How to read Mahout clustering output - mahout

I have run the k-Means clustering algorithm on the synthetic control data from the Mahout tutorial, and was wondering if someone could explain how to interpret the output. I ran clusterdump and received output that looks something like this (truncated to save space):
CL-592{n=57 c=30.726, 29.813...] r=[3.528, 3.597...]}
Weight : [props - optional]: Point:
1.0 : [distance=27.453962995925863]: [24.672, 35.261, 30.486...]
1.0 : [distance=27.675053294846002]: [25.592, 29.951, 34.188...]
1.0 : [distance=28.97727289419493]: [30.696, 32.667, 34.223...]
1.0 : [distance=21.999685652862784]: [32.702, 35.219, 30.143...]
CL-598{n=50 c=[29.611, 29.769...] r=[3.166, 3.561...]}
Weight : [props - optional]: Point:
1.0 : [distance=27.266203490250472]: [27.679, 33.506, 23.594...]
1.0 : [distance=28.749781351838173]: [34.727, 28.325, 30.331...]
1.0 : [distance=32.635136046420186]: [27.758, 33.859, 29.879...]
1.0 : [distance=29.328974057024624]: [29.356, 26.793, 25.575...]
Could someone explain to me how to read this? From what I understand, CL-__ is a cluster ID, followed by n=number of points in the cluster, c=centroid as a vector, r=radius as a vector, and then each point in the cluster. Is this correct? Furthermore, how do I know which clustered point matches up with which input point? i.e. are the points described as a key-value pair where the key is some kind of ID for the point and the value is the vector? If not is there some way I can set it up so it is?

I believe your interpretation of the data is correct (I've only been working with Mahout for ~3 weeks, so someone more seasoned should probably weigh in on this).
As far as linking points back to the input that created them I've used NamedVector, where the name is the key for the vector. When you read one of the generated points files (clusteredPoints) you can convert each row (point vector) back into a NamedVector and retrieve the name using .getName().
Update in response to comment
When you initially read your data into Mahout, you convert it into a collection of vectors with which you then write to a file (points) for use in the clustering algorithms later. Mahout gives you several Vector types which you can use, but they also give you access to a Vector wrapper class called NamedVector which will allow you to identify each vector.
For example, you could create each NamedVector as follows:
NamedVector nVec = new NamedVector(
new SequentialAccessSparseVector(vectorDimensions),
Then you write your collection of NamedVectors to file with something like:
SequenceFile.Writer writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(...);
VectorWritable writable = new VectorWritable();
// the next two lines will be in a loop, but I'm omitting it for clarity
writer.append(new Text(nVec.getName()), nVec);
You can now use this file as input to one of the clustering algorithms.
After having run one of the clustering algorithms with your points file, it will have generated yet another points file, but it will be in a directory named clusteredPoints.
You can then read in this points file and extract the name you associated to each vector. It'll look something like this:
IntWritable clusterId = new IntWritable();
WeightedPropertyVectorWritable vector = new WeightedPropertyVectorWritable();
while (, vector))
NamedVector nVec = (NamedVector)vector.getVector();
// you now have access to the original name using nVec.getName()

Try to add the option -of CSV in clusterdump, you will have a more exploitable result for further treatment.

I have the same problem,(using mahout 0.6).I am also a beginner. I need to display the documents in the form of clusters to the users. So i will need document names rather that words corresponding to clusters. I have been clustering the text documents from shell script.


