How do I deal with abstracting away 3rd party dependencies (Dependency Injection)? -

What is the best way to abstract away 3rd party dependencies, when using Ninject with ASP.NET MVC?
Usually, I do something like this:
public interface IProductRepository
IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts();
public class ProductRespository : IProductRepository
public IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts()
And then in the controller:
public class ProductController : Controller
private IProductRepository repository;
public ProductController(IProductRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
And then I use Ninject to automatically inject the solid ProductRepository into the controller.
But how do I do this if the dependency is 3rd party? For example, I'm using FlickrNet.
public class ProductController : Controller
private Flickr flickr;
I'd like to be able to abstract the Flickr object away into an interface so that I can use dependency injection and make it easier to unit test. I know I could create a 'service' type interface and then implement a class based off of that which would wrap the Flickr object.
But I would have to define a member in the interface corresponding to each member of the Flickr object, and then map each of these in the wrapper object. And there are lots and lots of members in the Flickr object.
Is there any better way to deal with this? My main goal is to make it easy to mock the Flickr dependency in unit tests.

Upgraded my comment to an answer.
This is not a problem with DI but a general architectural problem. You can either declare the controller as your abstraction layer or define a wrapper around the flickr component that implements a custom interface. If the methods on your 3rd party component consume more 3rd party classes you would need to abstract them away too and so on until you are down to only primitive values or more wrappers around 3rd party code. Depending on the complexity of that component this could mean a lot of mapping and wrapping.

I think a wrapper is the right way to go. You don't have to expose every single member of the 3rd party object -- just the ones you need. With different interfaces for different situations, the wrapper solution becomes even prettier.

I know this article is not about unit testing, but the solution it provides would incidentally work well for mock-based unit testing as well.
Basically, as #Brian Dishaw suggested, you need to extract interfaces from FlickrNet classes and inject those to your classes.

The only purpose would be if you abstract away flickr .NET into a higher abstraction layer. For instance
interface IAlbumViewer
IEnumerable<IImage> GetImages();
interface IPictureUploader
string Upload(string filename, Stream image)
That is, create interfaces/methods that are specific for your usecases contra generic flickr interfaces. You would also benefit from that since it makes it a lot easier to add support for other image services.


ASP.NET 5 / Core 1 Dependency Injection: Bad design or bad documentation?

I'm reading through the ASP.NET 5 docs and was choking on the chapter of dependency injection.
I am recommended to write my controllers like so:
public class MyController: Controller
private readonly MyService _myService;
public MyController(MyService myService)
_myService = myService;
public IActionResult Index()
// use _myService
The short and direct version is discouraged:
public class MyController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
The given reason is because allegedly the recommended version...
[...] yields classes that are easier to test (see Testing) and are more loosely coupled.
The linked testing chapter doesn't shed any light on this weird statement.
I didn't look at the sources, but I assume whatever constructs the controller is using HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService itself to deliver the dependency? Clearly a test can setup a different implementation for testing, and clearly that is the whole point of a DI framework, right?
The colossus (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService)) is bad enough, but a small helper could fix that (was a simple Get<MyService>() really so hard?).
But that this excessive clutter is recommended for basically every controller and more is disturbing.
It's all the more puzzling as there already is a Microsoft DI framework with a proper usage, MEF:
public class MyController : Controller
private MyService _myService;
public IActionResult Index()
// use _myService
Why not at least just take that one? What's going on here?
This isn't a ASP.NET Core specific solution. This is how just about every DI framework works. The most common approach is to have all the dependencies of a controller as constructor parameters. This makes it clear what services the controller uses. There are multiple alternative solutions, but the basic idea stays the same and there are multiple pros and cons to them.
Clearly a test can setup a different implementation for testing, and clearly that is the whole point of a DI framework, right?
This line isn't clear to me. What do you think the 'whole point of a DI framework ' is? This line suggest you only use it so you can use a different implementation for testing.
But that this excessive clutter is recommended for basically every controller and more is disturbing.
Excessive clutter? What if I want to use MyService in two (or more) functions? Should I use this:
public class MyController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
public IActionResult Index2()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
Or should I opt for the solution where I set it up in the constructor? Seems like an obvious choice to me. In such a small example it may look like clutter, but add 10 lines of code to it and you'll barely notice a small constructor and some variable declarations.
You can use it while testing. It's a way to quickly grab something from the container when you need it, but it should certainly not be part of the actual code. You're simply hiding the dependency from sight.
At last you suggest property injection. This is a valid solution. But an often used argument against it is that it hides the dependency. If you define it as a parameter in the constructor you can't hide it. Besides, a lot of DI frameworks don't even have support for property or method injection because of this.
If you want to use MEF in your project you are free to do so. But it should, in my opinion, not be the default DI framework for ASP.NET. What's available right now is more than sufficient to do most tasks. If you need more functionality you can always use a different DI framework like StructureMap or AutoFac.
In the end it all comes down to what works for you. But stating this is either bad design or bad documentation is just wrong. You are of course free to prove me wrong on this. You could improve the ASP.NET documentation and/or would prove that the concept of inversion of control is wrong and suggest a better solution.

