TestFlight Fails to create IPA - ios

I'm using XCode 4.4.1 to create an IPA file for TestFlight AdHoc Distribution. If I go through the Organizer to create the IPA file, everything works great and TestFlight just works.
Here's the problem. If instead of using the Organizer to create the IPA, I allow TestFlight Co-Pilot to detect the new archive, I get a popup that TestFlight has noticed the new Archive, and I click the "Upload" button. But then, I get an error that the IPA file could not be created. The error appears to have something to do with signatures, but I'm using the same signatures as I do when creating the IPA though XCode's Organizer. Here's a screenshot of the actual error. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

I had the same problem with the installation of Xcode 4.5.
The solution was to install "Command Line Tools".
Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools

After contacting TestFlight support, I was finally to get it working. Try this in a terminal:
sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate /usr/bin/codesign_allocate


ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision." on uploading flutter

I built a flutter app and am struggling to upload ipa file for testflight now. I built ipa file with following steps:
$ flutter build ios -t lib/main_stg.dart
Get Runner.app from step 1
Create ProjectName folder and put the app file in it
Zip ProjectName folder and rename it ProjectName.ipa
$ xcrun altool --upload-app -f ProjectName.ipa -t ios -u username -p pass
Then got the error after step 5.
*** Error: Error uploading 'ProjectName.ipa'.
*** Error: ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision." (-18000)
I saw below page and changed "New build system" to "Legacy Build System" at Build System, but am still getting the same error:
Missing Provisioning Profile :Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision
I checked the contents of Runner.app generated at step 2 and found "embedded.mobileprovision" there. However not sure where to check for provisioning profile and how to add it if its missing.
I'm using MacOS Big sur, xcode 12.5.1, flutter 2.3.0-17.0.
You can check the Provisioning profile in Xcode like image below
I'm using Fastlane which will handle sharing provisioning profiles to your team but anyways You can go check in Xcode to see if you download and install provisioning profile correctly. If it's correct it shouldn't show any warning or errors
After reading Einzeln's answer, I checked xcode settings.
Firstly, I unticked "Automatically manage signing" and noticed similar error message "Provisioning profile xxx doesn't include signing certiicate" at "Signing Certificate" part.
I added "Apple Distribution" in Xcode->Preferences->Manage Certificates. Then added profile with "Apple Distribution" in Apple Developer Portal. At this stage (or rebooted mac was necessary?) error message was gone on xcode.
I still got the same error with xcrun command somehow. However, building from xcode GUI worked this time(It didn't work before so I decided to use command. probably because Provisioning Profile wasn't set). Then build the app->distribute done successfully.

How to get an iOS app build for appium testing?

I wanted to setup iOS testing on simulator on my MacBook-pro. Im using appium 1.6 and Xcode 8 and iOS 10.1 as simulator OS. I ran my appium server and set the desired capabilities and used an .ipa from the app store and it crashes on launch while doing an inspect on appium. Is it happening because i don't have a app signed for development? what are the requirements for the app to be tested for using? Do i need signed apps to be used for testing on simulator too ?
You can create a .app file useing the belowing instruction:
1- Go to:
xcode > File > New Project > (select ios at top bar) select Tabbed Application > click Next > give project name and select swift as language and complete process.
2- Open the project and run it. After running the app in the simulator, you will find the project .app file in the product folder (expand your project in xcode > product.
you can use this .app file for your appium test.
3- You can also get a lot of free .xcode project on the web. download this project, open the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file in xcode and run it. you will find the .app file in the product folder
if you want to run your ios app in the simulator, you need a .app file, not .ipa file. The .ipa file runs on the device. Try to generate a .app file for simulator.
Yes, you need apps to be signed with a developer provisiioning profile. You can use the iresign to do it. you should input your ipa file developer provisioning file(contact your dev) and click resign. It will output the resigned app
The same dev provisioning file, dev certificate should be installed in your mac from where you run your scripts.
Note: you cannot run .ipa on simulators. you need .app version of the app , for which you need to contact the developer too

