Injecting connection strings vs IDbConnection -

What are the trade-offs for injecting connection strings vs. an instance of IDbConnection?
I use StructureMap to inject various services into my ASP.NET MVC application, most of which require database access for LINQ-to-SQL queries. Injecting an IDbConnection seems more testable and easier to configure for IoC than a generic connection string parameter, but I'm worried about open connections hanging around if I don't explicitly wrap the connection in a using block.
Are there any connection pooling advantages or disadvantages I should be aware of?
Injected Connection String
using (var con = new SqlConnection(InjectedConnectionString))
con.Execute("INSERT INTO Logs (...) VALUES (...)");
using (var db = new MyDataContext(con))
var records = from p in db.Products
select p;
Injected IDbConnection
con.Execute("INSERT INTO Logs (...) VALUES (...)");
using (var db = new MyDataContext(InjectedConnection))
var records = from p in db.Products
select p;

A feature of any moderately sophisticated IoC container (structuremap) is being able to control the lifetimes of objects. By default, structuremap uses a Transient lifetime. This means it creates a new instance per object graph. In practice, this often is the same as per-web-request (unless you sprinkle your code with usages of container.GetInstance<T>()).
By using structuremap to inject precious resources like database connections you gain control over how long they live. A single resource can (if you choose) be reused throughout an entire web request, or created fresh for every usage.
Furthermore, these choices (as well as configuration) are now externalized into the registry instead of sprinkling them through your code. If you have to change how the connection is created, you only have to look one place. Classes with a single responsibility are always preferred.
As far as your connection pooling concerns, no IoC container will involve itself in details like connection pooling. They do, however, help with lifetimes. Structuremap will call Dispose() on any IDisposable object (well, it's actually the interpreter that calls it).
Edit: Again on connection pooling, each lifetime carries its own rules for how and when objects are disposed. Transient relies on the CLR to dispose, however HttpRequestScoped deterministically disposes objects at the end of each request. Using HttpRequestScoped would prevent you from maxing out the number of connections.


How to do Parallel operations with Thread Scope in Web app using Ninject

I've run into the same question repeatedly whenever using a new DI framework... how do you run massively-parallel operation kicked off from an HttpRequest where each thread needs its own unique copy of the dependencies? In my case, I'm using Ninject.
The specific case I always run into is a CPU-intensive report, using Parallel.ForEach, that needs to use an Entity Framework DbContext; the EF context must be unique to the thread, but outside of these special reports the EF context it must be InRequestScope.
How do you achieve this with Ninject? Preferably allow disposing the EF context with each task on the Parallel.ForEach, since the data loaded with the context would just stay in the context and consume memory.
Note that this report is big enough to warrant Parallel.ForEach but small enough that it can run synchronously on a web request and not timeout the browser (<60 seconds). Maybe I'm weird, but I run into this need a lot.
The solution has several different moving parts that, IMO, aren't terribly well-documented parts of Ninject. The upside is that after implementing something like this, you should start feeling comfortable with Ninject in a hurry!
First, you need to change the scope for your objects so they use the HttpContext if it exists, and if not, use the current thread as a fallback. There is no documentation for this, but there is a DefaultScopeCallback that was added to the settings a while back. Set that property to your own scope callback which uses the same code in the Ninject.Web.Common source to get the HttpContext, but then use "?? Thread.CurrentThread" as the fallback. Do that in the CreateKernel code that should have been created automatically when you installed the NuGet package.
(I have substituted the StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx) where I used to have Thread.CurrentThread, since the former could conceivably change at some point. Currently those two are identical in what they do.)
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var settings = new NinjectSettings{ DefaultScopeCallback = DefaultScopeCallback };
var kernel = new StandardKernel(settings);
// The rest of the default implementation of CreateKernel left out for brevity
private static Object DefaultScopeCallback(Ninject.Activation.IContext ctx)
var scope = ctx.Kernel.Components.GetAll<INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin>()
.Select(c => c.GetRequestScope(ctx)).FirstOrDefault(s => s != null);
return scope ?? Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx);
Also, don't forget that the Kernel needs to be set aside as a static object for access later. You don't want to new-up a new Kernel every time you need it; I make mine accessible via "MyConfig.ObjectFactory". While this is a code smell of the service locator anti-pattern, we're going to great lengths here to avoid the anti-pattern as much as possible.
Second, according to the commit description, the DefaultScopeCallback only affects explicit bindings with no explicit scope. So if, like me, you were depending on a bunch of implicit bindings that you hadn't added, you now need to configure them:
kernel.Bind(i => i.From(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Bll.MyConfig)))
If you don't like doing the above, there's another way of setting the default scope for all implicit bindings that is arguably more elegant. Changing default object scope with Ninject 2.2
Third, if you'd like to clear all cached objects from the scope at the end of each Parallel operation so that memory usage doesn't skyrocket due to EF caching or whatnot, here's how clear the Ninject cache scoped to the current thread:
Parallel.ForEach(myList, i =>
var threadDb = MyConfig.ObjectFactory.Get<MyContext>();
CreateModelsForItem(i, threadDb);
Note that I did some testing without that Clear line at the end, and it seemed like the EF Context was getting re-used even if that HttpRequest finished and I generated the report several more times. This was not what I wanted, so the Clear operation was important. Really, the behavior I want is closer to InCallScope, but trying to get InRequestScope with InCallScope as a fallback is a can of worms I'll open on another day.