Why pass a parameters of multiple services to mvc controller?

I'm new to mvc world mostly a windows developer moving to web. Be nice...
I found ridiculous when I look at many examples of mvc web applications that the pass to their controllers a list of services
Like this
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
Would not be better to do something like
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Am I missing the obvious?
As anybody implemented the way I suggest in mvc4 or mvc5. I know mvc6 does it.
But I cannot use mvc6 at work.
Any samples using DI?
What you're missing here is the fact that constructors with many parameters is a code smell often caused by that class having to many responsibilities: it violates the Single Responsibility Principle.
So instead of packaging the services to inject into a 'container' class that allows those services to be accessible using a public property, consider the following refactorings:
Divide the class into multiple smaller classes.
Extract logic that implements cross-cutting concerns (such as logging, audit trailing, validation, etc, etc)out of the class and apply those cross-cutting concerns using decorators, global filters (MVC) or message handlers (Web API). A great pattern for your business logic is the command/handler pattern.
Extract logic that uses multiple dependencies out of the class and hide that logic behind a new abstraction that does not expose the wrapped dependencies. This newly created abstraction is called an Aggregate Service.
I agree that for readability sake, even if you have multiple existing services which are also used in other applications, you could always wrap them in another class to avoid passing a long list of dependencies to the controllers.
When you have code in the API controllers that look like this:
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
That can be a code-smell and is an opportunity to refactor. But this does not mean the original code was a bad design. What I mean is in the API layer, we try not to clutter it with too many services that the controller is dependent on. Instead you can create a facade service. So in your example above, you refactor it to look like this:
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Which is good and then you can move the IServices to your service/business layer. The concrete implementation of that in the service/business layer will look like this:
public class AConcreteService:IServices {
public AConcreteService(ICustomerService cs, IAnotherServiceService as, IYetAnotherServiceService yas)
public List<Customer> GetCustomers(){
return _cs.GetCustomers();
public List<string> GetAnotherServiceData(){
return _as.AnotherServiceData();
public List<string> GetYetAnotherServiceData(){
return _yas.YetAnotherServiceData();
So that code will end up looking like your original code when implemented directly in the controller but is now in the service/business layer. This time it will be easy to unit test in the service class and the API layer will look much cleaner.

