Spreadsheet-like way to add records to ActiveAdmin - ruby-on-rails

I am looking for a way to add a lot of records at ones in ActiveAdmin. To be more specific, I have 2 models: Stores and Programs. Stores have many Programs.
I don't mind adding a Store using standard ActiveAdmin create view. But I would like a faster way to add programs in a spreadsheet-like way. I looked into best_in_place (https://github.com/bernat/best_in_place) but it doesn't do do adding records, just editing them.
Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it.

The short answer is Rails has nothing to help you do this. Rails has a defined convention for editing multiple objects if they belong to another object that can accept nested attributes for a few reasons, the most important of which is that there's a place to aggregate validation, as well as a standard way to differentiate each set of fields (the id). Neither of these are true during creation.
You can, however, manually work around this a couple of ways.
would be to simply write out the forms yourself, and put the logic to loop through them in your controller. This is going to be fragile, and you'll have issues getting validation to work properly, however.
would be to either create a new class that handles this single case, or try and adapt your existing Store class to handle nested attributes. There's a very solid explanation of how to do this here.


Why does rails generate add timestamps to models by default?

I would expect that most models do not require information about when they were created and updated as a necessary feature of the model. Indeed, the getting started guide doesn't use or mention them. So what is the reasoning behind creating created_at/updated_at fields for models by default?
You may disable them from being created in your migrations if you would like. But to answer your question, you may be surprised how many models tend to have some sort of need to use data from the time stamps in some way, whether thats setting the default scope of that table, using the data to expire certain things, etc... They are included by default because they are useful and convenient to a lot of people, but if you are positive you don't need those feilds, feel free to get rid of them.
A timestamp is added to make it easier for user. A timestamp can be used to understand when what model was created and also to distinguish between different databases

Deciding between using an array attribute or a nested model

Possibly a fairly basic question, but bear with me.
I'm building a page which has a number of pieces of modular content, represented by a ContentBlock model. Each ContentBlock has at least one link, each of which has a couple of different attributes. My initial approach was to just add these links as an array to the model, as there didn't seem to be any real need to store them separately in the database, and they don't have any logic of their own. Now that I'm looking at building a form for creating/editing a ContentBlock though, it seems like it would be much easier to build if there was a separate, nested model for the links.
I'm strongly considering converting to using a model, but my gut feeling is that it's kind of "wrong" to store something like as relatively trivial as the links are in the DB. Given I am still getting used to working with Rails, is this feeling misplaced? Should I just create models for anything and everything? Or should I be looking for some sort of minimum criteria before I do?
It is definitely easier to create forms for nested models. Since your links have attributes, I'd suggest making a model. I tend to err on the side of making models for concepts that can't easily fit into fields. If you're worried about query performance, you can always do eager loading.
I think depends on how much data you plan on managing, what you want to do against that data, what that data represents, etc...
One project we had was to build something that allowed creation of recipes for a group of restaurants. Recipe (some text, like instructions, etc...) -> Ingredient, we went with an array, as these were all single lined text and there would never be more than several hand fulls. Also, the ingredients had no further dependencies. The Recipes would only be rendered out to html and there would be no searching against them (not against the db at least).
Another project required building a Page, very similar to yours, but each "component" of the page did different things and some where linked to other objects in the app, like Videos and other assets, templates, etc... We had seen people do this type of stuff entire through a wysiwyg or through some JS way and saved the entire payload/structure in the DB. We found both to be extremely messy.
And one concern that came up was what happened if an asset/associated object was mistakenly or purposely deleted but lived throughout many pages. Using models allowed to ensure that if something got removed, it got removed within all it's linked associations (though this posed problems of it's own, but more regarding the page making sense when displayed more than anything else).
Also, our Page had the potential of becoming extremely large with different types of components with different looks and inter-activities, that this really was the only way we could properly manage it.
So I would look at your requirements and plan accordingly, context matters. And if you have to change it (which happens, a lot) then you'll change it.

Modifying Rails: How do advanced users find out what needs to be changed?

