TFS 2010: Rolling CI Builds - tfs

I've been looking around online at ways of improving our build time (which is currently ~30-40 minutes, depending on which build agent gets the task), and one common theme I've seen is use CI builds.
I understand the logic behind this, and it makes sense that it would reduce the time each build takes. Our problem, however, is that building on every check-in is a pointless use of our resources, because in our development branch, we only keep the latest successful build. This means that if 2 people check-in in a short space of time, whoever checked-in last will be the one whose build is kept.
It's this reason (along with disk space limitations) that we changed to using Rolling Builds, so that we only built the development branch a maximum of once every 45 minutes (obviously we could manually trigger builds on otp of that).
What I want to know (and haven't been able to find anywhere) is whether there's a way of combining rolling builds AND continuous integration. So keep building only once every 45 minutes, but only get and build files that have changed.
I'm not even sure it's possible, and if not then I'll look into other ways, but this seems like something that should be possible.


How to schedule an on-premise Azure DevOps build to run every 5 minutes?

Never mind the rationale, I have a case where a build needs to run every 5 minutes. On-premise installation does not support schedules in the YAML.
So, how do we do it? I can probably use the REST Api, but that sucks, because it seems either I create a one-off script or a script for very simple type of schedules. Building a reusable solution, that could be used in general for other builds seems to be involved. So, instead of concentrating on my business I need to go sideways and cover for the deficiencies of the on-premise version of Azure DevOps.
I wonder if there is a better way.
Understand your concern. However, this is not supported at present with on-premise TFS sever.
The UI for defining time-based build triggers isn't flexible enough. It can only support fixed times on days of the week.
Just as you have pointed out in the comment, we have a need to run a build every 5 minutes which requires us to create 288 schedules which is tedious.
Actually, this has already been a user voice.
Scheduled builds - More flexible timing configuration
Multiple persons commented and echoed. After go through the marketplace, haven't found a pretty appropriate workaround. Sorry for any inconvenience. You could monitor the status of above user voice.

How do I structure Jobs in Jenkins?

