Spree Commerce is working, but no assets. - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to customize and modify Spree Commerce, but none of the standard asset files/images/views are available under either app/views, lib/assets, or anywhere else I can think to look. I'm trying to go through their tutorials, but I can't find anything to edit. Is there another command I need to decompress everything or something? Thank you so much for any help!

The way I over came this is to download the main spree gem, via github.com, look where the images are located then creating the images I wanted to override in my local app/assets directory with the same path run:
rake assets:precompile:nondigest
restart webrick/pow or any other web server you are running and voila!

I'm guessing you're not really familiar with how gems work. As people here have said, these are not going to automatically show up in your core app directory, but the gemfile and running bundle install knows how to reference them.
So you need to find those gems to figure out the file names, as you said. If you want to view the gemfiles run this command in the terminal:
$ bundle open spree_frontend
If you get this error:
To open a bundled gem, set $EDITOR or $BUNDLER_EDITOR
then you haven't set up the editor, so do this:
export BUNDLER_EDITOR=sublime
Then redo the bundle open command. This should open the spree_frontend directory which will let you investigate the file names/paths and the assets. If you want to change an entire template, you need to create that file matching its name and path exactly as it is in the spree gem (spree/layouts/spree_application.html.erb for example) then when you edit it your rails app will render the code in your core app directory thus overriding the spree gem.
That make sense?


Changing Directory Names in a Rails App

I'm relatively new to Rails as well as using PassengerPhusion. I am running an Ubuntu server on Azure, and have the demo app that Passenger provides working fine. I've even changed the text on the homepage.
My question is this:
In my directory, the file directory's name for the app is passenger-ruby-rails-demo and while I am experimenting, i am changing the name of the directory to something like passenger-ruby-rails-demo-test and it returns an error message when viewing fleetpro.cloudapp.net.
I've tried looking through files trying to figure out how this is routed but haven't had any luck. Is there a file within the Rails installation that is telling Passenger to be inside the specific passenger-ruby-rails-demo directory? Pretty newbish question, but it is really bothering me!
I'm not sure about how the naming convention works in regards to the root directory name of your app "passenger-ruby-rails-demo", but I believe the name of that directory is important to running your Rails app, and might have to do something with the name of the module in your config/application.rb file which is named after your Rails app.
There is a solution though: use gem rename.
Add gem rename to your Gemfile and run bundle install.
Then in your app's root directory, run this:
rails g rename:app_to New-Name
This will basically "clone" the app with your new name. You may have to check to make sure all your config files are present afterwards, but from my experience using it, it was a quick breeze. You will most definitely have to push the new renamed app back to git or Azure.
As an example I renamed a Rails app to show what you could expect from the output after running the command:
The Rails app's name isn't the problem, it's the PassengerAppRoot switch you'll be using:
PassengerAppRoot /path/to/your/app
Rails doesn't actually care which folder it's put into, so renaming Rails won't fix your problem.
Renaming Rails only changes the internal class references within your application (things like Rails.application.name which have very subtle implications for your app).
In your Azure server, you'll need to locate either your .htaccess / httpd.conf / nginx.conf file, and change the PassengerAppRoot to your new path. This should resolve the issue.

Heroku Rails Gem cannot find an executable in PATH

I'm deploying a Rails app on Heroku which requires a gem that looks for an executable in PATH. I put my executable inside /vendor/bin and then proceeded as below:
As explained in Heroku docs here, I created a .profile.d directory in the root of my app and then in it, I created a file called path.sh. In path.sh, I set the PATH variable like this:
or this
But neither seems to work. The app is deployed successfully but when I run it, I see an application error, and in my logs, I see that this executable could not be found in PATH, thus the application crashed. The script (.profile.d/path.sh) is run for sure though, because in my Heroku logs, I am able to see other commands and the print outs I put in the very same file.
Does anyone know what to do in order to make this work? Thanks in advance.

Find full path of a gem in rails

How do I find the full installation path of a gem in rails.
bundle show gem_name
My problem is, what directory is the 'var' folder in? I've tried looking in C:/Ruby but it's a really large folder and I don't want to spend all day manually combing my hard drive.
On Windows, you typically find them back in (depending on your ruby version)
From within your Rails application, you can also run

Grab Ruby on Rails files and install on local machine

general question that can be used in many different situations, so I thought it would be interesting to ask.
I'm semi new to Ruby and am learning from Treehouse. I am doing the social media site project, and am about half way through.
I was hoping to set up a separate installation from the source files they give you, of the completed site, to do a simple compare and contrast, and really I am just curious as to what the final product is gonna be like.
My question is, is there an easy way to just grab their files, install all the gems and dependencies and run the rails server. If I just try to run the server on the folder, I get a bunch of errors about Gems not being installed and such, which is expected.
If anyone has a process they use when doing things like migrated entire environments from one location to another, it would be appreciated!
Go to project directory.
Install all of the required Gems by executing
bundle install
Create database by executing
rake db:create
Then migrate the database by executing
rake db:migrate
And finally run the application using
rails s
If you have cloned their repository, or copied the files to a folder, try running
bundle install
from the command line

Why does this app have a plugins directory, but no reference in gem file?

Trying to understand this open source app on github, it has a gem file:
And a plugins folder:
Why would you want to do this? Does this make upgrading the plugins harder?
When you reference a gem, from what I understand, it downloads the files and stores them at a global level (gemset if using rvm etc), so I guess loading it as a plugin gives you access to the source to modify?
i.e Why go with gem versus a plugin or visa versa?
Plugins give you the flexibility of being able to just copy your app somewhere else and poof! it's all ready to go.
Gems on the other hand, force you to a) download them to every single piece of hardware that your app is running on via rake gems:install and b) force you to keep track of which packages are installed on which system.
With plugins, you know that when you stick it in your vendor directory, it will work immediately.