where to keep frequently used methods in MVC

I need to implement MVC architecture in my company, So can anyone suggest where to keep frequently used methods to call on all pages. Like:
states ddl, departments ddl also roles list and etc...
Please give me suggestions where to keep them in architecture.
There are different solutions depending on the scale of your application. For small projects, you can simply create a set of classes in MVC application itself. Just create a Utils folder and a DropDownLists class and away you go. For simple stuff like this, I find it's acceptable to have static methods that return the data, lists, or enumerations you require.
Another option is to create an abstract MyControllerBase class that descends from Controller and put your cross-cutting concerns in there, perhaps as virtual methods or properties. Then all your actual controllers can descend from MyControllerBase.
For larger applications, or in situations where you might share these classes with other MVC applications, create a shared library such as MySolution.Utils and reference the library from all projects as required.
Yet another possibility for larger solutions is to use Dependency Injection to inject the requirements in at runtime. You might consider using something like Unity or Ninject for this task.
Example, as per your request (also in GitHub Gist)
// declare these in a shared library
public interface ILookupDataProvider
IEnumerable<string> States { get; }
public class LookupDataProvider: ILookupDataProvider
public IEnumerable<string> States
return new string[] { "A", "B", "C" };
// then inject the requirement in to your controller
// in this example, the [Dependency] attribute comes from Unity (other DI containers are available!)
public class MyController : Controller
public ILookupDataProvider LookupDataProvider { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
var myModel = new MyModel
States = LookupDataProvider.States
return View(myModel);
In the code above, you'll need to configure your Dependency Injection technology but this is definitely outside the scope of the answer (check SO for help here). Once configured correctly, the concrete implementation of ILookupDataProvider will be injected in at runtime to provide the data.
One final solution I would suggest, albeit this would be very much overkill for small projects would be to host shared services in a WCF service layer. This allows parts of your application to be separated out in to highly-scalable services, should the need arise in the future.

MVC Custom Attributes and Binding

I've got a project where we have our own customer registration and account management system, but certain elements of the application link to 3rd party services. These services have common functionality e.g. creating an account in their own DB, but the underlying implementation will be different for how to interactive with the third party services.
What I've done so far is create a CustomerRepository which implements ICustomerRepository. This contains all our own specific requirements. ICustomerRepository also has definitions for the common methods that all third parties will have, but these methods are set to virtual in the CustomerRepository class, which throws exceptions if they're called, requiring you to implement them in the third party classes.
Then from this, I have:
ThirdPartyACustomer : CustomerRepository, IThirdPartyACustomer
ThirdPartyBCustomer : CustomerRepository
As you can probably guess, both of those sub classes inherit and override the virtual methods, with the exception of ThirdPartyACustomer which also implements additional methods that are specific to that particular type of third party user (e.g. there might be a place where the user can edit specific features related to third party A, which third party B doesn't offer.
Now, with that out of the way, the real basis of my question:
Some of the processes (controllers) in my application can use the CustomerRepository without any problems as they only need our core functionality.
Other processes in the app require a particular type of ICustomerRepository to be passed. Anything that calls a method that was defined as virtual in CustomerRepository will need to pass either ThirdPartyACustomer or ThirdPartyBCustomer so that the correct implementation is called.
Originally in this initialisation of this type of controller I'd do something like:
public RegistrationController()
ICustomerRepository _customerRepository = GetCustomerRepository();
where GetCustomerRepository() had some logic that determined which type of ThirdParty to use, based on the subdomain, for example.
Now, what I'm thinking is that I improve this by creating a custom attribute, along the lines of this:
class RegistrationController
public RegistrationController(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
_customerRepository = customerRepository;
and move the population of customerRepository parameter into that attribute, e.g. the logic in GetCustomerRepository would happen in there.
I'm fairly sure something like this is doable and seems to make sense for testing purposes, but not quite sure of what I should be googling for, or whether there is a better way to do things, so looking for some guidance from someone more experienced with MVC.
That's the responsibility of your DI framework. For example Ninject provides you access to the HttpContext when configuring the dependencies, so you could pick the proper implementation based on some HttpContext value. For example:
kernel.Bind<ICustomerRepository>().ToMethod(ctx =>
if (HttpContext.Current.... Test something on the request or domain or whatever)
return new ThirdPartyACustomer();
return ThirdPartyBCustomer();
and then of course your controller will be totally agnostic. All that a controller should care is that it gets injected some repository which obeys a given contract:
public class RegistrationController: Controller
private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
public RegistrationController(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
_customerRepository = customerRepository;

