ruby: how to iterate elements in a hash efficiently - ruby-on-rails

I have a very big hash and I want to iterate it. Hash.each seems to be too slow.
Is there any efficient way to do this?
How about convert this hash to an array?
In each loop I'm doing very simple string stuff:
name_hash.each {|name, str|
record += name.to_s + "\|" + str +"\n"
and the hash uses people's names as the key, some related content as the value:
name_hash = {:"jose garcia" => "ca:tw#2#1,2#:th#1#3#;ar:tw#1#4#:fi#1#5#;ny:tw#1#6#;"}

Consider the following example, which uses a hash of 1 million elements:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'benchmark'
h = {}
1_000_000.times do |n|
h[n] = rand
puts Benchmark.measure { h.each { |k, v| } }
a = nil
puts Benchmark.measure { a = h.to_a }
puts Benchmark.measure { a.each { |k, v| } }
I run this on my system at work (running Ruby 1.8.5) and I get:
0.350000 0.020000 0.370000 ( 0.380571)
0.300000 0.020000 0.320000 ( 0.307207)
0.160000 0.040000 0.200000 ( 0.198388)
So iterating over the array is indeed faster (0.16 seconds versus 0.35 seconds for the hash). But it took 0.3 seconds to generate the array. So the net process is slower 0.46 seconds versus 0.35 seconds.
So it seems it's best just to iterate over the hash, at least in this test case.

String#+ is slow. This should improve it
record ={|line| line.join("|")}.join("\n")
If you are using this to output to somewhere, you should not create a huge string but rather write line by line to the output.

A more idiomatic way to do that in ruby:
record ={|k,v| "#{k}|#{v}"}.join("\n")
I don't know how that will compare with speed, but part of the problem might be because you keep adding a little bit onto a string and creating new (ever longer) string objects with each iteration. The join is done in C and might perform better.

Iterating over large collections is slow, the each method is not what's throttling it. What in your loop are you doing that's so slow? If you need to convert to an array, you can do that by calling some_hash.to_a

I had thought ruby 1.9.x had made hash iteration faster but could have been wrong. If it's simple structures you could try a different hash, like which is one I hacked up to make #each more reliable...

Probably "by making a single db query"
Converting a large Hash to an Array will require creating a large object and will require two iterations, albeit with one of them being internal to the interpreter and probably very fast.
This is unlikely to be faster than just iterating over the Hash, but it might be for large objects.
Check out the Standard Library Benchmark package for an easy way to measure runtime.
I would also venture a guess that the real problem here is that you have a Hash-like ActiveRecord object that imposes a round-trip to your db server in each cycle of the enumeration. It's possible that what you really want is to bypass AR and run a native query to retrieve everything at once in a single round-trip.


Rails batch convert one object to another object

I am looking for the most efficient way (in speed) to converts a huge number of objects (1M instances) to another object type.
Unfortunately I don't have the choice of what I am getting as an input (the million object).
So far I've tried with each_slice but it does not show much improvement when it comes to speed!
It looks like this:
expected_objects_of_type_2 = []
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch|
batch.each do |object_type_1|
expected_objects_of_type_2 <<
Any idea?
I did a quick test with a few different methods of looping the array and measured the timings:
huge_array ={rand(1..1000)}
a =
string_array ={|x| x.to_s}
b =
puts b-a
Same with:
sa = []
huge_array.each do |x|
sa << x.to_s
sa = []
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch|
batch.each do |x|
sa << x.to_s
No idea what you are converting so I did a bit of simple int to string.
Map: 1.7
Each: 2.3
Slice: 3.2
So apparently your slice overhead makes things slower. Map seems to be the fastest (which is internally just a for loop but with a non-dynamic length array as output). The << seems to slow things down a bit.
So if each object needs an individual converting you are stuck with O(n) complexity and can't speed things up by a lot. Just avaid overhead.
Depending on your data, sorting and exploiting caching effects might help or avoiding duplicates if you have a lot of identical data but we have no way to know if we don't know your actual conversions.
I would treat each slice in its own thread:
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch| do
batch.each do |object_type_1|
expected_objects_of_type_2 <<
Then you have to wait for the threads to terminate using join. They should be accumulated in an array and joined.

