Providing Walking Directions in iOS 6 Using MapKit - ios

I realise that iOS 6 is still under NDA so i'll keep my question succinct and to the point.
Is there a way to provide walking directions within my own application without using I know I can send requests to to display directions but i'd like to be able to provide directions from my own application if at all possible?
There are a handful of new classes in iOS 6 that look like they might do what I want but i'm unable to test them currently. I'll have a looksee and try to implement something but I want to be sure it's even possible before wasting time.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Since iOS 6 is well and truly out of NDA now, I can safely say that providing walking directions in your own application is definitely not possible.
You can however open with a properly formatted request to provide directions if required.


Developing an iOS app, questions about the API I should use. (thinking of SpriteKit)

This is a pretty basic question and doesn't really need much depth for an answer. I was just currently interested in developing an app for iPhones and after learning the swift2 language from the Mac site, i was just wondering which API I should use.
I did some moderate research, and so far spriteKit seems like the way to go (bit of a hassle if I want to port it over to android, but not impossible). But I was just wanting to make sure it's the right way to go.
The app idea revolves around keeping track of some form of progress and being able to use this data to generate graphs for the user? I'd also like to add some image functionality to the application as well. (similar to the health app and how it measures distance walked?)
I know this sounds vague, but would spriteKit be able to do these things? Or is there another API worth having a look into? (I've checked out metal and sceneKit as well, but leaning towards the more 2D type apps)
From my point of view using spritekit for this is overkill.
There are some greats frameworks to do graphs like charts :
Spritekit is more gaming oriented, if you want a "simple" app you don't need it.
I don't think SpriteKit is the right API to accomplish your problems.
SpriteKit is all about moving and manipulating images on the screen. I am quite familiar with the SpriteKit API.
I do not see any help for generating graphs or something like that.
Also it is not the right API to display a proper interface for "serious" apps.

First Person Map View in iOS

I am currently developing an iOS app using Objective-C and I came across with a requirement from my client that I am unsure and unaware if it can be made.
The app that I am working with is Map based using the geolocalization of the user at all times. To do so, as I am sure you all know, I am using the MapKit.framework that Apple gives us pre-built.
My doubt came when my client asked me if it’s possible to use the First Person Maps View instead of the traditional 2D Map. To make my question clear to you, what I was exactly asked if there is any chance to use the same view of the GPS navigation in the app (See picture below). Is there any way to do so? If so, could you give me some guides to achive that?
Any help would be appreciate it!
After some hours of research I've found a way to do so. The key property is initialized trough:
MKMapCamera *mapCamera = [MKMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:ground fromEyeCoordinate:eye eyeAltitude:50];
Take a look at this tutorial if you are need of an explanation step by step:

IOS swift - Tracking used apps

I'm currently looking for a way to track user activity. I'm working on an IOS app using swift and i need stats of apps usage. basically I want to get-make a tracking of the used apps. Data like opened apps, start time and shut down time... I know that for get all stats, maybe is necessary run a backgroud service, but, this is another problem that i think to solve after. for now i want to know if it's posible, if there is some way to get stats for used apps. I know that the UIApplication class call the UIApplicationMain function when an app is launched. Maybe, from my app, there is a way for access this info?... Thanks, i have been a long time reading but really, i can't see some clear option.
If (as David has interpreted your question in the comments) you are trying to track usage of other apps that aren't yours, he's right; you can only track your own app's usage.
If you are needing to track events in your own app, there are a good number of analytic frameworks available to do exactly what you are needing to do.
Flurry is one I've used in the past with success, and is one of the more well know solutions. I've also utilized Google's analytics framework. Both are pretty straightforward to integrate into your app and to track the sort of fine grained events you are looking to capture. You can't go wrong with either one of those.
Here is a (slightly old) list of additional tracking/analytics options beyond Flurry and Google's offerings.
You can record your feedback and user experiences, and bug reports with

Accessing data from HealthKit with Swift

I'm a complete noob at Swift (and Xcode), as a matter of fact, the only programming language I (somewhat) know is Javascript.
I'm trying to make a Swift SpriteKit game, and I would like to access the number of calories burned in HealthKit.
The idea is that my game will provide more points the more calories you burn using other apps like Endomondo. My app does not actually track anything, I would just like to access other data left by other apps in the Health App.
Is this even possible? (I'm running the latest version of everything, from Mac OS X to Xcode)
Certainly. I don't think there is anything technically preventing you from making calls to the HealthKit APIs in your game. In fact, you're fairly free to mix and match the use of any public frameworks provided on iOS.
One thing to keep in mind is privacy and disclosure of the use of health data. The user will have to explicitly grant your app permission to see data.
HealthKit is a really rich API with lots of ways to access lots of different kinds of data, and you're really only interested in a small part right now, so a quick way to experiment is to create a new Swift SpriteKit game from the new project template in Xcode, do your research on HealthKit, and see if you can just log the number of calories burned since some time point while your app is running. If you can do that, the rest is details (as in, the entire app :-)).
Here are what I think might be some helpful links, good luck on your project!
You'll also find some good documentation on SpriteKit (references and guides) on the iOS Developer Library site.

Using traffic information in iOS App

I am trying to figure out if there are any way out there where I can read the traffic data based on the directions given from Point A to Point B.
I don't need to show the directions in the app. There are two things that would be nice to read, one is the amount of time to travel considering the current traffic situation; and/or read the traffic color (green = no traffic; red = trafic; etc.) on the direction's path.
Thanks everyone!
There is one reference regarding the question: They suggest that from google APIs this can not be achieved: Here
Then there are traffic information going to be available by Apple itself: "iOS 6 Maps uses TomTom mapping and traffic data"
I can not provide the way to use the Map framework for iOS 6 as it is in beta version. You have to figure out the way to use it.
Hope this helps.