I've been using Rails for a few months now, and I'm quite comfortable writing up a project & manipulating Rails to my needs, etc.
Recently I've been trying to get a little more advanced, so I've attempted to modify/add to the existing rails codebase: add new form helper methods, add a responds_to :pdf method, etc...and I've been having a lot of problems.
The difficulty is learning which code I need to modify; where that code is located, and how to ensure I don't miss related code in other files. I'm guessing there's a way people learn to do this, but at the moment I'm mostly just guessing-and-hoping.
I guess my question is, how do Rails folks go about learning where the code they need to modify is edited & the approach to editing it? It seems like it's just something you need to know from prior familiarity, but I'm guessing there has to be a simple method for understanding where (and what) to edit.
Any ideas appreciated...cheers
I highly recommend Jose Valim's Crafting Rails Applications
You go through advanced projects, building out the types of engines and customizations that will take you to the next level in your Rails development.
From the site:
This book will help you understand Rails 3’s inner workings, including
generators, template handlers, internationalization, routing, and
What you are asking for is how MVC works. Basicly you can say:
1.) Put logic to the model! The model is the pivot everything turns around.
2.) The Controller is a middleman between the model and the view. You dont put any logic here that isnt related to selecting data from the database that should be displayed in the view. If you use one selection logic more than once create a scope in the Model and use it in the Controller.
3.) The View is only there to display things! You dont put any logic here! All the logic comes from the model and the data comes from the controller. The only logic your using here are loops through arrays of data that should be displayed.
Then you have some things missing. If you have a task that is related to an external service like lets say a SOAP Service you write a class for that too! Just whithout using ActiveRecord::Base inheritance like its generated by the scaffolder. You can call this Class in other models. Dont put this to the controller or copy the code in every class that needs it! Stay DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself). Just write a class for it and include it in the other models!
Another thing thats a Database basic: Dont store data that could be calculated from other fields from the database! You can add methods that calculate the stuff you need but dont start with duplicates.

Ruby on Rails - Create Entity with Relationship

I'm new to rails, so be nice.
I'm building a "rolodex" type application, and this question is about the best way to handle creating an entity along with several relationship entities at the same time.
For (a contrived) example:
My application will have a Person model, which has_one Contact_Info model. On the create.html.erb page for Person it makes sense for the user of my appliction to create the person, and the contact_info at the same time.
It doesn't seem right to include details for creating a contact directly in the create view/controller for person. What's the rails way to handle this?
Using nested attributes is the most common way to do this.
The actual documentation is here.
You want to use "Nested Forms". There is a great example of them in this blog post.
I'm also noob, but I had a similar issue with an app. I was using a tutor at the time and he basically said it was a good example of rails being opinionated. It sounds like you want to take the create action for two different models at the same time, which may be possible but probably very hard. Id suggest considering whether your data model could be modified, or find a way to make an acceptable user flow while collecting the data in different forms.
Update: while writing this the technical answer came in. Keep in mind, its perfectly okay to take the easy route if doing so helps you get the app out the door, and especially while you're still new.

RoR table inheritance?

Scenario: I have a users table in my application. I also have two subclasses of users, lets say contributors and viewers. Each user group must have an entirely different set of attributes but they both share certain user properties (login, password, name).
What is the best way to implement this using Ruby on Rails?
I think single table inheritance would leave me with too many null fields.
I think linking three tables (users, viewers, contributors) would work fine, but then when wanting to edit any information i have to do: #user.viewer, while i would love to be able to just do #viewer.
Any ideas of the best solution?
I would probably go with the three tables approach. Data integrity is king over code cleanliness.
If you want to make it look neater, put virtual attributes on the Viewer and Contributor models that make it look like the User attributes are local. You can make it a module and include it in both Viewer and Contributor models.
You can also set up an :include => :user on the default finders so that you don't get an extra query when using those fields.
I'm extremely caffeinated right now, so comment back if that doesn't make sense :)
don't compromise the database schema, make it fit best. I like the three table method. If you do the database bad, the application will have very hard to fix issues later, run slow, etc.