ActiveRecord - How fast are Calculate() methods in PostgreSQL?

I have a rather noobish question about ActiveRecord in ruby on rails.
I'm working on an app on a Postgresql database that will need to handle large amounts of data from multiple platforms as quickly as possible. I'm going through the process of trying to optimize for speed.
I have two functions and I'm wondering which one would be faster theoretically.
Example #1
def spend_branded(date_range)
total_branded_spend = 0.0
platform_list.each do |platform|
platform.where(date: date_range).each do |platform_performance|
total_branded_spend += platform_performance.spend["branded"].to_f
Example #2
def spend_branded(date_range)
total_branded_spend = 0.0
platform_list.each do |platform|
total_branded_spend += (platform.where(date: date_range).sum(:branded_spend)).to_f
As you can see, in the first example, a selection of records are retrieved via the .where() method and then are iterated on with the desired field summed manually. In the second example however, I'm making use of the .sum() method to do the summing at the database level.
I'm wondering if anyone knows which method is faster in general. I suspect the second method is faster, but is it faster by many degrees?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this question.
As #lacostenycoder pointed out, I should have clarified what platform_list is. It references an array with 1 to 3 ActiveRecord collections containing 1 record per each day in the date_range.
Upon benchmarking with the method provided in his answer, I found the 2nd method to be slightly faster.
user system total real
spend_branded 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.003632)
spend_branded_sum 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.002612)
(102 records processed)
Here's how you can benchmark your methods for comparison. Open a rails console rails c, then paste this into your console.
def spend_branded(date_range)
total_branded_spend = 0.0
platform_list.each do |platform|
platform.where(date: date_range).each do |platform_performance|
total_branded_spend += platform_performance.spend["branded"].to_f
def spend_branded_sum(date_range)
total_branded_spend = 0.0
platform_list.each do |platform|
total_branded_spend += (platform.where(date: date_range).sum(:branded_spend)).to_f
require 'benchmark' do |x| { spend_branded(date_range) } { spend_branded_sum(date_range) }
Of course we would expect the 2nd way to be faster. We can probably offer more help if you showed more about the model relations and how platform_list is defined.
Also you might want to check out the PgHero gem which can be helpful in identifying slow queries and where to add indices to get better performance. In general when done correctly, doing proper calculations at the database level will be orders of magnitude faster than iteration over large sets of Ruby object.
Also you might try to refactor your first version to this:
def spend_branded(date_range) do |platform|
platform.where(date: date_range)
.pluck(:spend).map{|h| h['branded'].to_f}.sum
And 2nd version to
def spend_branded_sum(date_range) do |platform|
platform.where(date: date_range).sum(:branded_spend).to_f
lacostenycoder is correct to recommend that you benchmark your code.
If the values you are trying to sum are directly available in the database, Calculations are very likely going to be faster. I do not know how much faster.
If platform_list is a collection of models, something like this might work and might outperform your iteration:
where(date: date_range).

Why is this RegExp taking 16 minutes to process on Rails?