Best approach for dependency injection of data connections in singletons

I have some "caching" objects in my application, that get a IRepository (custom repository pattern contract) by dependency injection (Ninject). Those objects only uses the repository once, but they have a Refresh function that forces the owner to refresh itself. They are singletons, are created only once, and a ManualResetEvent ensures that all requests are blocked till it is loaded.
The IRepositories are EF CodeFirst based, so is it OK just to simply ensure the connection is closed and keep the reference to the DbContext there forever?
I have disabled the proxies and the lazy loading, so... is OK to have long references from the root of the caching object to hundreds of these cached POCO entities?
We reference to comments from Julie Lerman,
the recommendation is to have several/many smaller contexts and in the case of web scenarios create a new context each call.
Although she writes about Second-Level Caching in the Entity Framework and AppFabric.
Over time, the context would be contain many objects and the performance would decline accordingly.
I think this site has some good tips on EF performance.
eg generated views.
my personal recommendation, that I cant claim is best practice, but from someone who is concerned about performance, is that small bounded context each call is a solid long term compromise.
Use generated views to keep the initial load time as small as possible.
you could potentially manage a permanent DBContext in such a way as to drop unused objects from the context. Or use a caching library with events to do so. Not a small task.
I would be interested in the solution you finally select. please post.
Finally the best solution I found is to create a new kind of wrapper:
public class Generator<T> where T : IDisposable
readonly Func<T> _generate;
public Generator(Func<T> generate)
_generate= generate;
public T Generate()
return _generate();
And create a binding more or less this way:
// Dependency Injection bindings declaration section
.To(()=> new Generator<IRepository>(()=> DI.Get<IRepository>()));
Therefore, in long lived objects that needs to just create and destroy the element, I can ask for a Generator<IRepository> service, rather than IRepository. Therefore, every time I need to refresh, I would just create a new IRepository, without knowing how it is build under the hood:
using (var repository = repositoryGenerator.Generate())
It works like a charm so far.
Actually, I have added this feature to my DI framework. I can now bind IAnything and later on request for Generator, and the framework will give me the fully ready object using this technique How to create a Func<> delegate programmatically