Make Ad-hoc builds in Xcode 6 without signing in to developer account

Before Xcode 6, it was sufficient to provide only a *.p12 certificate and *.mobileprovision file to Xcode in order to export an *.ipa file for Ad Hoc builds.
Xcode 6 opens the Organizer as usual when the archive is ready, but when I press the "Export" button, the Organizer asks to select a Development Team. It does not allow me to proceed without one even though I have *.p12 and *.mobileprovision installed.
To save for Ad Hoc Development, select a Development Team to use for provisioning:
I know that a developer account could be exported from Xcode accounts pane, but there is a problem with that. It exports all certificates and mobileprovision files associated with it. This includes other profiles that I don't want to include (because I want to share the resulting export with a project team and don't want to include non-relevant profiles).
Is there any way to avoid this "helpful" feature and just export the relevant *.p12 and *.mobileprovision?
If you are using Testflight to upload adhoc builds, it's easier. Install the Testflight app for Mac and run it. Whenever you do an archive in Xcode, it auto shows a popup whether to upload it. You need not export the build from Xcode and avoid signing in to developer account.
Alternatively, if you don't want to distribute on Testflight, you can right click (or option click) on the build in Xcode > Organizer and select "Show in Finder" and right click the archived file for "Show package contents" and get the .app. Put the .app inside a directory called Payload and zip up the the file to Payload.zip. Rename Payload.zip to myapp.ipa to distribute manually.
Edit: A long time has passed since this answer. As for now I suggest using Fastlane for building the app from command line - with proper configuration it won't require signing with dev account.
Original answer below:
I don't know how to do it in xcode, however - I've managed to do it using command line tools:
xcodebuild -configuration Release -scheme SCHEME_NAME -workspace Workspace.xcworkspace clean archive -archivePath build/App
xcodebuild -configuration Release -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath "build/App.xcarchive" -exportPath "build/App.ipa" -exportProvisioningProfile "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME"
Just select "Use local signing assets" in the accounts drop down.
We were having the same problem. I tried building the project and making the archive using Xcode 6 and after that I go to the Organizer window of XCode 5 and export the adhoc build from there. It works fine.
This solution worked for me.
Xcode Version 6.1
TestFlight Version 1.0 (320)
Download a previous version of Xcode, I just got the version 4.6.3 and it worked fine so far.
In my case, i use Unity 5.0.1p1 with Vuforia 4.2.3.
So, it have a QCARWrapper.bundle on "Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources"
I delete it, and export. Works!!!
I do this only for EXPORT FOR AD HOC.
Hope this help someone.
In fact, you need to create a new Distribution profile, specific for Ad Hoc Deployment.
This can be found in the classic member center, but it is a new type of certificate.
You can then select which devices can be used to test the app as ou would do with a developer profile.
Alternatively you can use the TestFlight solution provided by Apple with iOS 8 to enable your user to have access to prereleases.

Xcode6 ipa distribution issue

Did anybody have a luck to make and install an ipa file with Xcode6?
I developed the Swift app
I have created successfully an ipa file, with right provision where my device is presented.
But when I try to install it to device via iTunes - in hangs
Any ideas?
Xcode is still in beta and this turned out to be a known issue (had the same) - https://devforums.apple.com/message/984530#984530
tl;dr run this this in the command line :
ditto -xk /path/to/file.ipa /tmp/my_extract_path
ditto -ck --norsrc /tmp/my_extract_path /path/to/new_file.ipa
rm -r /tmp/my_extract_path
A new IPA will be generated which should install properly.

Provisional profile is missing when building for iOS 5.0

I am able to create the .ipa file for 4.2, but it fails when I do it for 5.0. In 5.0 when I archive the build, the provisioning profile is missing.
It successfully runs in the simulator and in my iPhone. When I select "Product->Archive" to build the archive, it successfully archives the project but it losses the identifier name, and the version is 'Unspecified'. When I press the "Share" button it doesn't find the provisioning profile and can't build the ipa file.
How can I get the ipa file built?
you need to download the .mobileprovision files from developer.apple.com. You can just double click the files in finder and install them. Be sure in the build settings to point them to proper distro profiles/developer profiles.
SOLVED - Actually the the project was done with xcode 3.2.6 and it had two dependencies. When it was transitioned to 4.2, build setting wasn't changed. I had to convert the build settings of 2 dependencies and the main application then i could build the ipa file.