I've written a function to remove email addresses from my data using gsub. The code is below. The problem is that it takes a total of 27 minutes to execute the function on a set of 10,000 records. (16 minutes for the first pattern, 11 minutes for the second). Elsewhere in the code I process about 20 other RegExp's using a similar flow (iterating through data.each) and they all finish in less than a second. (BTW, I recognize that my RegExp's aren't perfect and may catch some strings that aren't email addresses.)
Is there something about these two RegExp's that is causing the processing time to be so high? I've tried it on seven different data sources all with the same result, so the problem isn't peculiar to my data set.
def remove_email_addresses!(data)
email_patterns = [
/[[:graph:]]+ +at +[^ ][ [[:graph:]]]{0,40} +dot +com/i
data.each do |row|
email_patterns.each do |pattern|
row[:title].gsub!(pattern,"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(pattern,"") unless row[:description].blank?
Check that your faster code isn't just doing var =~ /blah/ matching, rather than replacement: that is several orders of magnitude faster.
In addition to reducing backtracking and replacing + and * with ranges for safety, as follows...
email_patterns = [
/\b[-_.\w]{1,128} {1,10}at {1,10}[^ ][-_.\w ]{0,40} {1,10}dot {1,10}com/i
... you could also try "unrolling your loop", though this is unlikely to cause any issues unless there is some kind of interaction between the iterators (which there shouldn't be, but...). That is:
data.each do |row|
row[:title].gsub!(patterns[0],"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(patterns[0],"") unless row[:description].blank?
row[:title].gsub!(patterns[1],"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(patterns[1],"") unless row[:description].blank?
Finally, if this causes little to no speedup, consider profiling with something like ruby-prof to find out whether the regexes themselves are the issue, or whether there's a problem in the do iterator or the unless clauses instead.
Could it be that the data is large enough that it causes issues with paging once read in? If so, might it be faster to read the data in and parse it in chunks of N entries, rather than process the whole lot at once?

