Designing an MVC repository using ViewModels -

I want to create a repository class to separate out my data logic from my controllers. I am using a ViewModel to represent some data that will be filled with data from different tables.
Here are some questions I have:
For a method like GetAll(), do I return an IQueryable<MyViewModel> or IQueryable<Entity>? If I return viewmodels, how do I cope with a GetAll() that pulls thousands of records?
Do I create a constructor for my custom ViewModel class that takes the Entity as a parameter to do the mapping? (I'm still unfamiliar with automapper so just need an understanding on how to do this from a design point of view)
Again, my main concern is a method like GetAll() which would pull many records. If I did a foreach loop to translate each Entity into a ViewModel seems like a lot of overhead. My thought was to put a reference inside the custom ViewModel class to the IQueryable<Entity> to access from the collection, and have the ListViewModel just have indexers or something like that which reference the collection property.

1) For a method like GetAll(), do I return an IQueryable or IQueryable? If I return viewmodels, how do I cope with a GetAll() that pulls thousands of records?
IQueryable<Entity>. The repository doesn't deal with view models. Think of the repository as something that is defined in a separate class library that doesn't reference your ASP.NET MVC application which is where your view models live. It is the ASP.NET MVC application that references this library.
2) Do I create a constructor for my custom ViewModel class that takes the Entity as a parameter to do the mapping? (I'm still unfamiliar with automapper so just need an understanding on how to do this from a design point of view)
No. Don't create constructors in your view models especially if you want your controller actions to take those view models as action parameters (think of a POST action). The reason for this is that the default model binder will no longer know how to instantiate your view model and you will have to write custom model binders.
So AutoMapper or manually map.
Example with manual mapping which is what you could start with:
public ActionResult SomeAction()
IEnumerable<Entity> entities = Repository.GetAll();
IEnumerable<MyViewModel> model = entities.Select(x => new MyViewModel
Prop1 = x.Prop1,
Prop2 = x.Prop2,
return View(model);
And once you get sick of writing this code move to AutoMapper:
public ActionResult SomeAction()
IEnumerable<Entity> entities = Repository.GetAll();
IEnumerable<MyViewModel> model = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Entity>, IEnumerable<MyViewModel>>(entities);
return View(model);
or if you write a custom action filter that uses the OnActionExecuted event to pull the domain model that was passed to the view, map it to the view model using AutoMapper and substitute the model with the view model for the view, you could further simplify the repetitive code:
[AutoMap(typeof(IEnumerable<Entity>), typeof(IEnumerable<MyViewModel>))]
public ActionResult SomeAction()
IEnumerable<Entity> entities = Repository.GetAll();
return View(entities);
Again, my main concern is a method like GetAll() which would pull many
records. If I did a foreach loop to translate each Entity into a
ViewModel seems like a lot of overhead.
Don't be concerned about that. Pulling your records will be a magnitude slower than looping and mapping to the view model.

There are many different ways to do this, but to start simply, I would return an IEnumerable<T> for your GetAll() method. However, you'll probably want to implement paging in some fashion. You might want to setup a generic repository that does your basic data access for most scenarios and returns an Enumerable. You could reserve a single method that should be reserved for more complicated queries and returns an IQueryable<T>. The basic stripped down implementation might look like below.
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
internal ObjectContext _objectContext;
internal ObjectSet<T> _objectSet;
public Repository(ObjectContext objectContext)
_objectContext = objectContext;
_objectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<T>();
public IQueryable<T> GetQuery()
return _objectSet;
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return GetQuery().ToList();
public IEnumerable<T> Find(Func<T, bool> where)
return _objectSet.Where<T>(where);
public T Single(Func<T, bool> where)
return _objectSet.SingleOrDefault<T>(where);
public List<T> Page<TKey>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where, int page, int pagesize, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> orderBySelector, bool ascending)
return ascending
? GetQuery().Where(where).OrderBy(orderBySelector).Skip((page - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList()
: GetQuery().Where(where).OrderByDescending(orderBySelector).Skip((page - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList();
public void Delete(T entity)
public void Add(T entity)
And the Interface would look like
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
IQueryable<T> GetQuery();
IEnumerable<T> GetAll();
IEnumerable<T> Find(Func<T, bool> where);
T Single(Func<T, bool> where);
List<T> Page<TKey>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where, int page, int pagesize, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> orderBySelector, bool ascending);
void Delete(T entity);
void Add(T entity);
The above can function as the beginning of a simple generic repository. Once you have your entities, you don't need AutoMapper, it just makes life easier as many ViewModels have the same properties as your entities. You can simply define a new ViewModel or List of ViewModels and map the properties on your own.
List<ViewModel> vm = new List<ViewModel>();
foreach (var e in entities)
ViewModel v = new ViewModel();
v.something = e.something;
// perform the rest
*That was quite a bit to type, sorry about any typos :)

