mistral's format, I would need to traverse the Z3_ast tree and reconstruct the formula in the desired format. I cannot seem to find any documentation/examples that demonstrate how to do this. Any pointers would be helpful.

Consider using the C++ auxiliary classes defined at z3++.h. The Z3 distribution also includes an example using these classes. Here is a small code fragment that traverses a Z3 expression.
If your formulas do not contain quantifiers, then you don't even need to handle the is_quantifier() and is_var() branches.
void visit(expr const & e) {
if (e.is_app()) {
unsigned num = e.num_args();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// do something
// Example: print the visited expression
func_decl f = e.decl();
std::cout << "application of " << << ": " << e << "\n";
else if (e.is_quantifier()) {
// do something
else {
// do something
void tst_visit() {
std::cout << "visit example\n";
context c;
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr y = c.int_const("y");
expr z = c.int_const("z");
expr f = x*x - y*y >= 0;


How I can convert concrete syntax values to other kinds of values?

Given some concrete syntax value, how I can I map it to a different type of value (in this case an int)?
// Syntax
start syntax MyTree = \node: "(" MyTree left "," MyTree right ")"
| leaf: Leaf leaf
layout MyLayout = [\ \t\n\r]*;
lexical Leaf = [0-9]+;
This does not work unfortunately:
public Tree increment() {
MyTree tree = (MyTree)`(3, (1, 10))`;
return visit(tree) {
case l:(Leaf)`3` => l + 1
Or is the only way to implode into an ADT where I specified the types?
Your question has different possible answers:
using implode you can convert a parse tree to an abstract tree. If the constructors of the target abstract language expect int, then lexical trees which happen to match [0-9]+ will be automatically converted. For example the syntax tree for syntax Exp = intValue: IntValue; could be converted to constructor data Exp = intValue(int i); and it will actually build an i.
in general to convert one type of values to another in Rascal you write (mutually) recursive functions, as in int eval (MyTree t) and int (Leaf l).
if you want to actually increment the syntactic representation of a Leaf value, you have to convert back (parse or via a concrete pattern) from the resulting int back to the Leaf.
import String;
MyTree increment() {
MyTree tree = (MyTree)`(3, (1, 10))`;
return visit(tree) {
case Leaf l => [Leaf] "<toInt("<l>") + 1>";
First the lexical is converted to a string "<l>", this is then parsed as an int using toInt() and we add 1 using + 1 and then map the int back to a string "< ... >", after which we can call the Leaf parser using [Leaf].

Maintenance of reference counting in Z3

By some reasons I have to use C++ API and C API of Z3 together. In C++ API, reference counting of Z3 objects are well maintained and I needn't to worry about making mistakes. However I have to manually maintain reference counting for Z3 objects when I use C API because C++ API uses Z3_mk_context_rc to create the context. I have several problems on reference counting maintenance in Z3.
(1) If the reference counting of a Z3_ast is reduced to 0, what is responsible to release the memory of this Z3_ast? And when?
(2) The code below
void rctry(context & c)
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr y = c.int_const("y");
Z3_ast res = Z3_mk_eq(c,x,y);
expr z = c.int_const("z");
expr u = c.int_const("u");
Z3_ast fe = Z3_mk_eq(c,z,u);
std::cout << Z3_ast_to_string(c,res) << std::endl;
void main()
config cfg;
cfg.set("MODEL", true);
cfg.set("PROOF", true);
context c(cfg);
Although I didn't increase reference count for AST referenced by res, the program works well. If FAULT_CLAUSE is defined, program still works, but it will output (= z u) instead of (= x y). How to explain this?
Thank you!
My golden rule for reference counting is: Whenever my program receives a pointer to a Z3 object, I immediately increment the ref count and I save the object somewhere safe (i.e., I now own 1 reference to that object). Only when I'm absolutely sure that I will not need the object any longer, then I will call Z3_dec_ref; from that point on, any access to that object will trigger undefined behavior (not necessarily a segfault), because I don't own any references anymore - Z3 owns all the rerferences and it can do whatever it wants to do with them.
Z3 objects are always deallocated when the ref count goes to zero; it's within the call to dec_ref() that the deallocation happens. If Z3_dec_ref() is never called (like in the example given), then the object may remain in memory so accessing that particular part of the memory might perhaps still give "ok looking" results, but that part of the memory may also be overwritten by other procedures so that they contain garbage.
In the example program given, we would need to add inc/dec_ref calls as follows:
void rctry(context & c)
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr y = c.int_const("y");
Z3_ast res = Z3_mk_eq(c,x,y);
Z3_inc_ref(c, res); // I own 1 ref to res!
expr z = c.int_const("z");
expr u = c.int_const("u");
Z3_ast fe = Z3_mk_eq(c,z,u);
Z3_inc_ref(c, fe); I own 1 ref to fe!
std::cout << Z3_ast_to_string(c, res) << std::endl;
Z3_dec_ref(c, fe); // I give up my ref to fe.
Z3_dec_ref(c, res); // I give up my ref to res.
The explanation for the output (= z u) is that the second call to Z3_mk_eq
re-uses the chunk of memory that previously held res, because apparently
only the library itself had a reference to it, so it is free to chose what to
do with the memory. The consequence is that the call to Z3_ast_to_string
reads from the right part of the memory (that used to contain res), but the
contents of that part of the memory have changed in the meanwhile.
That was the long explanation for anybody who needs to manage ref counts in C. In
the case of C++ there is also a much more convenient way: the ast/expr/etc
objects contain a constructor that takes C objects. Therefore, we can construct
managed objects by simply wrapping them in constructor calls; in this
particular example that could be done as follows:
void rctry(context & c)
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr y = c.int_const("y");
expr res = expr(c, Z3_mk_eq(c, x, y)); // res is now a managed expr
expr z = c.int_const("z");
expr u = c.int_const("u");
expr fe = expr(c, Z3_mk_eq(c,z,u)); // fe is now a managed expr
std::cout << Z3_ast_to_string(c, res) << std::endl;
Within the destructor of expr there is a call to Z3_dec_ref, so that it
will be called automatically at the end of the function, when res and fe go
out of scope.

Use of context in C++ API

I have the following program , which transforms a string into a Boolean formula (string_to_formula), where I am defining expr_vector b(c). This code works, but I am not being able to reason about the context. What is the function of a context? Is there any way we can define the variable b just once? Why do we need to send the context to the function? And can this code be written in a more succinct way?
int main() { try {
context c;
expr form(c);
form = string_to_formula("x1x00xx011",c);
expr form1(c);
form1 = string_to_formula("1100x1x0",c);
solver s(c);
s.add(form && form1);
model m = s.get_model();
cout << m << "\n";
expr string_to_formula(string str, context& c )
expr_vector b(c) ;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
{ stringstream b_name;
b_name << "b_" << i;
expr formula(c);
formula = c.bool_val(true);
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; ++i )
{ char element = ;
if ( element == '1' )
formula = formula && ( b[i] == c.bool_val(true) ) ;
else if ( element == '0' )
formula = formula && ( b[i] == c.bool_val(false) ) ;
else if ( element == 'x' )
return formula;
The context object is relevant for multi-threaded programs.
Each execution thread can have its own context, and they can be accessed without using any form of synchronization (e.g., mutexes).
Each expression belongs to a single context. We cannot use the same expression in two different contexts, but we can copy them from one context to another.
In Z3, expressions are maximally shared. For example, if we have an expressions such as (f T T) where T is a big term, then internally Z3 has only one copy of T. For implementing this feature, we use a hashtable. The hashtable is stored in the context.
If we use the same context C in two different execution threads, Z3 will probably crash due to race conditions updating C.
If your program has only one execution thread, you can avoid "moving" the context around by having a global variable.
The idea of context/manager is present in many libraries. For example, in CUDD (BDD library), they have a DdManager. In the script language Lua, they have a lua_State. These are all instances of the same idea.

Sending terms instead of iolists to an Erlang driver

Is there an equivalent of driver_output_term in the other direction, i.e. sending an Erlang term to the driver without converting it to an iolist first? If not, I presumably should convert my term using term_to_binary and parse it on the C side with ei; any good examples?
According to the docs, you can only send stuff that's in iodata() format.
If all you want send to the driver is integers and strings, it might be more efficient (and a lot easier) to use your own term-to-iodata encoding, as in this tutorial from the Erlang documentation. They use a function to convert their calls to a mapping that can be sent to the driver directly and therefore doesn't need to be encoded using term_to_binary().
encode({foo, X}) -> [1, X];
encode({bar, Y}) -> [2, Y].
This mapping is feasible if X and Y are assumed to be small integers.
On the C side, the first byte of the input buffer is switched upon to call the appropriate function using the second byte as the argument:
static void example_drv_output(ErlDrvData handle, char *buff, int bufflen)
example_data* d = (example_data*)handle;
char fn = buff[0], arg = buff[1], res;
if (fn == 1) {
res = foo(arg);
} else if (fn == 2) {
res = bar(arg);
driver_output(d->port, &res, 1);

Pattern matching for custom read function

I am writing a custom read function for one of the data types in my module. For eg, when I do read "(1 + 1)" :: Data, I want it to return Plus 1 1. My data declaration is data Data = Plus Int Int. Thanks
This sounds like something better suited to a parser; Parsec is a powerful Haskell parser combinator library, which I would recommend.
I'd like to second the notion of using a parser. However, if you absolutely have to use a pattern-matching, go like this:
import Data.List
data Expr = Plus Int Int | Minus Int Int deriving Show
test = [ myRead "(1 + 1)", myRead "(2-1)" ]
myRead = match . lexer
match ["(",a,"+",b,")"] = Plus (read a) (read b)
match ["(",a,"-",b,")"] = Minus (read a) (read b)
match garbage = error $ "Cannot parse " ++ show garbage
lexer = unfoldr next_lexeme
next_lexeme "" = Nothing
next_lexeme str = Just $ head $ lex str
You could use GHC's ReadP.