DDD and constructor explosion

I'm practicing DDD with ASP.NET MVC and come to a situation where my controllers have many dependencies on different services and repositories, and testing becomes very tedious.
In general, I have a service or repository for each aggregate root. Consider a page which will list a customer, along with it's orders and a dropdown of different packages and sellers. All of those types are aggregate roots. For this to work, I need a CustomerService, OrderService, PackageRepository and a UserRepository. Like this:
public class OrderController {
public OrderController(Customerservice customerService,
OrderService orderService, Repository<Package> packageRepository,
Repository<User> userRepository)
_customerService = customerService
Imagine the number of dependencies and constructor parameters required to render a more complex view.
Maybe I'm approaching my service layer wrong; I could have a CustomerService which takes care of all this, but my service constructor will then explode. I think I'm violating SRP too much.
I think I'm violating SRP too much.
I find that using a command processing layer makes my applications architecture cleaner and more consistent.
Basically, each service method becomes a command handler class (and the method parameters become a command class), and every query is also its own class.
This won't actually reduce your dependencies - your query will likely still require those same couple of services and repositories to provide the correct data; however, when using an IoC framework like Ninject or Spring it won't matter because they will inject what is needed up the whole chain - and testing should be much easier as a dependency on a specific query is easier to fill and test than a dependency on a service class with many marginally related methods.
Also, now the relationship between the Controller and its dependencies is clear, logic has been removed from the Controller, and the query and command classes are more focused on their individual responsibilities.
Yes, this does cause a bit of an explosion of classes and files. Employing proper Object Oriented Programming will tend to do that. But, frankly, what's easier to find/organize/manage - a function in a file of dozens of other semi-related functions or a single file in a directory of dozens of semi-related files. I think that latter hands down.
Code Better had a blog post recently that nearly matches my preferred way of organizing controllers and commands in an MVC app.
Well you can solve this issue easily by using the RenderAction. Just create separate controllers or introduce child actions in those controllers. Now in the main view call render actions with the required parameters. This will give you a nice composite view.
Why not have a service for this scenario to return a view model for you? That way you only have one dependency in the controller although your service may have the separate dependencies
the book dependency injection in .net suggests introducing "facade services" where you'd group related services together then inject the facade instead if you feel like you have too many constructor parameters.
Update: I finally had some available time, so I ended up finally creating an implementation for what I was talking about in my post below. My implementation is:
public class WindsorServiceFactory : IServiceFactory
protected IWindsorContainer _container;
public WindsorServiceFactory(IWindsorContainer windsorContainer)
_container = windsorContainer;
public ServiceType GetService<ServiceType>() where ServiceType : class
// Use windsor to resolve the service class. If the dependency can't be resolved throw an exception
try { return _container.Resolve<ServiceType>(); }
catch (ComponentNotFoundException) { throw new ServiceNotFoundException(typeof(ServiceType)); }
All that is needed now is to pass my IServiceFactory into my controller constructors, and I am now able to keep my constructors clean while still allowing easy (and flexible) unit tests. More details can be found at my blog blog if you are interested.
I have noticed the same issue creeping up in my MVC app, and your question got me thinking of how I want to handle this. As I'm using a command and query approach (where each action or query is a separate service class) my controllers are already getting out of hand, and will probably be even worse later on.
After thinking about this I think the route I am going to look at going is to create a SerivceFactory class, which would look like:
public class ServiceFactory
public ServiceFactory( UserService userService, CustomerService customerService, etc...)
// Code to set private service references here
public T GetService<T>(Type serviceType) where T : IService
// Determine if serviceType is a valid service type,
// and return the instantiated version of that service class
// otherwise throw error
Note that I wrote this up in Notepad++ off hand so I am pretty sure I got the generics part of the GetService method syntactically wrong , but that's the general idea. So then your controller will end up looking like this:
public class OrderController {
public OrderController(ServiceFactory factory) {
_factory = factory;
You would then have IoC instantiate your ServiceFactory instance, and everything should work as expected.
The good part about this is that if you realize that you have to use the ProductService class in your controller, you don't have to mess with controller's constructor at all, you only have to just call _factory.GetService() for your intended service in the action method.
Finally, this approach allows you to still mock services out (one of the big reasons for using IoC and passing them straight into the controller's constructor) by just creating a new ServiceFactory in your test code with the mocked services passed in (the rest left as null).
I think this will keep a good balance out the best world of flexibility and testability, and keeps service instantiation in one spot.
After typing this all out I'm actually excited to go home and implement this in my app :)
