"Attempts to access secure API” error in Blackberry - Phonegap - blackberry

When I tried to install my phonegap app in Blackberry device it's showing an error like "Attempts to access secure API".
But the same app running properly in "Blackberry Simulator".
How can I resolve this error?
Please help...

You forgot to sign your application before installing it on an actual device. Unsigned app works on simulator, but you need to sign it to run it on actual device.
Get your signing keys here: https://www.blackberry.com/SignedKeys/codesigning.html
EDIT: updated signing keys link, because RIM (BlackBerry) has updated their web-site and old link pointed to 404 error page.


Add a key named FacebookClientToken to your Info.plist, and add your client token as its value while running Flutter app in IOS

I am getting errors while running my app in Xcode / iOS via Android Studio. The app is working on Android devices but on iOS, it's freezing in Splash Screen.
So, I have to try many things to solve this error. Finally, I solve this & the answer is below.
A major change in Xcode & iOS Development in Flutter is that info.plist you have to add some more information for Facebook Authentication. According to Facebook's documentation, I need to add the following to info.plist:
<key>FacebookClientToken</key>. //You have to add this key
<string>3088986********</string> // And client token value from facebook developer page
This will solve my issue. while running the app in iOS Xcode & Mac. Hope This will solve your issue too.

React Native Simulator Build for Facebook App Review

I'm currently making a react native application and need the user_link permission from Facebook. To do so, I have to submit an ios simulator build for app review.
I followed the instructions here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/getting-started/advanced/ but my request got rejected for these two reasons:
Developer Policy 6.1 - Login
Developer Policy 1.9 - Build a Quality Product
Here's what I have done so far:
Ran my .app using ios-sim launch /path/to/.app since I did not do this previously and just directly submitted a ZIP of my DERIVEDDATA folder but
I encounter a "No bundle URL present." error, which I think is because I did not execute npx react-native start before hand (which I would have normally except I didn't becuase I launched the .app directly to the simulator)
I have reached out to Facebook App Review Support and talked to a live agent.
They were very helpful and pointed out that I should also have provided the path where to find my .app in the sea of folders inside the ZIP however, they could not provide a solution to fix the error I have since it's most probably react-native related.
Thank you very much! Any help is greatly appreciated!

Ionic iOS App Error - Custom Scheme URIs are not allowed for 'WEB' client type

I am using this plugin.
The implementation works fine for android. But google sign in on iOS opens safari webview and throws 400 invalid_request.
I am using the ios client id and reverse client id generated on google developer console.
Anyways to debug or know what the issue is?
The usual cause of this error is having an incorrect REVERSE_CLIENT_ID. Double check that you have the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID from the plist file downloaded when you set up the iOS application registration on the Google developer console. Note that if you got it wrong, changing this is difficult, as it gets copied into various locations and won't update automatically if you just try to change it in config.xml. When I mistakenly used my Android client ID to set up the plugin, I found that as well as config.xml I also needed to change the top level package.json file, and the <appname>-Info.plist in the platforms/ios directory in order to get the correct ID used.

iOS enterprise distributed app terminates without any error log

I have very weird distribution scenario with the iOS app.
App works normally in simulator
App works normally on the device with developer profile (and corresponding bundle id domain.product)
When downloaded from testFairy service with valid enterprise provisioning profile app and bundle id (in form domain.beta.product) app:
Installs without error
Shows lunch screen and terminates immediately
When I connect device and check logs through Xcode -> Devices -> Show log I don't see any today's crashes, like no error happened. (this confuses me the most)
This happens on 2/2 iPhone devices that tried to run the app.
Some other infos that could maybe ring a bell to someone:
- App uses Core Data
- App uses TestFairy SDK (but it was the same without it)
- target is iOS 7.0, base SDK is Latest iOS(iOS 8.1)
- provisioning profile is set to that Enerprise Profile and signing identity is set to corresponding certs for both debug and release.
- I've removed armv7 from Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities as suggested on some stack overflow solutions.
Anyone experienced similar problem? What could be the cause?
I work for TestFairy, I think I can assist.
Few points:
TestFairy's distribution does not alter the IPA in any way.
When using an enterprise profile, you need to sign using (TEAM.domain.company.app) in your application-identifier. iOS 8 shouldn't let you install if the identifier does not include the TEAM.
If the app crashes immediately (with or without the Default splash screen,) it might be because you're out of memory. Does rebooting fix the problem?
Can you please paste all the logs from right before the launch, till the app exits? you can attach and send to TestFairy's support (via Contact page.) That would be helpful. Also, if you're interested, you can email support with your username and link to build, and they can try installing it on their devices and let you know what the problem was.

how to run application on real device in blackberry?

I have installed Blackberry on Windows7. I got all three .csi files from BB. I have done all the procedures and got a successful response from there. Then i right clicked my project and clicked on "sign with signature tool". After signing i loaded this project on Blackberry Bold Device.
Now My Device Shows the installed icon on screen but when i try to open this project it says that "attempts to access a secure api." how to resolve this problem.
For resolving this problem i have also Disabled my UAC. I am working on eclipse Helios.I installed Blackberry Plugin with this exe file. "BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.5.0_helios" is there a problem with this setup.
I am not able to launch a simple helloworld application on Device. I have tried all the help from internet but still i have not succeeded. plz help to resolve this critical issue.
You need to sign your application. Contact RIM for signing keys. Install them and sign your app before installing on actual device.
Check this link to obtain signing keys: https://www.blackberry.com/SignedKeys/