I think you may have a misunderstanding of the view model and it's purpose. You don't need to create a view model for every entity in your database, as it seems you want to do; you just create a view model for each view you want to render. Hence the term "view model"--it organizes the data in the form of a model that your view can be strongly typed to.
You wouldn't, for example, want to create a separate view model for every entity returned by a GetAll(). In a simple scenario of displaying a gridview of all records you would probably just need a single viewmodel with one property:
public class MyViewModel
public List<MyRecord> AllRecords {get;set;}
You would populate this view model in the controller
public ActionResult SomeAction()
var viewmodel = new MyViewModel{AllRecords = GetAll()};
return View(viewModel);
Have a look at this blog post by Rachael Appel for a really concise discussion.


Constructors and Methods on POCO classes with the IRepository Pattern

Is it okay to have a constructor or other non database accessing methods on POCO classes. For example when passing a view model to a controller.
public ActionResult SomeMethod(SomeViewModel model)
var entity = new SomePocoClasse(model);
// ... then save entity to database
return SomeActionResult
public SomeClass() {}
public SomeClass(SomeViewModel model)
// create itself based on values in model
public void Update(SomeViewModel model)
// Update itself base on values in model
The first entity constructor is for entity framework or regular creation
var entity = new entity
// set up properties
The second is for creation from SomeViewModel
var entity = new entity(SomeViewModel);
The method is for updating itself from SomeViewModel
var entity = SomeIRepository.Get(id);
Or is the above bad practice which should go some where else.
Yes and no. In general, it's not necessarily bad practice to have a constructor on a POCO. There's any number of reasons why you might want or need that. However, you need to ensure that you maintain a parameterless constructor as well, or you'll cause issues with things like EF which won't know how to properly initialize your POCO class otherwise.
That said, what you're doing here is not good practice. You haven't provided a ton of code, but it appears that what you're doing is passing in the view model to the POCO constructor to set the properties on the POCO with those values. Rather, what you should be doing is pulling the entity fresh from the database and then mapping over any relevant properties on your view model to that entity instance. I supposed what you're doing could be fine solely when creating a new entity, but that means having two separate ways of populating your POCO class with values depending on whether you're creating or editing. That increases complexity and complexity means higher maintenance costs.
Instead, you should either use a library like AutoMapper or create a utility class to handle the mapping:
public static class SomePocoMapper
public static SomePoco Map(SomeViewModel model)
return Map(model, null);
public static SomePoco Map(SomeViewModel model, SomePoco entity)
entity = entity ?? new SomePoco();
// map over property values;
return entity;
Then in your create action:
var entity = SomePocoMapper.Map(model);
And in your edit action:
var entity = // get entity from database
SomePocoMapper.Map(model, entity);

Which code is more of a correct MVC approach? Put code in controller or ViewModel?

I have read that in an MVC application one should keep controllers "thin". But when I put code to fetch data in the ViewModel I feel it's less intuitive to locate, meaning when I am troubleshooting I generally tend to look in my controller first (or maybe that's my real problem). Also I find one can reuse the same VM for many different things if you pass data through the controller.
Am I violating some big principle or causing performance issues?
For example, compare these dummy snippets with two approaches, both seem to work just fine:
Assume a Repository called repositoryy with a method GetCourses() that fetches a list of Courses.
1) ViewModel fetches the data and controller directs traffic:
public CourseViewModel
private MyProjectEntities db = new MyProjectEntities();
Repository repository = new Repository();
public CourseViewModel()
Courses = db.Course.ToList();
public List<Course> Courses {get; set;}
public class CourseController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var courseviewmodel = new CourseViewModel();
return View(courseviewmodel);
2) Controller fetches data, passes to ViewModel and then to the View:
public CourseViewModel
public List<Course> Courses {get; set;}
public class CourseController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var courseviewmodel = new CourseViewModel();
courseviewmodel.Courses = repository.GetCourses.ToList();
return View(courseviewmodel);
The second option. Btw there's no 'more correct MVc approach'. There is the MVC separation and that's that. Your first option breaks that separation, because the view model does the controller's work instead of being the 'dumb' dto holding the view's data. You don't want to couple the view model to the model.
In MVVM though, the view model acts a bit like a controller, however that approach is best suited for desktop aps, not web apps.

How to convert DTO to View Model and then back again? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where to convert business model to view model?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm using MVC 4 with the repository pattern and unit testing also. I have a typical controller that has simple CRUD functionality. I've separated my View Models from my DTOs and I would like to know the best way to convert between the 2:
I have Admin.Models.Product which is my view model and AdminAssembly.Models.Product which is my DTO.
//repo that handles product operations
AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> db;
//default constructor
public ProductController() { db = new AdminAssembly.Repositories.EntityRepo<AdminAssembly.Models.Product>(new AdminAssembly.Models.EntitiesContext()); }
//unit testing constructor
public ProductController(AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> context) { db = context; }
// POST: /Product/Create
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
return View();
// GET: /Product/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to view model?
Admin.Models.Product product = db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id);
return View(product);
How do I convert between the 2?
Do I reference my DTO assembly in my view model and do something like: (won't this break my unit testing?)
//convert to AdminAssembly.Models.Product
//convert back to Admin.Models.Product via constructor
Admin.Models.Product product = Product(db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id));
Do I need some sort of object conversion black box?
Some sort of interface?
or something else?
Update 1:
public static class Product {
public static Admin.Models.Product ToView(AdminAssembly.Models.Product dto) {
Admin.Models.Product viewProduct = new Admin.Models.Product();
//straight copy
viewProduct.Property1 = dto.Property1;
viewProduct.Property2 = dto.Property2;
return viewProduct;
public static AdminAssembly.Models.Product ToDTO(Admin.Models.Product viewModel) {
AdminAssembly.Models.Product dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
//straight copy
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//perhaps a bit of wizza-majig
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1 + viewModel.Property2;
return dtoProduct;
The long-hand response
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
var dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
dtoProduct.Property1 = product.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = product.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
While this looks verbose and tedious (and it is) it has to happen eventually, somewhere.
You can hide this mapping either in another class or extension method, or you can use a third party like AutoMapper, as Charlino points out.
As a side note, having two classes with the same name in two different namespaces will eventually get confusing (if not for you, then for the next person who has to maintain your code.) Implement friendlier and more descriptive names wherever possible. For example, put all your view models in a folder called ViewModels, not Models. And append all your view models with ViewModel, or VM. It's also a good convention, imo, to name your view models based on the view that they are for, not so much the domain model that they will be mapped to, as not all view models will map directly to a domain model. Sometimes you'll want parts of more than one domain model, for a single view, and that will blow up your naming convention.
So in this particular case I would suggest changing Admin.Models to Admin.ViewModels and then rename the view model version of Product to CreateViewModel. Your code will be much more readable and will not be littered with namespaces throughout your methods.
All of that would result in a method that would look more like this:
public ActionResult Create(CreateViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var product = new Product();
product.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
product.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
Check out a library called AutoMapper.
From their wiki:
What is AutoMapper?
AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem - getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. This type of code is rather dreary and boring to write, so why not invent a tool to do it for us?
If you dont want to use AutoMapper you may use extensions, as suggested by #Forty-Two. If the number of things to map is no very great, I would go with this approach, just because then, AutoMapper == YAGNI
public static class Extensions
public static ViewModel ToViewModel(this Model )
var vm = new ViewModel()
return vm;
public static Model ToModel(this ViewModel viewModel)
var model = new Model()
return model;
Similar to your code in UPDATE, but using extensions instead.

EF model first with MVC Repository Pattern

Attempting to create an MVC project using EF and the Model first approach.
In order to implement it in a way that the Web and data portions are loosely coupled I'm attempting to implement the repository pattern, but, after reading many articles I'm still trying to grasp what objects my Repository interface should return or how they should bind/map to the 'M' model in my MVC project.
Here's a very simplistic example of what I'm asking.
//Repository Interface
public interface IMemberRepository
Member GetById(int id);
IEnumerable<Member> FindByName(string name);
//Repository Interface Implementation
public class MemberRepository : IMemberRepository
//My DB Context object created by EF
private MyContainer context;
public MemberRepository(MyContainer context)
this.context = context;
public Member GetById(int id)
return context.Members.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
public IEnumerable<Member> FindByName(string name)
return context.Members.Find(x => == name);
So using Ninject as my DI framework I could call this from my controller as follows:
public class GroupsController : Controller
public ViewResult Find(string name)
IMemberRepository repo =
return repo.FindByName(name);
At this point I'm just not understanding how my Member object (from the EF model) is supposed to bind/map to my 'MVC' member model object. It seems I must be missing some sort of mapping layer or I'm just completely off track. If I were to reference my EF generated class directly it feels like I'm negating the point of using an interface and DI framework. Any advice or direction at this point would be appreciated.
Your IMemberRepository interface and its implementation MemberRepository look right to me. That is how I structure my database code as well.
Moving to the MVC world, I would create view models which you populate from your data model. This will give you the flexibility of adding any attributes or additional properties that you need in your view.
This would be the workflow:
Fetch object(s) from repository
Populate view model objects with all the data from your repository object(s)
Return the view model to your view from the controller

Where is the BEST PRACTICES place to put a list of Countries in a MVC Application?

In a heavy enviroment application, we have Users, Locations, bla bla bla... and we use in many situations a call to a service where we retrieve the list of countries.
Where is the 'best practice' or 'proper way' to implement this. This method is called in several places and many objects has a List<CountryVO> property.
Specially considering using Razor views an often having to add this property to ModelViews
The solution is using DAL / BLL / SERVICE / UI[s] architecture.
Real Example:
public class User {
public List<DeliveryZoneVO> DeliveryZones {get;set;}
public User() {
DeliveryZones = service.GetDeliveryZones().ToList();
The class DeliveryZoneVO comes from a webservice, so one property is
int IdCountry
The class User have a list of DeliveryZoneVO as presented on the class, the 'problem' here, is since it retrieves the data from a web service, I only have the ID of the country.
When I prepare the data in the controller to send to the View:
UserModelView userMV = new UserModelView();
userMV.user = service.GetUserById(1);
ViewData.Model = userMV;
BUT, inside userMV.user, I have DeliveryZones with a list of DeliveryZoneVO objects with IdCountries.
In the view, when I do (for example) :
#DisplayFor(m => m.user.DeliveryZones)
I want to show the Country Name, only have the ID. So i need a reference somewhere.. the question lies in where should that data needs to be placed that is considered BEST PRACTICES.
Is having in all modelview (in the case of the example, the UserModelView() the property Countries with a List ?
A good thing because this kind of issues is to have a BaseController class that derived from controller, and all the other controllers you have derived from it.
in the BaseController put a static List<CountryVO> property with getter only, this way it will be initialized once and will be accessible to all of your's controllers and views(If you pass it with the ViewModel or ViewBag).
public class BaseController : Controller
private static List<CountryVO> _allCountries;
public static List<CountryVO> AllCountries
get{ return _allCountries ?? _GetCountriesFromSomeWhere();}
public class HomeController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.AllCountries = this.AllCountries;
return View();
I would create a partial view that is responsible for just rendering the country list. Then any changes to how the list is rendered is can be made in just one place. I would create a model class that encapsulates calling the service to get the countries. Assuming that the country list is fairly static you could handle caching of the information in the model class for less calls to the service and better performance. Below is an example of a method in the model that gets the country list from the server cache if it is available.
const string cacheId = "deliveryZones";
public List<DeliveryZoneVO> GetDeliveryZones()
List<DeliveryZoneVO> deliveryZones = (List<DeliveryZoneVO>)HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheId);
if (deliveryZones == null)
deliveryZones = service.GetDeliveryZones().ToList();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheId, deliveryZones);
return deliveryZones;
