machine learning and m-estimate - machine-learning

I am working on a machine learning problem and have some outliers in my data and would like to smoothen them. I read something about using m-estimate to solve such problem. I have search exhaustively on both the Web and stackoverflow but could not find a good example. Can someone suggests some resources where I can read more about this topic?

The M-estimator originates from the work of Huber, if I remember well. He studied ways to make estimators robust. To measure robustness however, a very specific type of robustness was considered. It is called the "breakdown point", which is simple the percentage of outliers compared to the overall number of points that the method can cope with. One more outlier, and it breaks down.
Note, that this type of robustness is something quite different from robustness in computer vision. In computer vision outliers might not be many, but they might conspire (in the form of structured points) to break down the most robust estimators. In computer vision for that reason you will encounter the Hough transform and RANSAC to perform robust estimations of lines.
Also, a type of M-estimator that is very resilient against outliers, is an M-estimator that bounds the value assigned to extreme outliers. These are so-called redescending M-estimators. They are really robust, due to the fact that extreme outliers, called gross outliers, are assigned zero weight, or in other words just not taken into account in the regression at all.
If you want to know the influence of a single outlier, I challenge you to write a simple linear least squares octave program. Or if you think it's easier, a total least squares program (you can just do a singular value decomposition and svd is built-in).


How to model multiple inputs to single output in classification?

I am trying to build a model to classify multiple inputs to a single output class, which is something like this:
{x_i1, x_i2, x_i3, ..., x_i16} (features) to y_i (class)
I am using a SVM to make the classification, but the 0/1-loss was bad (half of the data a misclassified), which leads me to the conclusion that the data might be non-linear. This is why I played around with polynomial basis function. I transformed each coefficient such that I get any combinations of polynomials up to degree 4, in the hope that my features are linear in the transformed space. my new transformed input looks like this:
{x_i1, ..., x_i16, x_i1^2, ..., x_i16^2, ... x_i1^4, ..., x_i16^4, x_i1^3, ..., x_i16^3, x_i1*x_i2, ...}
The loss was minimized but still not quite where I want to go. Since with the number of polynomial degree the chance of overfitting rises, i added regularization in order to counter balance that. I also added a forward greedy algorithm in order to pick up the coefficients which leads to minimal cross-validation error, but with no great improvement.
Is there a systematic way to figure out which transform leads to linear feature behaviour in the transformed space? Seems little odd to me that I have to try out every polynomial until it "fits". Are there perhaps better basis functions except polynomials? I understand that in low dimensional feature space, one can simply plot the data out and estimate the transform visually, but how can I do it in high dimensional space?
Maybe a little off topic but I also informed myself about PCA in order to throw away the components which doesnt provide much informations in the first place. Is this worth a try?
Thank you for your help.
Did you try other kernel functions such as RBF other than linear and polynomial? Since different dataset may have different characteristics, some kernel functions may work better than others do, especially in non-linear cases.
I don't know which tools you are using, but the following one also provides a guide for beginners on how to build SVM models:
It is always a good idea to have a feature selection step first, especially for high-dimensional data. Those noisy or irrelevant features should be taken away, leading to a better performance and higher efficiency.

Are high values for c or gamma problematic when using an RBF kernel SVM?

I'm using WEKA/LibSVM to train a classifier for a term extraction system. My data is not linearly separable, so I used an RBF kernel instead of a linear one.
I followed the guide from Hsu et al. and iterated over several values for both c and gamma. The parameters which worked best for classifying known terms (test and training material differ of course) are rather high, c=2^10 and gamma=2^3.
So far the high parameters seem to work ok, yet I wonder if they may cause any problems further on, especially regarding overfitting. I plan to do another evaluation by extracting new terms, yet those are costly as I need human judges.
Could anything still be wrong with my parameters, even if both evaluation turns out positive? Do I perhaps need another kernel type?
Thank you very much!
In general you have to perform cross validation to answer whether the parameters are all right or do they lead to the overfitting.
From the "intuition" perspective - it seems like highly overfitted model. High value of gamma means that your Gaussians are very narrow (condensed around each poinT) which combined with high C value will result in memorizing most of the training set. If you check out the number of support vectors I would not be surprised if it would be the 50% of your whole data. Other possible explanation is that you did not scale your data. Most ML methods, especially SVM, requires data to be properly preprocessed. This means in particular, that you should normalize (standarize) the input data so it is more or less contained in the unit sphere.
RBF seems like a reasonable choice so I would keep using it. A high value of gamma is not necessary a bad thing, it would depends on the scale where your data lives. While a high C value can lead to overfitting, it would also be affected by the scale so in some cases it might be just fine.
If you think that your dataset is a good representation of the whole data, then you could use crossvalidation to test your parameters and have some peace of mind.

machine learning: how to generate regression model that outputs a multivariate instead of a univarite?

