2 different fetch requests in one grouped tableview (iOS) - ios

I've been working successfully with any tableviews. Now I want to display an overview from 1st fetchrequest in the first section of a grouped tableview. In the 2nd section should be shown a list of detailed informations.
Is it possible to display data in one and more data in a another tableview section?
I try to do this with static labels, for better understanding.
Should look like this screenshot - but I am a new user cant post images :(


Design event view using swift

i want to make a view for event details, using swift, something like this one:
what do you suggest me to use? tableview? collectionview? every events has a different numbers of rows and every row can have a different height, example based on text.
Is there some example on the web?
I suggest a tableView and everything row should be in section.
image section
action section
date section
and so for forward. For the sections you can use and enum so you don't use directly ints. Then every section has one row usually. The final design should result pretty clean.

How to display detailed row in TableView#2 when row in TableView #1 is tapped? (Swift - iOS)

I am kinda stuck in my iPhone app project (Swift, iOS, Xcode 7, using a StoryBoard), and I am hoping someone would be kind enough to give me a helping hand.
I am trying to link two Tableviews in such a way that when the user (me!) taps any row (each row = day of the week) in the 1st TableView it takes him to a more detailed row in the 2nd TableView; in a row, the user would enter info for 4 items, and in that 2nd TableView, the user would be able to add as many similar rows as he wishes to again enter different info for the 4 items such Time, Event, Place etc.
When I tried to create that 2nd TableView (dragged ViewController into StoryBoard, inserted TableView object, added 1 dynamic cell), I simply was unable to link it with the 1st TableView...
VoilĂ ... Any help will be hugely appreciated as I am new to that environment. Thanks in anticipation.
It seems like you just need to link a NavigationController from one TableView to the second TableView. Make sure you right-click and drag the action to the appropriate methods.

UICollection View to display data from parse

I've been trying to get a standard UIcollectionView to display information pulled from Parse and it is not working at all. All I need is a simple way to implement a Collection view to show the name of the item with an image to display the item. The number of items in each section is equal to the PF query. count that was performed. But I need to figure out how to display the items and how to create a working collection view.
You can refer this tutorial for UICollectionView.
It has nothing to do with the Parse or PFQuery at the moment.

iOS - newsfeed structure: does Instagram use TableViews inside of TableCells?

I'm making newsfeed for my iOS app which is very similar to Instagram.
How does Instagram group its photos and comments in one long table? It seems most logical to me to put TableViews into TableCells of parent TableView.
So child TableView inside of TableCell will contain: username in row 1, photo in row 2, +3 last comments in remaining rows.
And it will be easy to calculate number of rows for parent table. It will be = [feeds count].
But I've read that it's bad idea to put TableView into TableCell.
So should I use one big flat table (why)? Calculating number of rows in numberOfRowsInSection will be more complicated then as well as determining what to show in cellForRowAtIndexPath...
It seems to me they're using a section for each photo, with a header view for avatar, location, date and username, and a custom footer view for each section which contains the like/comment button, as well as the comments and likes already on the post. If I were to make instagram, that's the way I would go.

How can I get multi selected cell items for NSArray?

I've implemented multi selected UITableView.
I want to get multi selected cell informations.
For example, there are 5 cell items in myTableView.
and I touched 3 cell items. and then I want to remove these items.
(It likes multi delete of iPhone mail)
How can i get this information?
This blog goes over it pretty well: http://cocoawithlove.com/2009/01/multiple-row-selection-and-editing-in.html
I won't paste in the code because it is significant, but I'm sure people would like it if you posted your implementation in your question as an edit after you are done.