I have been tasked with setting up automated deployment and, after some research, settled on Jenkins to get the job done. Prior to this I had approximately zero knowledge of Jenkins, beyond hearing the name. I have no real knowledge of Devops beyond what I have learnt in the last couple of weeks; no formal training, no actual books, just Google searches.
We are not running a full blown/classic CI/CD process; this is a business decision. The basic requirements are:
Source code will be stored in GitHub.
Pull requests must be peer approved.
Pull requests must pass build/unit/db deploy tests.
Commits to specific branches must trigger a deployment to a related specific environment (Production, Staging or Development).
The basic functionality that I am attempting to support covers (what I currently see as) two separate processes:
On creation of a pull request, application is built, unit tests run, and db deploy tested. Status info must be passed to GitHub.
On commit to one of three specific branches (master, staging and dev) the application should be built, and deployed to one of three environments (production, staging and dev).
I have managed to cobble together a pipeline that does the first task rather well. I am using the generic web hook trigger, and manually handling all steps using a declarative pipeline stored in source control. This works rather well so far and, after much hacking, I am quite happy with the shape of it.
I am now starting work on the next bit, automated deployment.
On to my actual question(s).
In short, how do I split this up into Jobs in Jenkins?
To my mind, there are 1, 2 or 4 Jobs to be created:
One Job to Rule them All
This seems sub-optimal to me, as the pipeline will include relatively complex conditional logic and, depending on whether the Job is triggered by a Pull Request or a Commit, different stages will be run. The historical data will be so polluted as to be near useless.
One job for handling pull requests
One job for handling commits
Historical data for deployments across all environments will be intermixed. I am a little concerned that I will end up with >1 Jenkinsfile in my repository. Although I see no technical reason why I can't have >1 Jenkinsfile, every example I see uses a single file. Is it OK to have >1 Jenkinsfile (Jenkinsfile_Test & Jenkinsfile_Deploy) in the repository?
One job for handling pull requests
One job for handling commits to Development
One job for handling commits to Staging
One job for handling commits to Production
This seems to have some benefit over the previous option, because historical data for deployments into each environment will not be cross polluting each other. But now we're well over the >1 Jenkinsfile (perceived) limit, and I will end up with (Jenkinsfile_Test, Jenkinsfile_Deploy_Development, Jenkinsfile_Deploy_Staging and Jenkinsfile_Deploy_Production). This method also brings either extra complexity (common code in a shared library) or copy/paste code reuse, which I certainly want to avoid.
My primary objective is for this to be maintainable by someone other than myself, because Bus Factor. A real Devops/Jenkins person will have to update/manage all of this one day, and I would strongly prefer them not to suffer from my ignorance.
I have done countless searches, but I haven't found anything that provides the direction I need here. Searches for best practices make no mention on handling >1 Jenkinsfile, instead focusing on the contents of a single pipeline.
After further research, I have found an answer to my core question. This might not be the absolute correct answer, but it makes sense to me, and serves my needs.
While it is technically possible to have >1 Jenkinsfile in a project, that does not appear to align with best practices.
The best practice appears to be to create a separate repository for each Jenkinsfile, which maps 1:1 with a Job in Jenkins.
To support my specific use case I have removed the Jenkinsfile from my main source code repository. I then create 4 new repositories:
Each repository contains a single Jenkinsfile and a that, in theory, contains useful information.
This separation gives me a nice view of the historical success/failure of the Test runs as a whole, and Deployments to each environment separately.
It is highly likely that I will later create a fifth repository:
This last repository would contain pipeline code that is shared amongst the four 'core' pipelines. Once I have the 'core' pipelines up and running properly, I will consider refactoring what I can into this shared library.
I will not accept my own answer at this point, in the hope that more answers are forthcoming.
Here's a proposal I would try for your requirements based on the experience at my last job.
Job1: builds and runs unit tests on every commit on master or whatever your main dev branch is (checks every 20 minutes or whatever suits you); this job usually finds compile and unit test issues very fast
Job2 (optional): run integration tests and various static code checks (e.g. clang-tidy, valgrind, cppcheck, etc.) every night, if the last run of Job1 was successful; this job finds usually lots of things, but probably takes lots of time, so let it run only at night
Job3: builds and tests every pull request for release branches; so you get some info in your pull requests, if its mature enough to be merged into the release branches
Job4: deploys to the appropriate environment on every commit on a release branch; on dev and staging you could probably trigger some more tests, if you have them
So Job1, Job2 and Job3 should run all the time. If pull requests to your release branches are approved by QA (i.e. reviews OK and tests successful) and merged to release branches, the deployment is done by Job4 automatically.
It depends on your requirements and your dev process, if you want to trigger Job4 only manually instead.

Jenkins to deploy on Gitlab merge into development, but ignore updates

I have Jenkins set up, connected with Gitlab, to do some deployment stuff whenever a merge request gets accepted into the development branch. It pulls the code, runs some incantations, increments the version number, and commits+pushes that new version number in. The only issue, that I just discovered, is that updating old, already merged MRs, even in trivial ways such as updating the milestone or title, will trigger the build. Because of this, when I just updated multiple old merge requests to have the milestone for this release, the version number got incremented ten times or so- not ideal.
My Gitlab triggers inside Jenkins are quite closed down (please note I'm not on EE):
My Gitlab integrations settings only fire on MR events (and I'm aware there's no way to say only on merging in, rather than editing):
I also have some custom build scripts that do bits and bobs, but the main part that bumps the version number checks that if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" != "$GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT" ]; then. However, even though this seemed logical at the time, it became apparent recently that old, stale merge requests will still be true for this when compared to the development HEAD.
There are many different aspects to this that could be the cause of the trouble, and it may be a very easy solution, but I'm not sure what that would be quite yet. Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

travis/coverity: automatically re-schedule a build after given time

I'm using githubs integration of travis-ci with coverity-scan (the free versions of all these services) to test my FLOSS code.
The problem I'm facing is that when continuously working on the code, i'm hitting the coverity quota pretty soon.
Since I'm working on multiple projects simultaneously, it can therefore well be that I switch away from working on a given project before I'm allowed to submit a coverity again, thus potentially having flaws in the code for weeks although they would have been caught easily by coverity.
I would like to avoid this.
The first measure to prevent hitting the quota too frequently, is by using a dedicated branch (usually coverity_scan) which does not receive pushes as often as the master and/or feature branches.
However, this puts cognitive load on the user (me), which I also like to avoid.
Also, sometimes I still hit the quota (some of my projects as in the 100k-500k lines-of-code range, so they have a lower threshold than usual).
What I would like to have is being able to automatically re-trigger a coverity-scan once the quota has expired, if (and only if) the current build did hit the quota.
Is somthing like this possible with plain travis-ci/coverity features?
Or would I have to setup a separate hook, that monitors the coverity quota and travis-ci builds?
You don't need to run Coverity on every check-in. It's just too slow.
You should configure your (coverity build) system to poll your repo for changes, but have them checked infrequently. Something like a few times per day.
This will trigger the build when things change, but not on every change that is detected.