DI Container and custom-scoped state in legacy system

I believe I understand the basic concepts of DI / IoC containers having written a couple of applications using them and reading a lot of stack overflow answers as well as Mark Seeman's book. There are still some cases that I have trouble with, especially when it comes to integrating DI container to a large existing architecture where DI principle hasn't been really used (think big ball of mud).
I know the ideal scenario is to have a single composition root / object graph per operation but in a legacy system this might not be possible without major refactoring (only the new and some select refactored old parts of the code could have dependencies injected through constructor and the rest of the system using the container as a service locator to interact with the new parts). This effectively means that a stack trace deep within an operation might include several object graphs with calls being made back and forth between new subsystems (single object graph until exiting into an old segment) and traditional subsystems (service locator call at some point to code under DI container).
With the (potentially faulty, I might be overthinking this or be completely wrong in assuming this kind of hybrid architecture is a good idea) assumptions out of the way, here's the actual problem:
Let's say we have a thread pool executing scheduled jobs of various types defined in database (or any external place). Each separate type of scheduled job is implemented as a class inheriting a common base class. When the job is started, it gets fed the information about which targets it should write its log messages to and the configuration it should use. The configuration could probably be handled by just passing the values as method parameters to whatever class needs them but if the job implementation gets larger than say 10-20 classes, it doesn't seem very handy.
Logging is the larger problem. Subsystems the job calls probably also need to write things to the log and usually in examples this is done by just requesting instance of ILog in the constructor. But how does that work in this case when we don't know the details / implementation until runtime? Since:
Due to (non DI container controlled) legacy system segments in the call chain (-> there potentially being multiple separate object graphs), child container cannot be used to inject the custom logger for specific sub-scope
Manual property injection would basically require the complete call chain (including all legacy subsystems) to be updated
A simplified example to help better perceive the problem:
Class JobXImplementation : JobBase {
// through constructor injection
ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
JobXExtraLogic _jobXExtras;
public void Run(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase)
ILog log = _loggerFactory.Create(configurationFromDatabase.targets);
// if there were no legacy parts in the call chain, I would register log as instance to a child container and Resolve next part of the call chain and everyone requesting ILog would get the correct logging targets
// do stuff
_jobXExtras.DoStuff(configurationFromDatabase, log);
Class JobXExtraLogic {
public void DoStuff(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase, ILog log) {
// call to legacy sub-system
var old = new OldClass(log, configurationFromDatabase.SomeRandomSetting);
Class OldClass {
public void DoOldStuff() {
// moar stuff
var old = new AnotherOldClass();
Class AnotherOldClass {
public void DoMoreOldStuff() {
// call to a new subsystem
var newSystemEntryPoint = DIContainerAsServiceLocator.Resolve<INewSubsystemEntryPoint>();
Class NewSubsystemEntryPoint : INewSubsystemEntryPoint {
public void DoNewStuff() {
// want to log something...
I'm sure you get the picture by this point.
Instantiating old classes through DI is a non-starter since many of them use (often multiple) constructors to inject values instead of dependencies and would have to be refactored one by one. The caller basically implicitly controls the lifetime of the object and this is assumed in the implementations (the way they handle internal object state).
What are my options? What other kinds of problems could you possibly see in a situation like this? Is trying to only use constructor injection in this kind of environment even feasible?
Great question. In general, I would say that an IoC container loses a lot of its effectiveness when only a portion of the code is DI-friendly.
Books like Working Effectively with Legacy Code and Dependency Injection in .NET both talk about ways to tease apart objects and classes to make DI viable in code bases like the one you described.
Getting the system under test would be my first priority. I'd pick a functional area to start with, one with few dependencies on other functional areas.
I don't see a problem with moving beyond constructor injection to setter injection where it makes sense, and it might offer you a stepping stone to constructor injection. Adding a property is usually less invasive than changing an object's constructor.

Using a single instance of ILog in an MVC application

I'm using Ninject for DI in my ASP.NET MVC application. I'm resolving the ILog dependency in controllers using the below module
public override void Load()
var configPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Log4NetConfigPath"];
// Load the external config file for Log4Net
XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(configPath));
log4net.Util.LogLog.InternalDebugging = true;
Bind<ILog>().ToMethod((c) => LogManager.GetLogger("AVLogger")).InSingletonScope();
I'm calling the InSingletonScope() to provide a single instance of ILog instance throughout the application. I've some questions?
Do I need to really bother about having single instance of ILog? Can I remove the InSingletonScope method itself.
Does having a single instance of ILog create some performance issues?
It would depend on how expensive it is to create your logger. I don't know what log4net's performance characteristics are, but if it's not expensive you should just create a new one.
When you use InSingletonScope() that means the log will exist for as long as your worker process exists (ie when it's recycled or shut down, the logger will be destroyed). That also means the logger is hanging around when you don't need it. It's not so much of a "performance" issue, as it is one of managing resources.

