Sequence of execution when loading xib? - ios

I have been programming on iOS for almost six months now, using xibs left and right, but i am still unaware how loading process works...
What i mean, i have view controller and push button to open new modal view controller. From that point onwards how are things done. Is init method first called, then xib created, outlets connected and then nib loaded?
Is there any good article or book that explains this in details?

this maybe not answer your question the way like you want,
but i recommend you to find it out yourself.
How? see the text above.
use XLog() in case of NSLog()
paste the code above in your prefix.pch file
put in every method you want an XLog() statement and see, which methods are called firstly.
XLog() is a better way of NSLog(). In console you can see the Line numbers and the methodnames where the log is called. this should help you out to understand the way of loading nibs.
#define DEBUG 1
//#define RELEASE 1
#ifdef DEBUG
// Debug definitions
#define DEBUG_MODE
#define XLog(fmt, ...) NSLog(#"%s line:%d " fmt, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#ifndef RELEASE
#error DEBUG or RELEASE need to be #defined
// Release definitions
#define XLog(...)


Xcode compiler errors when using ##__VA_ARGS__

Here is my customized NSLog.
#define NSLog(fmt, ...) printf("🌳🌳🌳%s,%d\n %s\n\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [NSString stringWithFormat:fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__].UTF8String)
This log is work good on another project, but it occurred 4 error when compiler time in current project. If using __VA_ARGS__, like #define NSLog(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__), it's going to compile successful. I think that maybe caused in Building Setting.
It's anyone has any idea to help me to solve this.
Check that the header file declaring this imports Foundation. Check that you don't have NSLog defined somewhere else as well and finally, really not a good idea to redefine NSLog. You're probably better off adopting a logging framework or defining your own like this:
#define MELog(fmt, ...) NSLog("🌳🌳🌳%s,%d\n %s\ ....

Turn logging to lldb console off (Socket IO framework for iOS)

I am using pkyeck / socket.IO-objc framework. It is very good, however I am unable to debug with the verbose logs it produces to the lldb, which makes the console constantly full with descriptions about traffic, which are useless to me at the moment. I couldn't find a way how to turn it OFF. Anybody knows how to do it? I just can't imagine myself commenting out all the lines with NSLog...
Found the solution. It is rather undesired to tinker with the source code of the framework - usually it is a good practice to take it AS-IS but since there wasn't any other way...
In the file SocketIO.m, locate line numbers 32 - 39:
#define DEBUG_LOGS 1
#define DEBUGLOG(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUGLOG(...)
Naturally, everybody now knows what comes next - change the value of DEBUG_LOGS to 0.
That's it, done. I recommend adding a //TODO: to the line above in order not to forget for the next time, when debugging logs are desired.

#ifdef DEBUG versus #if DEBUG

It is unclear to me when using compiler directives which of the below two code snippets is correct/preferred and why. It seems that most developers and Open Source projects I've seen use the first but I have seen the second used frequently as well.
#ifdef DEBUG
[self doSomethingOnlyWhenDebugging];
[self doSomethingOnlyWhenDebugging];
Which of the above code snippets is preferable for running code only while debugging and why? My guess is that the first will run if DEBUG is defined as TRUE or FALSE where the second will run only if DEBUG is defined and set to TRUE. Is that correct?
You are correct. #if DEBUG will not evaluate if DEBUG is defined as 0.
As for when to use each, you can stick to using #ifdef for anything where you only need to add code if the preprocessor definition is present, such as adding debug logging. If you need to inspect the value and go down different compilation paths, then I would use a 0 or 1. A good example of that is TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR, which is always defined for an iOS project, but only 1 if you’re compiling for the simulator.
As I know, the finest choice is:
#ifndef DEBUG
#elif DEBUG == 0
NSLog(#"%d", DEBUG);
then, you will know #ifndef DEBUG is preferred above all others.
There is a simpler choice:
#if DEBUG == 0 // DEBUG is not defined or defined to be 0
// do sth
// do sth
However, if -Wundef compiler flag is on, there might be a warning with #if DEBUG == 0.
You need to look at the code where DEBUG gets defined or not defined, and write your code accordingly. With DEBUG, you will find that it is either not defined, or defined with a value of 1. So either #if DEBUG or #ifdef DEBUG will work.
For #define's that are under your control, I recommend that you always define them, either with a value of 0 or 1. You can then use #if to check for the value, but you can also use them directly in an ordinary if statement or in an expression, which may make your code more readable. And since it is always defined, you can use "Jump To Definition" in Xcode to go to the place where it is defined and check how and why it is set. If instead you either #define or not #define the value, and it is not defined, then Xcode will have no idea where in your source code it is not defined. It also gives you a chance to look for misspelled uses. If "Jump to Definition" doesn't work, then you know you have spelled it wrong.
BTW Within an #if directive, any macro that is not defined is replaced by 0. So #if DEBUG will work if DEBUG is not defined, or if DEBUG is defined as 0, and it will not compile if DEBUG is defined as nothing - which will tell you what is wrong so you can fix it. From that point of view, using #if is better unless it doesn't compile.

How to disable NSLog all over the app?

I want to disable NSLog() across all instances in an app. I found some code that does that:
#ifndef DEBUG
#define NSLog //
But adding this code to each file isn't good idea. How can I make it easier?
Xcode has a precompiled header file ({project-name}-Prefix.pch in the Supporting Files group by default) that is a great place to put code that will be used across every file in the project. For going a step further and improving the log message itself, see Is it true that one should not use NSLog() on production code?.
Add the following lines to your constants file:
#define DEBUGGING NO //or YES
#define NSLog if(DEBUGGING)NSLog
The two following sentences give the same results
#define NSLog
#define NSLog //
because all text that begin with // are deleted in a precompiling phase ("//" included)
What I do is put this in the precompiled header file (YourAppName.pch):
#define MyLog if(0); else NSLog
Then I change all NSLog to MyLog everywhere else in the app. It works as if it were NSLog. But when you want to disable NSLog, go back to the .pch file and change the 0 to 1 and presto, all logging stops.
This will also take care of the warnings that arise when using
#define NSLog //
The code:
#ifndef DEBUG
#define NSLog(...)
Just add the following lines when you do'"t need NSLOG to your constants file
#define NSLog //
and comment it when you need it.

XCode Warning: "/* within block comment"

I really like to temporary enable and disable code parts by commenting them this way:
some code
(Mind the
instead of
at the end)
However, XCode keeps giving me the warning:
/* within block comment
Is there any way to "custom-disable" specific warnings?
WHY? I will tell you why: Because I can easily take it in and out with only one character, without having to scroll down the block to take the "*/ in and out.
When I want to temporarily remove a block of code I use:
#if 0
Which avoids this issue and is easy to spot later.
If I want to later temporarily re-enable that code, then I simply flip the 0 to 1:
#if 1
However if this enable/disable needs to be more visible, and easier to control, then I use a constant defined at the top of the source file instead:
I found a very nice alternative to:
some code
You can just use this variant:
some code
to achieve the same goal without any Xcode warnings!
The real answer for me (just disabling an XCode warning, without changing any line in legacy code) is here:
Apple LLVM 6.0 Custom Compiler Flags -> Other Warning Flags -> -Wno-comment