Tools to assist managing the application promotion process in an enterprise environment

I am curious on how others manage code promotion from DEV to TEST to PROD within an enterprise.
What tools or processes do you use to manage the "red tape", entry/exit criteria side of things?
My current organisation is half stuck between some custom online forms type functionality and paper based dependencies to submit documents, gather approvals and reviews.
All this is left in the project managers hands to track what has been submitted, passed review, approved and advise management if there are any roadblocks that may need approval to be "overlooked" before an application can be promoted to the next environment.
A browser based application would be ideal... so whats out there? please show me that you googlefu is better than mine.
It's hard to find one that's good via google. There is a vast array of tools out there for issue management so I'll mention what we use and what we woudl like to use.
We currently use serena products. They have worked well for us in the past. Team Track is our issue management and handles the life cycle of any issue we work on. Version Manager is our source control and has the feature of implementing promotional groups like DEV TEST And PROD. We use DEV, TSTAGE, TEST, PSTAGE and PROD to signify the movement from one to the other, but it's much the same. The two products integrate nicely so that the source associated with the issues is linked, but we have no build process setup in this environment. It's expensive, but it works well.
We are looking ot move to a more common system using Jira for issue management, Subversion for source control, Fisheye to link the two together and Cruise Control for build management. This is less expensive, totaling a few thousand for an enterprise lisence and provides all the same features but with the added bonus of SVN which is a very nice code version mangager.
I hope that helps.
There are a few different scenarios that I've experienced over the years:
Dev -> Test : There is usually a code freeze date that stops work on new features and gets a test environment the code that has been tagged/labelled/archived that gets built. This then gets copied onto the machines and the tests go fine. This is also usually the least detailed of any push.
Test->Prod : This requires the minor change that production has to go down which can mean that a "gone fishing" page goes up or IIS doesn'thave any sites running and the code is copied over again. There are special cases to this where a load balancer can act as a switch so that the promotion happens and none of the customers experience any down time as the ones on the older server will move once their session ends.
To elaborate on that switch idea, the set up is to have 2 potentially live servers with just one server taking requests that the load balancer just sends all the traffic to one machine that can be switched when the other server has the updated code to go live.
There can also be a staging environment which is between test and production where the process is similar in terms of there is a set date when the promotion happens.
Where I used to work there would be merge days where a developer spent most of a day in Perforce merging code so that it could be promoted from one environment to another.
Now there are a couple of cases where this isn't used:
"Hotfixes" or "Hot patches" would occur where I used to work and in this case the specific files were copied up into the staging and production environments on its own since the code change had to get into Production ASAP since something broke in production or some new thing that had to get done that takes 2 minutes gets done. In this case, the code change getting pushed in had to be reviewed and approved before going out.
Those are the different approaches I've seen used where generally there are schedules and timelines potentially have to be changed or additional resources brought in to make a hard date like if a conference is on a particular weekend that such and such is ready for that.
Of course in a few places there has been the, "Oh, was that broken? Let me see..." and a few minutes later, "No, see it isn't broken for me," where someone changed things without asking permission or anything where a company still has what they call "cowboy programming."
Another point is the scale of the release:
1) Tiny - This is the case where one web page goes up so that user X can do Y.
2) Small - A handful or so of files that isn't really complicated but isn't exactly trivial.
3) Medium - Where going from one environment to another requires changing a bunch of files and usually has scripts to move.
4) Big - Where there are scheduled promotions and various developers are asked for who is taking which shifts when the live push is done. I had this in a case where there was a data migration to do in addition to a release of some new e-commerce sites.
5) Mammoth - Where everything is brand new including how this would be used. I don't think I've ever seen one of this size but I'd imagine Microsoft or Google would have releases of this size.
Somewhere in that spectrum most releases fall and so how much planning and preparation can vary quite a bit and let's not forget that regulatory compliance can be its own pain in getting some things done.