Improving Rails.cache.write by setting key-value pairs asynchronously

I am currently thinking about improving the performance of Rails.cache.write when using dalli to write items to the memcachier cloud.
The stack, as it relates to caching, is currently:
heroku, memcachier heroku addon, dalli 2.6.4, rails 3.0.19
I am using newrelic for performance monitoring.
I am currently fetching "active students" for a given logged in user, represented by a BusinessUser instance, when its active_students method is called from a controller handling a request that requires a list of "active students":
class BusinessUser < ActiveRecord::Base
def active_students
Rails.cache.fetch("/studio/#{}/students") do
After looking at newrelic, I've basically narrowed down one big performance hit for the app in setting key values on memcachier. It takes an average of 225ms every time. Further, it looks like setting memcache key values blocks the main thread and eventually disrupts the request queue. Obviously this is undesirable, especially when the whole point of the caching strategy is to reduce performance bottlenecks.
In addition, I've benchmarked the cache storage with plain dalli, and Rails.cache.write for 1000 cache sets of the same value:
heroku run console -a {app-name-redacted}
irb(main):001:0> require 'dalli'
=> false
irb(main):002:0> cache =["MEMCACHIER_SERVERS"].split(","),
irb(main):003:1* {:username => ENV["MEMCACHIER_USERNAME"],
irb(main):004:2* :password => ENV["MEMCACHIER_PASSWORD"],
irb(main):005:2* :failover => true,
irb(main):006:2* :socket_timeout => 1.5,
irb(main):007:2* :socket_failure_delay => 0.2
irb(main):008:2> })
=> #<Dalli::Client:0x00000006686ce8 #servers=["server-redacted:11211"], #options={:username=>"username-redacted", :password=>"password-redacted", :failover=>true, :socket_timeout=>1.5, :socket_failure_delay=>0.2}, #ring=nil>
irb(main):009:0> require 'benchmark'
=> false
irb(main):010:0> n = 1000
=> 1000
irb(main):011:0> do |x|
irb(main):012:1* { n.times do ; cache.set("foo", "bar") ; end }
irb(main):013:1> { n.times do ; Rails.cache.write("foo", "bar") ; end }
irb(main):014:1> end
user system total real
Dalli::Server#connect server-redacted:11211
Dalli/SASL authenticating as username-redacted
Dalli/SASL: username-redacted
0.090000 0.050000 0.140000 ( 2.066113)
Dalli::Server#connect server-redacted:11211
Dalli/SASL authenticating as username-redacted
Dalli/SASL: username-redacted
0.100000 0.070000 0.170000 ( 2.108364)
With plain dalli cache.set, we are using 2.066113s to write 1000 entries into the cache, for an average cache.set time of 2.06ms.
With Rails.cache.write, we are using 2.108364s to write 1000 entries into the cache, for an average Rails.cache.write time of 2.11ms.
⇒ It seems like the problem is not with memcachier, but simply with the amount of data that we are attempting to store.
According to the docs for the #fetch method, it looks like it would not be the way I want to go, if I want to throw cache sets into a separate thread or a worker, because I can't split out the write from the read - and self-evidently, I don't want to be reading asynchronously.
Is it possible to reduce the bottleneck by throwing Rails.cache.write into a worker, when setting key values? Or, more generally, is there a better pattern to do this, so that I am not blocking the main thread every time I want to perform a Rails.cache.write?
There are two factors that would contribute to overall latency under normal circumstances: client side marshalling/compression and network bandwidth.
Dalli mashalls and optionally compresses the data, which could be quite expensive. Here are some benchmarks of Marshalling and compressing a list of random characters (a kind of artificial list of user ids or something like that). In both cases the resulting value is around 200KB. Both benchmarks were run on a Heroku dyno - performance will obviously depend on the CPU and load of the machine:
irb> val = (1..50000)! {rand(255).chr}; nil
# a list of 50000 single character strings
irb> Marshal.dump(val).size
# OK, so roughly 200K. How long does it take to perform this operation
# before even starting to talk to MemCachier?
irb> Benchmark.measure { Marshal.dump(val) }
=> 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.044568)
# so about 45ms, and this scales roughly linearly with the length of the list.
irb> val = (1..100000).to_a; nil # a list of 100000 integers
irb> Zlib::Deflate.deflate(Marshal.dump(val)).size
# OK, so roughly 200K. How long does it take to perform this operation
irb> Benchmark.measure { Zlib::Deflate.deflate(Marshal.dump(val)) }
=> 0.140000 0.000000 0.140000 ( 0.145672)
So we're basically seeing anywhere from a 40ms to 150ms performance hit just for Marshaling and/or zipping data. Marshalling a String will be much cheaper, while marshalling something like a complex object will be more expensive. Zipping depends on the size of the data, but also on the redundancy of the data. For example, zipping a 1MB string of all "a" characters takes merely about 10ms.
Network bandwidth will play some of a role here, but not a very significant one. MemCachier has a 1MB limit on values, which would take approximately 20ms to transfer to/from MemCachier:
irb(main):036:0> Benchmark.measure { 1000.times { c.set("h", val, 0, :raw => true) } }
=> 0.250000 11.620000 11.870000 ( 21.284664)
This amounts to about 400Mbps (1MB * 8MB/Mb * (1000ms/s / 20ms)), which makes sense. However, for even a relatively large, but still smaller value of 200KB, we'd expect a 5x speedup:
irb(main):039:0> val = "a" * (1024 * 200); val.size
=> 204800
irb(main):040:0> Benchmark.measure { 1000.times { c.set("h", val, 0, :raw => true) } }
=> 0.160000 2.890000 3.050000 ( 5.954258)
So, there are several things you might be able to do to get some speedup:
Use a faster marshalling mechanism. For example, using Array#pack("L*") to encode a list of 50,000 32-bit unsigned integers (like in the very first benchmark) into a string of length 200,000 (4 bytes for each integer), takes only 2ms rather than 40ms. Using compression with the same marshalling scheme, to get a similar sized value is also very fast (about 2ms as well), but the compression doesn't do anything useful on random data anymore (Ruby's Marshal produces a fairly redundant String even on a list of random integers).
Use smaller values. This would probably require deep application changes, but if you don't really need the whole list, you should be setting it. For example, the memcache protocol has append and prepend operations. If you are only ever adding new things to a long list, you could use those operations instead.
Finally, as suggested, removing the set/gets from the critical path would prevent any delays from affecting HTTP request latency. You still have to get the data to the worker, so it's important that if you're using something like a work queue, the message you send to the worker should only contain instructions on which data to construct rather than the data itself (or you're in the same hole again, just with a different system). A very lightweight (in terms of coding effort) would be to simply fork a process:
mylist = Student.where(...)!(&:id)
...I need to update memcache with the new list of students...
fork do
# Have to create a new Dalli client
client =
client.set("mylistkey", mylist)
# this will block for the same time as before, but is running in a separate process
I haven't benchmarked a full example, but since you're not execing, and Linux fork is copy-on-write, the overhead of the fork call itself should be minimal. On my machine, it's about 500us (that's micro-seconds not milliseconds).
Using Rails.cache.write to prefetch and store data in cache with workers (e.g. Sidekiq) is what I've seen at high volumes. Of course there is a trade off between speed and the money you want to spend. Think about:
the most used paths in your app (is active_students accessed often?);
what to store (just IDs or the entire objects or further down the chain);
if you can optimize that query (n+1?).
Also, if you really need speed, consider using a dedicated memcache service, instead of a Heroku add-on.

