Using traffic information in iOS App - ios

I am trying to figure out if there are any way out there where I can read the traffic data based on the directions given from Point A to Point B.
I don't need to show the directions in the app. There are two things that would be nice to read, one is the amount of time to travel considering the current traffic situation; and/or read the traffic color (green = no traffic; red = trafic; etc.) on the direction's path.
Thanks everyone!


There is one reference regarding the question: They suggest that from google APIs this can not be achieved: Here
Then there are traffic information going to be available by Apple itself: "iOS 6 Maps uses TomTom mapping and traffic data"
I can not provide the way to use the Map framework for iOS 6 as it is in beta version. You have to figure out the way to use it.
Hope this helps.


Sharing ARKit experiences over the web

We're looking to share AR experiences (ARWorldMap) over the web (not necessarily to devices nearby, I'm referring to data that can be stored to some server and then retrieved by another user).
Right now we're looking into ARWorldMap which is pretty awesome, but I think it only works on the same device AND with devices nearby. We want to be able to delete these constraints (and therefore save the experience over the web on some server) so that everyone else can automatically see 3D things with their devices (not necessarily at the same time) exactly where they were places.
Do you know if it's possible to send the archived data (ARWorldMap) to some server in some kind of format so that another user can later retrieve that data and load the AR experience on their device?
The ARWorldMap contains the feature points in the enviroment around the user. For example, the exact position and size of a table but including all the other points found by the camera. You can visualize those with the debugOptions.
It does not make sense to share those to a user that is not in the same room.
What you want to do is share the interactions between the users, eg when an object was placed or rotated.
This is something you would need to implement yourself anyway since ARWorldMap only contains anchors and features.
I can recommend Inside Swift Shot from last years WWDC as a starting point.
Yep technically it’s possible as according to docs here. You will have to use the nsssecure coding protocol, might have to extend if you aren’t using a swift backend though. It’s still possible as the arkit anchors are defined by a mix of point maps, rotational data , and image algos. Just implement portions of codable to JSON and voila it’s viable for most backends. Of course this is easier said then done.

Offline map with routing on iOS

Anybody know good solution for offline routing on iOS?
I read some posts but no solution. I know that ArcGis can do it, but they have an expensive plan.
Another good idea, we have an offline map and when we need routing we will go to internet.
But it should be the same map. If anybody know how to do this tell me please.
Offline Map With Routing - iOS
Offline iPhone Map with offline routing
Offline maps with routing for a particular place
Offline maps on IPhone
In my opinion, Graphhopper is the best choice for offline routing. The project is quite active, relies on OSM data, can be embedded or consumed as a service sharing the same core logic.
I have successfully integrated it in a few projects (mostly foot routing in indoor/urban areas).
Depending on your needs, you might have to adapt a few lines of Java code.
About your second subject, think of map and routing as two different features, even if a few SDK provide both.
You can rely on graphhopper to compute an itinerary then represent it on a Arcgis's AGSMapView.
See and The entries for some of the frameworks specify whether they can do off-line routing. These wiki pages refer to systems which use OpenStreetMap data, but some of the frameworks can handle other data (e.g., ESRI shapefiles) as well.
Disclosure: I am the author of one of the mapping SDKs mentioned.

Providing Walking Directions in iOS 6 Using MapKit

I realise that iOS 6 is still under NDA so i'll keep my question succinct and to the point.
Is there a way to provide walking directions within my own application without using I know I can send requests to to display directions but i'd like to be able to provide directions from my own application if at all possible?
There are a handful of new classes in iOS 6 that look like they might do what I want but i'm unable to test them currently. I'll have a looksee and try to implement something but I want to be sure it's even possible before wasting time.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Since iOS 6 is well and truly out of NDA now, I can safely say that providing walking directions in your own application is definitely not possible.
You can however open with a properly formatted request to provide directions if required.

Change map colors in iOS MapView?

Is it possible to change map element colors in a MapView in the same way that you can with a Google Map? If so, how would I go about doing this.
I'm looking to change map element colors pretty substantially, so I don't think that adding an Annotation as described here is the right solution.
As an example, has a map that is skinned to be grayscale, and Google has documentation of how to do this for web maps here.
I gave CloudMade a try, and it wound up working reasonably well, but I decided against using them for two reasons:
1) Their support sucks. I shot an email to their support address about a week or two ago and have still not received any kind of response. Their most recent SVN commit is also close to a year old.
2) This issue raised on the Route Me repo, combined with their shoddy support, scared me away.
I did manage to find an SDK called MapBox that is also built on Route Me that was suitable for the task. Their git repo is in active development and they are available on freenode during normal business hours. I'd recommend them over CloudMade to anyone who has the same question I had initially.
It's not possible using UIMapKit.
I have used CloudMade before, which enable you to customise map colours quite extensively. As far as I know their maps use OpenStreetMap data.
No, it is not possible with the current MapKit.
Any substantial update like the one you describe would have to be performed when requesting tiles from Google, and at the moment only Apple does this, deep in the framework.

Techniques for offline reverse geocoding on a mobile device?

I am working on a mobile mapping application (currently iOS, eventually Android) - and I am struggling with how to best support reverse geocoding from lat/long to Country/State without using an online service.
Apple's reverse geocoding API depends on Google as the backend, and works great while connected. I could achieve similar functionality using the Open Street Maps project too, or any number of other web services.
What I really want however is to create a C library that I can call even when offline from within my application, passing in the GPS coordinates, and having it return the country and/or state at those coordinates. I do not need finer granularity than state-level, so the dataset is not huge.
I've seen examples of how to do this on a server, but never anything appropriate for a mobile device.
I've heard Spatialite might be a solution, but I am not sure how to get it working on iOS, and I wonder if it may be overkill for the problem.
What are some recommended techniques to accomplish this?
You will need to get the Shapefiles (lat/lng outline) of all the administrative entities (US states, countries, etc). There are a lot of public domain sources for these. For example, the NOAA has shapefiles for US states and territories you can download:
Once you got the shapefiles, you can use a shapefile reader to test if a lat/lng is within a shape. There are open source readers in C, just google. I seen stuff at sourceforge for shapefiles, but have not used these myself.
The Team at OpenGeoCode.Org
If you're looking for an approach based on a quadtree, try Yggdrasil. It generates a quadtree based on country polygon data. A Ruby example script can be found here.
I can suggest good written offline geocoding 3rd party library.
