Cannot scroll iframe in jquery ui dialog on ipad - ipad

I have a web-application which was originally designed to be used from standard desktops and laptops, now I am trying to see if it can work "as is" also on tablets.
I tried it on an iPad 2, and I fould one major problem: the application makes heavy use of dialogs, created using jQuery UI 1.8.22, which are used as "popup", that is, each dialog contains an iframe, and when the content overflows the dialog size the vertical scrollbar appears, but I'm unable to scroll the iframe content 'cause it will always scroll the main page content.
How could this problem be solved? Do you think it is an issue with my application or with the iPad browser itself?
If it can be of any use, I'll post the code which creates the dialogs themselves, for now just let me say that, when navigated using a standard computer, there are absolutely no scrolling problems.
I just created this fiddle which shows how we create such popups, I tried the fiddle with the iPad and in fact I cannot scroll the iframe content, I'd be very grateful for any help you'd be able to give me.

In the end I've been able to solve the problem by using this snipped of code:
if (/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
$('iframe').wrap(function() {
var $this = $(this);
return $('<div />').css({
width: $this.attr('width'),
height: $this.attr('height'),
overflow: 'auto',
'-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch'
The code above was found here:


Tooltips in panels

Seems like tooltips that you get from attribute title="test" are not displayed inside the panel.
Tested also with stackoverflow loaded in the panel, no tooltips when you hover mouse over hot, week, month. But the custom tooltips work, e.g. when you hover over tags.
Is there a way to enable tooltips in Add-on SDK panels, or the only way is going custom tooltips?
No, displaying tooltips for HTML elements requires special code in the browser. This code is there for the built-in browser but not for the browser that the SDK embeds in a panel. That's something that might be worth filing as an SDK bug but in the meantime - custom tooltips are the way to go.
Yes, there's a way.
This works since Firefox 31
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
width: 400,
height: 400,
contentURL: "",
.setAttribute('tooltip', 'aHTMLTooltip');

jQuery mobile fixed footer, iOS web view, and scrollTop issue

I have a mobile application running Backbone.js and jQuery mobile. Because I have Backbone.js and for performance reasons I have disabled all the JQM routing and transitions. I understand that storing scroll location is a feature available in JQM, but I am unable to utilize that (as far as I know).
I have a list view with a potentially long list of items. When the user taps one on the mobile device, it stores the current scroll position and renders a new view. When the user taps the "back" button, it goes back one in the history.
clickLink: ->
window.lastScroll = $(window).scrollTop()
render: ->
if window.lastScroll
$.mobile.silentScroll window.lastScroll
window.lastScroll = undefined
This works as desired on desktop Safari, but when I try it using it on iOS Safari (both simulator and the real thing), there is an issue with the fixed footer navbar.
If the user taps back, the listview is scrolled down as intended, but then if they tap the footer navbar, it is as if they tapped under it, whatever list item is under it will be activated instead. If the user scrolls a little bit before tapping the navbar, everything works fine.
Does anyone have any ideas? Perhaps there is a better approach that would avoid this issue all together.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Could it be related to this bug?
Form elements can lose click hit area in position: fixed containers
(linked from here JQuery Mobile 1.1.0 docs )
I see there is a workaround in the first link - worth a try?
Chad Smith Answered this Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed...?
His method worked best for me. Here is his response:
I got around it by adding a 101% high div then (almost) immediately removing it.
.iosfix {
height: 101%;
overflow: hidden;
and when you scroll:
window.scrollTo(0, _NEW_SCROLLTOP_);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
It also works with jQuery.scrollTo.
See an example here.