Ruby Multi threading, what am I doing wrong?

So, in order to improve to speed of our app I'm experimenting multi threading with our rails app.
Here is the code:
require 'thwait'
require 'benchmark'
city = Location.find_by_slug("orange-county", :select => "city, state, lat, lng", :limit => 1)
filters =
image_filter = =
filters.lon = city.lng
filters.mile_radius = 20
filters.page_size = 15 = 1
image_filter.page_size = 5
sponsored_filter = filters.dup
sponsored_filter.has_advertised = true
sponsored_filter.page_size = 50 do |b|'with') do
1.times do
cities ={
Location.where("lat between ? and ? and lng between ? and ?",,, city.lng-0.5, city.lng+0.5)
images ={[:hits]
sponsored_results_extended ={
sponsored_filter.mile_radius = 50
#sponsored_results = sponsored_filter )
results ={ filters )
ThreadsWait.all_waits(cities, images, sponsored_results_extended, results)
#cities = cities.value
#images = images.value
#sponsored_results = sponsored_results_extended.value
#results = results.value
end'without') do
1.times do
#cities = Location.where("lat between ? and ? and lng between ? and ?",,, city.lng-0.5, city.lng+0.5)
#image =[:hits]
#sponsored_results = sponsored_filter )
#results = filters )
end is running a search on our ElasticSearch servers.(3 servers behind a Load balancer), where active record queries are being runned in our RDS instance.
(Everything is in the same datacenter.)
Here is the output on our dev server:
Bob#dev-web01:/usr/local/dev/buildzoom/rails$ script/rails runner script/thread_bm.rb -e development
user system total real
with 0.100000 0.010000 0.110000 ( 0.342238)
without 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.164624)
Nota: I've a very limited knowledge if no knowledge about thread, mutex, GIL, ..
There is a lot more overhead in the "with" block than the "without" block due to the Thread creation and management. Using threads will help the most when the code is IO-bound, and it appears that is NOT the case. Four searches complete in 20ms (without block), which implies that in parallel those searches should take less that amount of time. The "with" block takes 100ms to execute, so we can deduce that at least 80ms of that time is not spent in searches. Try benchmarking with longer queries to see how the results differ.
Note that I've made the assumption that all searches have the same latency, which may or may not be true, and always perform the same. It may be possible that the "without" block benefits from some sort of query caching since it runs after the "with" block. Do results differ when you swap the order of the benchmarks? Also, I'm ignoring overhead from the iteration (1.times). You should remove that unless you change the number of iterations to something greater than 1.
Even though you are using threads, and hence performing query IO in parallel, you still need to deserialize whatever results are coming back from your queries. This uses the CPU. MRI Ruby 2.0.0 has a global interpreter lock. This means Ruby code can only run one line at a time, not in parallel, and only on one CPU core. In order to deserialize all your results, the CPU has to context switch many times between the different threads. This is a lot more overhead than deserializing each result set sequentially.
If your wall time is dominated by waiting for a response from your queries, and they don't all come back at the same time, then there might be an advantage to parallelizing with threads. But it's hard to predict that.
You could try using JRuby or Rubinius. These will both utilize multiple cores, and hence can actually speed up your code as expected.
