Magento - New product attributes created by backend not visible - magento-1.4

i've created trough backend two new product's attributes, both locally and on test server. while locally i' able to see new attributes in product details, on test server i dont see any on the two new attributes. i've tried several times to reindex data, clear cache, cancel and recreate those attributes, with same configuration that i have locally, but it didn't work, i can't see my new attributes. what i can check?
here's two screenshot:
test server:

Any attribute you are adding, must be assigned to some attribute set.
So you have to go to Catalog -> Attribut -> Manage Attributsets every time after your create a new attribute and assign it to a attribute set.
Then will it will appear in the product entry form if you choose the right attribute while adding products.


Rails 3.1 - Create Multiple records to then edit

I have a situation where I want a user to specify the number of records they want to create, have the app then create these blank entries in database and then be presented with an 'edit' view to populate them with their data. I know this is probably bad practice but can anyone give some guidance on how to approach this?
Why do you want to create blank record on the database? You can do like this :
The user choose the number of new record he wants then, he submits
You display the creation form X times
On general submit, you submit each form to your create action
I don't know if you know phpmyadmin, but they do the same.
A better approach is to create x numbers of new objects (ex. in a loop/partial configuration. Doing a creates a new instance of the appropriate db row, but it stores that information in memory and doesn't create that object in the db until you issue the command. These virtual database fields have all of the appropriate columns so you will be able to pass them to an edit form and everything should work. The only thing that it's missing is an id which will be assigned to it after you save.

Implement dynamic data model with MongoDB in Rails

I'm creating an application consisting of a bunch of entries. These entries are going to have a bunch of fields (e.g. category, name, description etc.) and be of a certain type (category). So the user would first create a category with a title and description and then define what other fields an entry in that category can and should have.
Create category, title => 'Books', description => 'A description'. Defining extra fields, author (required), image (not required).
Create entry, when choosing category => 'Books' the form is regenerated and the fields for author and image are shown with validation defined in the category.
I hope somebody understands..
I was talking to a friend about this who recommended going for MongoDB in order to implement this, now I have an app installed with Mongoid and everything works just fine.
The question is, how would I implement this in the best way, making it as flexible as possible?
it's hard to answer to your because it is quite vague… here is what I can say about MongoDB:
MongoDB is already as flexible as possible (that is even its problem actually).
The problem is more likely to sometime restricts its flexibility i.e. check access rights, check that your jSON you are storing is in the right scheme and so on.
If your db is not too huge and you do not want to bother with many collections, you can store all your Books items (documents) (or even a document containing lists) into the same collection.

Scaffolding user ID resetting

in the application i am currently creating in ruby on rails. I am trying to do some tests in rails console where i have to destroy data in the database and the database is connected to a server. I am importing an XML and parsing it and putting it into a database with scaffolding.
Now what i need: Basically what i am attempting to do is to destroy the data and replace it with a new one every week..but the problem i am getting, the userid is gone up to 700+ and there are only 50 records :S cause it doesnt reset...
To delete all records i am currently using "whatever.destroy_all" does the trick
Any help?
Btw i am using SQLITE
The ID column created in the table usually is set as unique and to increment by 1 for each new record, which is why each time you destroy and add new data the ID keeps getting higher.
The fact that the ID # is getting larger and larger is not an issue at all.
If you really want to start back at zero, I would think you could drop the table and recreate it, but that seems like overkill for a trivial issue.
Regarding the connection to the other scaffold, how are you connecting the two and what do they both represent?
Ideally the data population for testing should be done through fixtures (or easy tools such as factorygirl etc..)
The main advantage of having a fix data set is you can run your tests in any environment. But as per your requirement you can do something like this,
When you populate the date through the active records pass the id parameter as well
Ex: => 1, :name => "sameera").create
By this way you can have constant id's But make sure you increment the id accordingly.

How to create a new database from within a Rails app?

I'm working on a Rails app that has one database per account. (I know this is a controversial approach in itself, but I'm confident it's the right one in this case.)
I'd like to automate entirely the process of creating a new user account, which means I need to be able create a new database and populate it with some seed data programatically from within a Rails app.
My question, then, is how best to do this? I don't think I can just run migrations from within the app (or, if I can, how?), and just running the straight SQL queries within the app with hardcoded CREATE TABLE statements seems a really unwieldy way of doing things. What approach should I take, then?
Thanks in advance for your help!
This is an approach that my application requires. The app provides a web front-end onto a number of remote embedded devices which in turn monitor sensors. Each embedded device runs a ruby client process which reads a config file to determine its setup. There is a need to be able to add a new sensor type.
The approach I have is that each sensor type has it's own data table, which is written into by every device which has that sensor. So in order to be able to create a new sensor type, I need to be able to set up new tables.
One initial issue is that the remote embedded devices do not have a rails app on them - therefore table name pluralization is a bad plan, as the pluralization rules are not accessible to the remote devices. Therefore I set
ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
in config/environment.rb
The data on each sensor device type is held in a SensorType model - which has two fields - the sensor name, and the config file contents.
Within the SensorType model class, there are methods for:
Parsing the config file to extract field names and types
Creating a migration to build a new model
Altering a particular field in the DB from a generic string to char(17) as it is a MAC address used for indexing
Altering the new model code to add appropriate belongs_to relationships
Build partial templates for listing the data in the table (a header partial and a line_item partial)
These methods are all bound together by a create_sensor_table method which calls all the above, and performs the appropriate require or load statements to ensure the new model is immediately loaded. This is called from the create method in the SensorTypeController as follows:
# POST /device_types
# POST /device_types.xml
def create
#sensor_type =[:sensor_type])
respond_to do |format|
flash[:notice] = 'SensorType was successfully created.'

custom properties in Rails

I have just started Rails and have a basic question.
I need to add customer properties(like email id etc) so that the Rails app can read them at runtime. How can I do this ?
Can I add them to development.rb and if so how can I read it ?
In java I would have created a properties file and read it from my app.
thank you,
Are you trying to do store and load configuration settings?
It's easy to store configuration settings in a yaml file and load them with initializers - loads better than littering your environment files.
This Railscast: shows you how.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. I'm guessing you want an initial set of data in the database that you can access when you actually run the app? If that is so check out this other SO question How (and whether) to populate rails application with initial data
It's a little unclear exactly what you're trying to do, but it sounds like maybe you have a model called Customer and you would like to add some attributes to it, such as email address, id, and so on?
Basically, with Active Record you don't need to do anything special to add a simple attribute (like a string or an integer). Just add a field called "email_address" to your customers table in the database, and all of your Customer objects will automagically get "email_address" and "email_address=" methods (not to mention the Customer class itself getting "find_by_email_address" and other useful methods as well). If you are adding a field containing another model, it's a bit more complicated - add a "something_id" field to the table, and an association to the class definition (eg, "has_one :something"). For more information, see the ActiveRecord api documentation.
You don't have to use any particular means to add the field to your database, but you might want to consider Migrations. Migrations are a convenient way to keep your schema versioned and synchronized across multiple machines.
If you are building your model right now, there's a short cut built in to the generator to add fields. Instead of just saying...
script/generate scaffold customer can say...
script/generate scaffold customer email:string name:string badge_number:integer
...and it will generate all the appropriate fields in your migration, as well as adding them to your generated views.