ASP.NET MVC IoC usability

How often do you use IoC for controllers/DAL in real projects?
IoC allows to abstract application from concrete implementation with additional layer of interfaces that should be implemented. But how often concrete implementation changes? Should we really have to do job twice adding method to interface then the implementation if implementation hardly will ever be changed? I took part in about 10 projects and DAL (ORM-like and not) was never rewritten completely.
Watching lots of videos I clearly understand that IoC "is cool" and the really nice way to program, but does it really needed?
Added a bit later:
Yes, IoC allows prepare better testing environment, but we also have nice way to test DAL without IoC. We wrap DAL calls to database into uncommited transactions without risk to make data unstable.
IoC isn't a pattern only for writing modular programs; it also allows for easier testing, by being able to swap in mock objects that implement the same interface as the components they stand in for.
Plus, it actually makes code much easier to maintain down the road.
It's not IOC that allows you to abstract application from concrete implementation with additional layer of interfaces, this is how you should design your application in order to be more modular and reusable. Another important benefit is that once you've designed your application this way it will be much easier to test the different parts in isolation without depending on concrete database access for example.
There's much more about IoC except ability to change implementation:
explicit dependencies - not hidden inside private DataContext
automatic instantiation - you declare in constructor that you need something, and you get it - with all deep nested dependencies resolved
separation of assemblies - take a look at S#arp Architecture to see how IoC allows to avoid referencing NHibernate and other specific assemblies, which otherwise you'll have to reference
management of lifetime - ability to specify per request / singleton / transitive lifetime of objects and change it in one place, instead of in dozens of controllers
ability to do dynamic stuff, like, getting correct data context in model binders, because with IoC you now have metadata about your dependencies; and this shows that maybe IoC does to your object dependencies what reflection does to C# programming - a lot of new possibilities, that you never even thought about
And so on, I'm sure I missed a lot of positive stuff. While the only "bad" thing that I can think about (and that you mentioned) is duplication of interface, which is non-issue with modern IDEs support for refactoring.
Well, if your data interfaces change every day, and you have hundreds of them - you may want to avoid IoC.
But, do you avoid good design practices just because it's harder to follow them? Do you copy and paste code instead of extracting a method/class, just because it takes more time and more code to do so? Do you place business logic in views just because it's harder to create view models and sync them with domain models? If yes, then you can avoid IoC, no problem.
You're arguing that using IOC takes MORE code than not using it. I disagree.
Here is the entire DAL IOC configuration for one of my projects using LinqToSql. The ContextProvider class is simply a thread safe LinqToSql context factory.
container.Register(Component.For<IContextProvider<LSDataContext>, IContextProvider>().LifeStyle.PerWebRequest.ImplementedBy<ContextProvider<LSDataContext>>();
container.Register(Component.For<IContextProvider<WorkSheetDataContext>, IContextProvider>().LifeStyle.PerWebRequest.ImplementedBy<ContextProvider<WorkSheetDataContext>>();
container.Register(Component.For<IContextProvider<OffersReadContext>, IContextProvider>().LifeStyle.PerWebRequest.ImplementedBy<ContextProvider<OffersReadContext>>();
Here is the entire DAL configuration for one of my projects using NHibernate and the repository pattern:
Here is how I consume the DAL in my BLL (w/ dependency injection):
public class ClientService
private readonly IRepository<Client> _Clients;
public ClientService(IRepository<Client> clients)
_Clients = clients;
public IEnumerable<Client> GetClientsWithGoodCredit()
return _Clients.Where(c => c.HasGoodCredit);
Note that my IRepository<> interface inherits IQueryable<> so this code is very trivial!
Here's how I can test my BLL without connecting to a DB:
public void GetClientsWithGoodCredit_ReturnsClientWithGoodCredit()
var clientWithGoodCredit = new Client() {HasGoodCredit = true};
var clientWithBadCredit = new Client() {HasGoodCredit = false};
var clients = new List<Client>() { clientWithGoodCredit, clientWithBadCredit }.ToTestRepository();
var service = new ClientService(clients);
var clientsWithGoodCredit = service.GetClientsWithGoodCredit();
Assert(clientsWithGoodCredit.Count() == 1);
Assert(clientsWithGoodCredit.First() == clientWithGoodCredit);
ToTestRepository() is an extension method that returns a fake IRepository<> that uses an in-memory list.
There is no possible way you can argue that this is more complicated than newing up your DAL all over your BLL.
The only way you could have ever written the above test is by connecting to a DB, saving some test clients, and then querying. I guarantee that takes 100+ times longer to execute than this did. (Times that by 1000 tests and you can go get some coffee while you're waiting.)
Also, by using uncommitted transactions for testing you introduce debugging nightmares resulting from ORMs that don't query over uncommitted entities.