iOS5 -webkit-overflow-scrolling causes touch events to stop working

when using [-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;], the scrolling area does work well,
but it causes touch events stopping work out of the scrolling area.
Is there anyone had the same problem? Who can give me some official links about this new scrolling feature?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>ios5 scroll</title>
<style type="text/css">
header {
background: red;
width: 300px;
.scroll {
width: 300px;
background: yellow;
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
<div id="container">
<button onclick="alert('header');">won't work?</button>
<div class="scroll">
<button onclick="alert('scroll');">It works</button>
2011-12-27: I have fixed this problem but I still no wonder the real reason.
In my case, I have several sections in one web page, each section has a scroll area and a header, each time only one section is showed and use css3 animation combined with transform to switch sections. when add [-webkit-overflow-scrolling] in the scroll area of all sections, touch events stop working randomly, so I just add [-webkit-overflow-scrolling] in the section which is showed currently and remove it when the section is hidden. That works well but I still don't know what causes this problem.
I have the same issue, and I can also replicate it every time. I have a page that resizes elements to fit the screen when the orientation of the iPad changes. If at any point the element no longer needs to scroll, it will stop doing so thereafter even if the element is resized back to where it needs to scroll (e.g. flipping back to landscape for me). So it's definitely a bug, but I do have a workaround:
When resizing the element, I'm resetting the -webkit-overflow-scrolling to auto, then setting it back to touch. However, you have to introduce a delay between the two (50ms is working fine, didn't try any lower). So what I did was added an attribute of "scrollable" to the elements, and used the code below (using jQuery):
$("[scrollable]").css("-webkit-overflow-scrolling", "auto");
window.setTimeout(function () { $("[scrollable]").css("-webkit-overflow-scrolling", "touch") }, 100);
Hope this helps!
This is caused by having an <iframe> on the page. Many scripts create <iframes> to do their work including social tracking buttons (Facebook, Twitter, G+), analytics tracking (Google, etc.), and libraries like PhoneGap.
It doesn't matter how the <iframe> is displayed. display: none; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 0 does not fix it. If an <iframe> is on the page it will happen, sometimes intermittently and sometimes always.
The only solution I've found so far (which is turning out to not be very workable in a production app) is to delete all <iframes> on the page, create them only when needed (for example, when I need to call a PhoneGap API), and then delete them when finished.
I confirm I saw the same issue on a web app using extensively touch events and list scrolls.
Before iOS5 I was using iScroll, and everything was working fine;
With iOS5, I used -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch to scroll lists to get faster scrolls.
The consequence is I met random occurrences of touch events no more working on various parts of the app. The issues generally occur after I scrolled a list. it affects randomly elements outside the scrolled area, typically a footer menu.
Reloading the app when in 'frozen touch' state doesn't unfreezes it : to unfreeze it, I had to close the safari tab, open a new one and reload, until I met again the issue while using the app.
The issue is seen on iPad2, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, all on iOS 5.0
Eventually, I deactivated the overflow touch scroll and came back to iScroll, and things work well as in iOS4 .
-webkit-overflow-scrolling + CSS3 Animations + Phonegap API calls = touch stops responding.
My phonegap app will work fine until I make a call to a Phonegap API, at which point the touch will stop responding on mainly the first element that has a event attached to it in the current view. A view for my app is body > div.current with the rest of the divs display none.
I can replicate this every time.
It is clearly a bug in iOS5.
Here's a variation on a few of the answers already listed.
My specific issue was that reorientation caused scrolling to stop working completely when -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch was applied to an element.
Example: Landscape orientation is shorter and needs a scrollbar. Portrait is tall enough that no scrollbar is needed. Reorient to landscape; scrollbar is present but non-functional.
listen for the orientationchange event
do something which triggers a layout change on the scrolling element
ensure that the change is significant enough that the rendering engine doesn't optimize it away. For example, hiding then immediately showing does not seem to do anything. Anything that uses setTimeout() seems to work (perhaps it is the different execution context, I don't know).
Fading in and out works, or hiding and then showing with a short delay works (though it flashes). #Sari's solution for changing the scroll properties works and does not cause any visible redraw.
$(window).on("orientationchange", function () {
// use any valid jQuery selector
var elements = $("[data-touchfix=true]");
elements.css("-webkit-overflow-scrolling", "auto");
window.setTimeout(function () {
elements.css("-webkit-overflow-scrolling", "touch");
}, 100);
Note that I haven't tested this fix beyond my iPad 3 other than to ensure that it doesn't cause script errors in Chrome or IE 7/8/9.
In case this is of any use...Incorporating PhoneGap I was using Zepto to append ajax-loaded, scrollable content into the dom. I was then applying a css transition on it. There were no iFrames on the page.
I was experiencing the same issue as mentioned here, where scrolling would just stop working. When I copied the generated code into a separate file and tried that on the iOS simulator - everything worked as expected.
I eventually got it to work by querying the height of the parent container - just before the css transition. By adding var whatever = $('#container').height(); the scrolling worked.
To improve a little bit ThinkingStiff's excelent answer, you can avoid blinking
- if overflow:hidden is set
- if instead of 'auto' value just remove property:
window.setTimeout(function () { $('.scroll').css({'overflow':'auto','-webkit-overflow-scrolling':'touch'})},50);

