Omniauth, Devise, Open ID, CanCan - Whats what and When do I use which solution for a Rails API app - ruby-on-rails

So Im developing a Rails app- primarily serves API which I want to lock down behjind a nice authorization system. Ive created Rails apps which render HTML and for that I used Devise and CanCan. This time I want to serve JSON to my clients. I basically have the following requirements:
Need an authorization system thats robust
A user should be able to log in with existing apps such as facebook, twitter, linked in and google
There should be full stack authorization available
Now this is my 1st app that Im writing that serves up API so I started researching and so far Ive found the following solutions that people have used:
I've seen people use Devise with CanCan
I've seen people talk about using Oauth2
I've heard... "Use Doorkeeper"
I've heard use ..." Use omniauth"
So basically my 1 day of research basically just confused me more. When di I use these and for my requirements which comnbination would I use! Im struggling to make sense of the alphabet soup, can someone help me understand this

Devise is an authentication engine for Rails apps of all types. Devise allows authentication against username/password, token authentication (good for API's), and an oauth provider (such as Google, Facebook and the like). This obviously allows you to deny access to the API unless the user is signed in through one of the services you offer.
CanCan is an authorization system that will work on top of Devise to allow users access to certain parts of your system based on their role within the system. CanCan has a very slick DSL prviding can and cannot methods for allowing or denying access to views or controller actions.
Doorkeeper is an oauth provider gem if you wanted to roll your own oauth solution on top of your API. This would be if you wanted your application to act in the same manner as Google or FAcebook in providing an oauth endpoint for users to authenticate against. From what you stated above, I don't think this is the case.
Given the requirements you provided above, I believe that Devise and CanCan would be the route that I would choose. This would allow the user to authenticate at first by username/password, or some oauth provider, then allow token authentication after that to access your API. You can then lock down access to specific actions through CanCan.


devise vs. devise_token_auth: How to handle authentication for both a web app and API

I'm writing an application that will primarily be accessed via API, but will also have views for editing via web app.
I would like to create a User model with authentication and authorization across both platforms.
I'm having trouble understanding the relationship between the devise and devise_token_auth libraries, other than that the former is recommended for most rails apps and the latter is great for API-only authentication.
For my case, what is the appropriate library to use, or should I be using both? Should I be generating the User model via devise and then adding the token auth to it? Do both systems use different authentication schemes? I'm just trying to understand why devise_token_auth exists apart from devise.
I'm also just a bit confused about the added complexity of token-based authentication. What would be wrong with simply having the users be registered and managed through devise, generating an API secret key for them, and then having them sign their API requests with that. Why the need for token based auth in the API?
devise_token_auth is an advanced method of API authentication which may, or may not, be overkill for your application. Essentially, a new token is generated for each API request.
Depending on what your needs are, you may be fine with token-based authentication, or perhaps even HTTP Basic auth, which devise supports out of the box.

API only Ruby on Rails 5 implementing OAuth2 (preferably with devise and doorkeeper)

I want to make a JSON API with Rails 5 that will feed an angular app and possibly later mobile apps. I do not want to include any html in the rails application. I typically use devise to handle user creation and authentication in regular rails apps. I would like to implement an OAuth2 compliant flow so I found a gem called doorkeeper.
I like devise as it handles the sending of a confirmation email and password reseting, etc. I would like doorkeeper to keep my app OAuth2 compliant.
My issue is that the OAuth2 documentation says to try to not use the password grant type but I cannot find a better alternative method for a site being served by the same server the API is coming from. Should I require a CSRF token only for the OAuth route to acquire the access token to ensure the request is coming from the site? Should I use the CSRF token from within the angular app the entire time in conjunction with the access token?
Also should I have devise handle the sending of the access token? How would that work in the other flows besides password grant? I would also have to edit devise to only accommodate JSON requests and to respond in kind.
Also I would like to implement a JWT however I still think it best to have the token linked to a session ID, I know the kind of defeats the purpose of the JWT but I think its beneficial to use the JWT in order to accommodate native apps.
I am sure this is not an uncommon thing to want to set up nowadays but I have yet to find a solid walkthrough connecting devise, doorkeeper, and an API only setup. Has anyone experienced and implemented a something like this?

Angular2 - Authentication with auth0 or rails?

