how to run application on real device in blackberry? - blackberry

I have installed Blackberry on Windows7. I got all three .csi files from BB. I have done all the procedures and got a successful response from there. Then i right clicked my project and clicked on "sign with signature tool". After signing i loaded this project on Blackberry Bold Device.
Now My Device Shows the installed icon on screen but when i try to open this project it says that "attempts to access a secure api." how to resolve this problem.
For resolving this problem i have also Disabled my UAC. I am working on eclipse Helios.I installed Blackberry Plugin with this exe file. "BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.5.0_helios" is there a problem with this setup.
I am not able to launch a simple helloworld application on Device. I have tried all the help from internet but still i have not succeeded. plz help to resolve this critical issue.

You need to sign your application. Contact RIM for signing keys. Install them and sign your app before installing on actual device.
Check this link to obtain signing keys:


CodeSign Error: Code signing is required for product type "Application"

Hey I'm trying to install a unsigned IPA on my jailbroken iPhone running iOS 8.1 but when I go to build it for my device (as done in this guide: I get the above error. I've set all the code signing things to not code sign but when I go to build I always get this error. I've done this in the past before (with the same guide) and I'm using the same project settings as I have in the past but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas?
One way of installing your app on your jailbroken device is to use appcake from repo. First have your app.ipa file handy. Second install appcake from repo. Then Simply add Yourapp.ipa to var/mobile/Media/AppCake/Imported via ssh. Then navigate to the appcake application and go to the "Downloads" tab and then "Imported" tab on the top. You should see your application there. Press on it then press install. If you need more detailed instructions on how to ssh or extract the .ipa file from xcode let me know.

IOS MDM Server IOS App OTA Deployment

We've built an MDM server using a mac mini.
We have 2 applications to push out to a number of users. One app will push and download on the remote devices with out a problem. The other displays an error "The app could not be installed at this time"
This second application is an older application.. however we are building it for 6.0. In the console we see this.
ipad SpringBoard[65] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/
This app can be built an installed when a device is connected to the build computer. We have all of the signing the same as the first application. We can also archive the app without any errors. What would cause this app to not install, or what should we start with?
Several notes/ideas:
a) Take a look at this (they mention the same problem)
Trouble installing AD-HOC distribution through safari
iOs application crash on install
Ad-hoc distribution fail
b) Can you please post your manifest (if you are installing inhouse apps)?
Please double check that that if you pointing to icons in this manifest, the links are correct.
Ok this took days to figure this out... In my situation at some point another icon was added into the build settings. We did change the name of the bundle so I'm assuming that xcode automatically populates the icon information?
In the info tab check to make sure you only have one property for 'icon files' (to be clear you should have the ability to open the drop down menu and expose sub menus... What I had was 2 'icon file' sections.) After I deleted the second set of icon files it pushed fine.
Hope that helps others figure out a very frustrating situation

"Attempts to access secure API” error in Blackberry - Phonegap

When I tried to install my phonegap app in Blackberry device it's showing an error like "Attempts to access secure API".
But the same app running properly in "Blackberry Simulator".
How can I resolve this error?
Please help...
You forgot to sign your application before installing it on an actual device. Unsigned app works on simulator, but you need to sign it to run it on actual device.
Get your signing keys here:
EDIT: updated signing keys link, because RIM (BlackBerry) has updated their web-site and old link pointed to 404 error page.

error starting xxxx: Module xxxx attempts to access a secure API

I have checked other questions around but no one seems to have exactly the same error. I'm using phonegap+jqm to create an application, initially tested on my android phone, now i'm trying to build-deploy to a blackberry. To build the app i used the phonegap starting guide, with:
ant blackberry load-device
I DID sign the application with the RIM provided keys. Still getting the error. Some help?
The problem was with the Signing Tool + JAVA SDK 1.7: it is a known issue that these two dont get along well.
Download and install the BlackBerry Signature Tool and run your compiled .cod file through it to check whether it is really signed or not.

Code Signing Failure Blackberry Ant tools

I am using phonegap and sencha touch to build mobile applications. I have successfully built Android and iOS application. When it comes to blackberry application, I am using the procedure given at phonegap docs.
I can able build and deploy application on to the simulator. But when it comes to code signing it always getting failed.
When I run the command "ant build" the signature tools pops up and closes successfully, I even get 75 emails to my inbox.
Note: I have only sigtool.csk and sigtool.db. Is this the problem?
Any Suggestions?
Well at last I got the solution. If you get a code signing error which does not specify any details, just uninstall and reinstall Java, Blackberry web works and Ripple emulator in the same order. It works for me.
