Xcode6 ipa distribution issue - ios

Did anybody have a luck to make and install an ipa file with Xcode6?
I developed the Swift app
I have created successfully an ipa file, with right provision where my device is presented.
But when I try to install it to device via iTunes - in hangs
Any ideas?

Xcode is still in beta and this turned out to be a known issue (had the same) - https://devforums.apple.com/message/984530#984530
tl;dr run this this in the command line :
ditto -xk /path/to/file.ipa /tmp/my_extract_path
ditto -ck --norsrc /tmp/my_extract_path /path/to/new_file.ipa
rm -r /tmp/my_extract_path
A new IPA will be generated which should install properly.


How to install IPA file in iphone

I have debug my flutter app on ios all is working fine i need to give IPA file to my client. IPA file is also generated but issue is now how he can install ? Because he dont have Itunes on his macbook because he have BigSur OS. And Xcode is not a good option because of size. So need to know what is the quick way to install IPA file ?

Unable to install an Distribution build Flutter app .ipa ( Failed using apple configurator 2 and even on TestFlight app release)

I am working on a flutter project and trying to release an IPA but if fails. I usually release on TestFlight but yesterday it failed, (I released one build successfully on last Friday).
When I create a development build IPA and try to install on my iPhone using Application Loader, it works fine.
But with a Distribution build it fails on installing iPA using ApplicationLoader.
With TestFlight, the app is released, it can be installed but on launching it crashes.
I have tried Flutter clean,Pod install, clearing all Derived data.
My certificates are valid.
The only thing that is changed from last Friday is I had Flutter upgrade to version 1.17.
I created build using this too..
flutter clean
rm -rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
flutter build ios --release
But still not working when I try to install using application loader.
Please help! thanks in advance.

Unable to install development app on iphone

I am using xcode 11.3.1 to archive an app. I have set my profile correctly and run the same ipa to multiple devices. I have an new iphone device with ios 10.0.1 to which I can't install the archive. I have added the device's udid in the profile. I create development archive.
The error on device is Unable to Download App. "App" could not be downloaded at this time.
Any thoughts?
The provisioning profile must not have the newly added iPhone UUID.
Do following checks.
1. Rename your AppName.ipa file to AppName.zip
2. Unzip the file to get Payload.
3. Run below command on terminal
security cms -D -i /PATH_TO_PAYLOAD_DIR/Payload/appName.app/embedded.mobileprovision
and check your included devices UUID's.

Crashlytics with iOS 9 Unable to Download App

I am getting the following error:
Unable to Download: APP_NAME could not be installed at this time [Done/Retry options]
I am on iOS 9 Beta v5. Will I not be able to install any versions of my app from Crashlytics because I am using iOS 9?
We started to have this problem after renewing our apple developer membership. I fixed by deleting the iOS Provisioning Profiles through the apple website and generated new ones. I've also resetted my XCode cached data:
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode
I've also removed all cached provisioning profiles at /Users/<user>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Then I opened XCode > View details > Download all to download the new profiles and distributed a new build. It worked from then onwards.
Found this answer on Crashlytics' forum: https://twittercommunity.com/t/download-problem-detected/52772
Basically you need to delete existing app from App Store before trying to install the beta build
In IOS9, display image URL is required in manifest.plist. It give this error because image is missing from URL.
I added a image and it is working for me, but I have my personal server. Maybe diawi.com, hockeysdk, crashlytics should update their server.
We distribute our app builds with Crashlytics Beta and hit the same problem today. Disabling the 'ios 8 download fix' checkbox fixed our problem.
In the device error log I saw
"Failed to install application"... "Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=143"
when I tried to install our build from the Crashlytics app.
https://twittercommunity.com/t/ios-8-download-fix/34326 states that the ios 8 download fix is
using a different bundle identifier in the download manifest to trick
the OS into downloading the payload
The follow answers said that "display image URL is required in manifest.plist.",but right now my app is working without this under iOS 9.I have mistaken the bundle identifier.iOS 9 will check the value.
iOS 9 became more strict with the manifest information:the tag,the
value,or something else.
I also had that problem. I deleted and created again " provisioning profile" , but that problem was not resolved.
I tried test option insert app store, but it failed and showed following problem "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x7263c21" .
Following this link "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 1918975009 in xCode 6 " I received the answer to my question. I have double framework, I deleted it and the issue was resolved.

TestFlight Fails to create IPA

I'm using XCode 4.4.1 to create an IPA file for TestFlight AdHoc Distribution. If I go through the Organizer to create the IPA file, everything works great and TestFlight just works.
Here's the problem. If instead of using the Organizer to create the IPA, I allow TestFlight Co-Pilot to detect the new archive, I get a popup that TestFlight has noticed the new Archive, and I click the "Upload" button. But then, I get an error that the IPA file could not be created. The error appears to have something to do with signatures, but I'm using the same signatures as I do when creating the IPA though XCode's Organizer. Here's a screenshot of the actual error. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
I had the same problem with the installation of Xcode 4.5.
The solution was to install "Command Line Tools".
Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools
After contacting TestFlight support, I was finally to get it working. Try this in a terminal:
sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate /usr/bin/codesign_allocate