Cause i'm new to the whole angular (specific angular2) thing i wonder about something.
I want to build an "api" backend with rails 5 as they released the api mode and my frontend with angular2. Because i'm used to rails i wanted to implement a devise user authentication and because i'm new to angular2 i searched for a way to authenticate the user against my rails/devise backend.
But all i find are tutorials about angular2 and auth0, which i never heared before.
So my question is, is it "normal" to user angular2 with auth0 authentication?
And when i use auth0 my user data are not in my database right? So how do i create relationships with my rails models?
Would be great if someone can explain that to me or link me some article if they exists.
Auth0 is one of the many choices available to you. If you'd like to use Auth0 but store credentials in your own database, there is a tutorial for setting that up with Auth0.
So it can be normal to use Auth0, and you can also have your user data available in your own database-- do keep in mind you'll need to secure user credentials thoroughly when storing them yourself though!
I've also faced the same problem and considered Devise (going so far as setting up a Rails+Devise landing page that redirected users to the Angular app after successful login). After much pain I have come to the same recommendation as Kassandra, that using JWT authentication is the way to go.
However, if you plan to use Auth0 note that after 7000 users have signed up you will need to upgrade. This may not be a problem for you but since I plan to deploy something substantial it's a decision I had to think about.

Rails authentication strategy

Hope this is not too broad but after a lot of googling I am not sure where to start. I am looking for a introductory/noob overview to help me get started on building an authentication implementation for a rails 3 application.
Basic technical requirements:
Rails 3 application is hosted on third party service (heroku)
Need to use specific external private SSO service to authenticate users.
No local user database or model in the rails application.
Authentication is token based meaning that there is a special cookie that needs to be read passing back token to SSO server (not rails based).
I have no control over the SSO server or infrastructure.
Trust of the SSO server is implicit and do not want to maintain local database of users, passwords, or sensitive information. User info only exists during session and the SSO server is authoritative.
Session token info is cookie based and lives for the duration of the browser session.
I am looking for basic example/tutorial/strategy/explanation of how the process would work in rails with the above setup. I would like the process to be seamless for user with workflow that basically looks like this:
Navigate to rails app -->
redirect unauthenticated users to SSO server -->
login and authenticate via remote SSO server -->
callback/redirect to rails app -->
capture user info passed back from SSO server and load protected resources in rails app
Strategy is completely custom using a private SSO resource and does not use a well published auth mechanism (in other words not Facebook, Google, Twitter, OAuth, etc).
Any help on terminology, coherent tutorials, examples would be appreciated.
To be more specific I am also looking for good documentation how to create an omniauth custom developer strategy. Some tutorial that goes through the kind of code required to talk to an arbitrary SSO server, read a token out of a cookie, and complete the authentication handshake and callback/redirect.
This isn't really an answer but I'm posting this because a comment just wouldn't do. I don't know of any comprehensive guides so here's what I'd suggest you do:
Learn how Omniauth works. There's a great Railscast about authentication using Twitter. It's really simple and it will get you in the flow of the thing.
Build your own Omniauth strategy. Go to the list of Omniauth Strategies and scroll to Developer Strategies. In that table, choose the strategy you can use to connect to your SSO server.
Ideally, you'd be able to use OAuth2 and there are a couple of guides that talk about implementing your own OAuth strategy:
Custom OAuth 1.0 strategy to connect to Rdio
Custom OAuth 2.0 strategy by Intridea (the creators of Omniauth)
Custom OAuth 2.0 strategy to connect to by Heroku
But since you can't, just give a quick look at those guides. Without any specifics it's kind of hard (for me) to give any more help, but hopefully someone else will fill in the details.

Building an API with/without OAuth and OpenID

I need to develop an API to be the core of a web APP.
My initial idea was making a REST API that would treat all the request and then create some clients for web, mobile and desktop.
My question is, How should I manage the authentication for this situation?
I thought about using a token that would be passed with all requests to the REST API.
Im my case, I would not like to have something like OAuth because the ecosystem will not have multiple apps like Facebook/Twitter does.
NOTE: I must have the API separated from the client for web.
In more details, I would request POST /users/auth passing their password and username, and receive an auth token.
Is it a good approach or there is something better?
Agree that Devise is great for the auth in the application. For the API level, 3scale could help a lot ( - it takes care of rate limits, keys, oauth secret distribution, analytics, developer portal and other stuff. There's a ruby plugin to get started here:
Devise is a fantastic gem that handles authentication in rails apps. It also provides token based authentication. You can find many resources on the web (for example here) explainig how to use it. No doubt it will fit for your situation.