Given D=(x,y), y=F(x), it seems most machine learning methods only outputs y as a univariate, either a label or a real value. But I am facing a situation that x vector may only have 5~9 dimensions while I need y to be a multinomial distribution vector which can have up to 800 dimensions. This makes the problem really tricky.
I looked into a lot of things in multitask machine learning methods, where I can train all these y_i at the same time. And of course, another stupid way is that I can also train all these dimensions separately without considering the linkage between tasks. But the problem is, after reviewing many papers, seem that most MTL experiments only deal with 10~30 tasks, which means 800 tasks can be crazy and bad to train. Maybe clustering could be a solution, but I am really curious that can anyone give some suggestions about other ways to deal with this problem, not from a MTL perspective.
When the input is so "small" and the output so big, I would expect there to be a different representation of those output values. You could analyze if they are a linear or nonlinear combination of some sort, so to estimate the "function parameters" instead of the values itself. Example: We once have estimated a time series which could be "reduced" to a weighted sum of normal distributions, so we just had to estimate the weights and parameters.
In the end you will reach only a 6-to-12-dimensional subspace in some sense (not linear, probably) when you have only 6 input parameters. They can of course be a bit complicated, but to avoid the chaos in a 800-dim space I would really look into parametrizing the result.
And as I commented the machine learning that I know produce vectors.

What algorithm would you use for clustering based on people attributes?

I'm pretty new in the field of machine learning (even if I find it extremely interesting), and I wanted to start a small project where I'd be able to apply some stuff.
Let's say I have a dataset of persons, where each person has N different attributes (only discrete values, each attribute can be pretty much anything).
I want to find clusters of people who exhibit the same behavior, i.e. who have a similar pattern in their attributes ("look-alikes").
How would you go about this? Any thoughts to get me started?
I was thinking about using PCA since we can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, that could be useful to reduce it. K-Means? I'm not sure in this case. Any ideas on what would be most adapted to this situation?
I do know how to code all those algorithms, but I'm truly missing some real world experience to know what to apply in which case.
K-means using the n-dimensional attribute vectors is a reasonable way to get started. You may want to play with your distance metric to see how it affects the results.
The first step to pretty much any clustering algorithm is to find a suitable distance function. Many algorithms such as DBSCAN can be parameterized with this distance function then (at least in a decent implementation. Some of course only support Euclidean distance ...).
So start with considering how to measure object similarity!
In my opinion you should also try expectation-maximization algorithm (also called EM). On the other hand, you must be careful while using PCA because this algorithm may reduce the dimensions relevant to clustering.

Clustering a huge number of URLs

I have to find similar URLs like
and gather them in groups or clusters. My problems:
The number of URLs is large (1,580,000)
I don't know which clustering or method of finding similarities is better
I would appreciate any suggestion on this.
There are a few problems at play here. First you'll probably want to wash the URLs with a dictionary, for example to convert
teeth whitening 360 com teeth whitening treatments 18
then you may want to stem the words somehow, eg using the Porter stemmer:
teeth whiten 360 com teeth whiten treatment 18
Then you can use a simple vector space model to map the URLs in an n-dimensional space, then just run k-means clustering on them? It's a basic approach but it should work.
The number of URLs involved shouldn't be a problem, it depends what language/environment you're using. I would think Matlab would be able to handle it.
Tokenizing and stemming are obvious things to do. You can then turn these vectors into TF-IDF sparse vector data easily. Crawling the actual web pages to get additional tokens is probably too much work?
After this, you should be able to use any flexible clustering algorithm on the data set. With flexible I mean that you need to be able to use for example cosine distance instead of euclidean distance (which does not work well on sparse vectors). k-means in GNU R for example only supports Euclidean distance and dense vectors, unfortunately. Ideally, choose a framework that is very flexible, but also optimizes well. If you want to try k-means, since it is a simple (and thus fast) and well established algorithm, I belive there is a variant called "convex k-means" that could be applicable for cosine distance and sparse tf-idf vectors.
Classic "hierarchical clustering" (apart from being outdated and performing not very well) is usually a problem due to the O(n^3) complexity of most algorithms and implementations. There are some specialized cases where a O(n^2) algorithm is known (SLINK, CLINK) but often the toolboxes only offer the naive cubic-time implementation (including GNU R, Matlab, sciPy, from what I just googled). Plus again, they often will only have a limited choice of distance functions available, probably not including cosine.
The methods are, however, often easy enough to implement yourself, in an optimized way for your actual use case.
These two research papers published by Google and Yahoo respectively go into detail on algorithms for clustering similar URLs:
