(:category_name/:id) Kind of routing - ruby-on-rails

I have these models:
Post(:category_id, :title, :body)
The category model only has a handful amount of categories, Currently my possible routes are:
I'd like to have a friendly url in this format, but i can't figure out a way to not go completely wildcard and mess up the other routes:
As i said, i tried this but i'm looking for something less wildcard and more integrated with the current categories if possible:
match '(:category_name)/(:id)' => 'posts#show'
Any other ideas are welcome!

Just put it last, so it doesn't mess with any of your other routes. Then put a before_filter (only for show) in your PostsController that checks to make sure that :category_name is valid and if it's not raise an ActionController::RoutingError


Including attributes in custom Rails routes

I hope the title is not to misleading, as I don't know a better title for the problem I'm working on:
I have a doctor which belongs to location and specialty. I'd like to route to show action of the doc controller like this:
I defined my routes like this:
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'docs#show'
And in my views create the following url to link to the show action of the doc controller:
<%= link_to doc.name, "#{doc.specialty.name}/#{doc.location.name}/#{doc.id}" %>
Is this a good solution to the problem? If not, is there a cleaner way to construct urls like this possibly using resources? What the heck is the name for a this problem?
Thank your very much for your help in advance.
For references, you should have a look at this page (especially the end of section 2.6)
If it is only for a single route, it's okay as you did. But then if you want to have more than one route (like /dentist/berlin/7, /dentist/berlin/7/make_appointment, etc.) you might want to structure a bit more your routes so as to take advantage of rails resources.
For example, instead of
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'doctors#show'
get ':specialty/:location/:id/appointment', to: 'doctors#new_appointment'
post ':specialty/:location/:id/appointment', to: 'doctors#post_appointment'
You could have something like this (the code is almost equivalent, see explanation below)
resources :doctors, path: '/:specialty/:location', only: [:show] do
member do
get 'new_appointment'
post 'create_appointment'
resources will generate the RESTful routes (index, show, edit, new, create, destroy) for the specified controller (doctors_controller I assume)
The 'only' means you don't want to add all the RESTful routes, just the ones specified
Then you want to add member actions, ie. actions that can be executed on a particular item of the collection. You can chose different syntaxes
resources :doctors do
member do
# Everything here will have the prefix /:id so the action applies to a particular item
# OR
resources :doctors do
get 'new_appointement', on: :member
By default, the controller action is the same as the path name you give, but you can also override it
member do
get 'appointment', action: 'new_appointment'
post 'appointment', action: 'post_appointment'
Rails has some wonderful helpers when it comes to routing !
The correct approach is to give your route a name, like this:
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'docs#show', as: 'docs_show'
Then you can use it like this:
<%= link_to doc.name, docs_show_path(doc.specialty.name, doc.location.name, doc.id) %>
Note 1:
Rails appends _path at the end of the route names you define.
Note 2:
You can see all the available named routes by executing rake routes.

Set Up Route for Accessing Private S3 Content

I've been following
Rails 3, paperclip + S3 - Howto Store for an Instance and Protect Access to try and get Paperclip's expiring links to work. I believe most of what I'm running into is one of the routing variety.
In my pieces_controller I put a method in like this
def download
redirect_to #asset.asset.expiring_url(1000)
And then in my routes, I put this:
match "pieces/download"
Then in my view I have:
<%= link_to download_asset_path(piece)%>
It would seem to be far from working, and I'm not sure what is messed up. I know I'm getting routing errors for one, but it's also telling me that my download_asset_path is undefined, which is likely also routing related... I feel like I'm doing everything all wrong.
Tearing my hair out. Thanks!
Try modifying your routes file to:
match 'pieces/download' => 'pieces#download', :as => 'download_asset'
Your match needs to tell which controller#action to go to, and the as option will allow you to name the route download_asset_path.
If your pieces controller is for a Piece resource it could be cleaner like:
resources :pieces do
member do
get :download
But then you would want to change the link to:
link_to 'Link text', download_piece_path(piece)
For further reading: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html

Rails "pretty URLs", using entries/23 or 2011/07/some-post-slug-here for creating URLs via helpers

I'm attempting to create "pretty URLs" for linking to posts in a blog. I want to maintain access to the blog entries via entries/23 and 2011/07/some-post-slug-here as I only generate a slug once an entry has been published (just in case the title of the posts changes, and, though not a strict requirement, I would prefer to be able to edit/delete posts via the entries/23 style URL. Currently, the appropriate part of what I have in my config/routes.rb:
root :to => 'entries#index'
resources :entries
match ':year/:month/:slug' => 'entries#show', :constraints => {
:year => /[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/,
:month => /[0-9][0-9]/,
:slug => /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+/
}, :as => :vanity_entry
and I use this (in my application helper) function for creating the links:
def appropriate_entry_path entry
if entry.published
vanity_entry_path entry.published_on.year.to_s, entry.published_on.month.to_s, entry.slug
entries_path entry
def appropriate_entry_url entry
if entry.published
vanity_entry_url entry.published_on.year.to_s, entry.published_on.month.to_s, entry.slug
entries_url entry
Basically, I check if the article is published (and therefore has a slug) and then use that URL/path helper, or otherwise use the default one.
However, when trying to use this, I get the following from Rails:
No route matches {:slug=>"try-this-one-on-for", :month=>"7", :controller=>"entries", :year=>"2011", :action=>"show"}
I have tried a few different solutions, including overriding to_param in my Entry model, however then I would have to create match routes for the edit/delete actions, and I would like to keep my routes.rb file as clean as possible. Ideally, I would also love to lose the appropriate_entry_path/appropriate_entry_url helper methods, but I'm not sure that this is possible?
Is there any thing I am missing regarding routing that might make this easier and/or is there any specific way of doing this that is the cleanest?
Thanks in advance.
You might want to take a look at friendly_id. It's a gem for creating seo friendly slugs :)
I found the issue with what I had been doing, the regex for :month in the route wanted two numbers, whereas I was only passing in one number. Anyways, I decided that the URLs look nicer (in my opinion) without the month padded to 2 digits, so I updated my route accordingly.

Reducing redundancy in Rails routes and url helper

I want to add article's title to its url similarly to SO URLs. I was suggested to use the following setup in answer to my another question
# routes.rb
match '/articles/:id/:title' => 'articles#show', :as => :article_with_title
# articles/index.html.erb
link_to article.title, article_with_title_path(article, :title => article.title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/,' ').strip.gsub(/\s+/,'-'))
It works, however I find it a bit redundant. Is there a way to make it nicer? What about an additional universal method to handle multiple routes?
match '/articles/:id/:title' => 'articles#show'
match '/users/:id/:name' => 'users#show'
Currently the following routes work fine: /article/:id/:action, /article/:id/:title with a condition that article cannot have titles edit, show, index, etc.
I believe friendly_id is unnecessary here, since the routes contain :id explicitly.
As I see, SO uses different routes for questions /question/:id/:title, /posts/:id/:action and for users /users/:id/:name, /users/:action/:id
Just override to_param in your models. Untested example from memory:
def to_param
self.id + "-" + self.name.parameterize
this approach means you don't have to change the router, and can also keep using Model.find(params[:id]) or similar.
Basically what the Railscast mentioned in another answer does, and the core of what friendly_id does too.
Ryan Bates did an excellent screencast on using the model's name, or any other attribute, in the url instead of the id.

Rails 3 Routing resources scoped to a username

I have a basic understanding of rails routing, but nothing too advanced. So far I've gotten by using the RESTful resource based routes and a few custom named routes.
I am nearly done my app now though and I wanted to make some pretty urls.
In my app, each user has many pages. What's the best way to make the URL's look like www.sitename.com/username/page_name?
This will route to the pages controller's show action. Params hash includes :username and :page_name.
match "/:username/:page_name" => "pages#show"
Remember to put it last or it will match pretty much everything.
I'm not quite sure what you're using this for, but something like this might work in your routes file:
resources :users do
get 'page_name'
Which will produce: users/:id/page_name
You might want to check out the Railsguide on routing.
What you are looking for is a member route (section 2.9.1).
resources :users do
member do
get :cool_page
Will result in /users/:id/cool_page