jquery ui dialog and our dearest friend, ie6

I'm using the jquery ui dialog for a modal popup dialog. It's working great in Firefox/Chrome but terrible in ie6.
When I show the dialog in ie6, the browser window grows and automatically scrolls down to the bottom. The height increase and automatic scroll-down is equal to the height of the jquery dialog.
I can scroll up and then use the dialog as normal, but the behavior where it grows the window and drops is maddeningly unacceptable.
Here is how I'm launching the window:
<div id="dialogWindow"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var $dialog = $("#dialogWindow").dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
minWidth: 560,
width: 560,
resizable: "true",
position: "top"
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
I am already using the bgiframe plugin for jquery which is key for ie6 overlay issues. But this seems unrelated to that. Has anyone seen this before and found a work around?
I've seen this behavior before and it is usually caused by the overlay. When you use the {modal: true} option an overlay is created and rendered with bgiframe support if the plug-in is loaded.
First off, try turning {modal: false} and see if you aren't getting page blow-out then we know it's the overlay.
there are a few things to check if that is the culprit;
check that the styles for the overlay are loading correctly, you'll need to include the jquery-ui dialog.css
try experimenting with position: and float: styles
try moving your dialog markup just above the < / body> tag, allowing the modal overlay to escape correctly.
I had a similar problem at one point.
$('.addButton').click(function(e) {
var y = window.pageYOffset;
var x = window.pageXOffset
window.scrollTo(x, y); // horizontal and vertical scroll targets
What the above should do is grab your current scroll coordinates and saves them. Once the dialog opens you then scroll back to the prior position in memory. Should be near instant and unseen by the user.

jquery ui dialog + Google Maps + IE8 error... What could it be?

I'm trying to use jquery ui dialog and google maps... so when an user clicks a link, the dialog opens showing the map.
I've tried in many ways... it works on FF and Chrome but on IE8 the map is gray.
In one of the changes in script reference order in html head, makes the map loads just a part of it in IE8... tried to load google maps before and after dialog, but nothing changed
It's very confusing... Has anyone gone through this issue??
The jQuery UI documentation for tabs says this, and I think it applies to dialogs as well (you'll need to adjust the code for dialogs).
Any component that requires some
dimensional computation for its
initialization won't work in a hidden
tab, because the tab panel itself is
hidden via display: none so that any
elements inside won't report their
actual width and height (0 in most
There's an easy workaround. Use the
off-left technique for hiding inactive
tab panels. E.g. in your style sheet
replace the rule for the class
selector ".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide" with
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide {
position: absolute;
left: -10000px;
For Google maps you can also resize
the map once the tab is displayed like
function(event, ui) {
if ( == "map-tab") {
resizeMap() will call Google Maps'
checkResize() on the particular map.