Categorical features encoding in H2O

I train GBM models with H2O and want to use them in my backend (not Java). To do so, I download the MOJOs, convert it to ONNX and run it in my apps.
In order to make inference, I need to know how categorical columns transformed to their one-hot encoded versions. I was able to find it in the POJO:
static final void fill(String[] sa) {
sa[0] = "Age";
sa[1] = "Fare";
sa[2] = "Pclass.1";
sa[3] = "Pclass.2";
sa[4] = "Pclass.3";
sa[5] = "Pclass.missing(NA)";
sa[6] = "Sex.female";
sa[7] = "Sex.male";
sa[8] = "Sex.missing(NA)";
So, here is the workflow for non-Java backend as I see it:
Encode categorical features with OneHotExplicit.
Train GBM model.
Download MOJO and convert to ONNX.
Download POJO and find feature alignment in the source code.
Implement the inference in your backend.
Is it the most straightforward and correct way?
Thank you for your question.
Can you access the stored categorical values here?
The index in the array means the translated categorical value.
The EasyPredictModelWrapper did it this way:
Can you access the model.ini inside of the zip? There is [domains] tag and under the tag is a list of files in domains/ directory which correspond the categorical encoding for each feature.
7: 2 d000.txt
means 7th column (CAPSULE) has 2 categorical variables in d000.txt
or there is a experimental/modelDetails.json file that has categorical values under The index in the list correspond to the feature in the output.names list.
e.g[7] are domains for output.names[7] feature.

Can you search for related database tables/fields using text similarity?

I am doing a college project where I need to compare a string with list of other strings. I want to know if we have any kind of library which can do this or not.
Suppose I have a table called : DOCTORS_DETAILS
Now I want to calculate which one among those are more relevant to DOCTOR_DETAILS ?
Expected output can be,
DOCTOR_APPOINTMENTS - More relevant because of the term doctor matches in both string
PATIENT_DETAILS - The term DETAILS present in both string
PAYMENTS - least relevant
Therefore I want to find RELEVENCE based on number of similar terms present on both the strings in question.
Semantic similarity is a common NLP problem. There are multiple approaches to look into, but at their core they all are going to boil down to:
Turn each piece of text into a vector
Measure distance between vectors, and call closer vectors more similar
Three possible ways to do step 1 are:
To do step 2, you almost certainly want to use cosine distance. It is pretty straightforward with Python, here is a implementation from a blog post:
import numpy as np
def cos_sim(a, b):
"""Takes 2 vectors a, b and returns the cosine similarity according
to the definition of the dot product
dot_product =, b)
norm_a = np.linalg.norm(a)
norm_b = np.linalg.norm(b)
return dot_product / (norm_a * norm_b)
For your particular use case, my instincts say to use fasttext. So, the official site shows how to download some pretrained word vectors, but you will want to download a pretrained model (see this GH issue, use,
Then you'd then want to do something like:
import fasttext
model = fasttext.load_model("model_filename.bin")
def order_tables_by_name_similarity(main_table, candidate_tables):
'''Note: we use a fasttext model, not just pretrained vectors, so we get subword information
you can modify this to also output the distances if you need them
main_v = model[main_table]
similarity_to_main = lambda w: cos_sim(main_v, model[w])
return sorted(candidate_tables, key=similarity_to_main, reverse=True)
If you need to put this in production, the giant model size (6.7GB) might be an issue. At that point, you'd want to build your own model, and constrain the model size. You can probably get roughly the same accuracy out of a 6MB model!

Find the importance of each column to the model

I have a project and as of right now everything has gone great. I have a motor that collects a power reading 256 times around each rotation and I push that into a model. Right now it determines the state of the motor nearly perfectly. The motor itself only has room for 38 values on it at a time so I have been spending several rotations to collect the full 256 samples for my training data.
I would like to cut the sample size down to 38 so every rotation I can determine its state. If I just evenly space the samples down to 38 my model degrades by a lot. I know I am not feeding the model the features it thinks are most important but just making a guess and randomly selecting data for the model.
Is there a way I can see the importance of each value in the array during the training process? I was thinking I could use IDataView for this and I found the below statement about it (link).
Standard ML schema: The IDataView system does not define, nor prescribe, standard ML schema representation. For example, it does not dictate representation of nor distinction between different semantic interpretations of columns, such as label, feature, score, weight, etc. However, the column metadata support, together with conventions, may be used to represent such interpretations.
Does this mean I can print out such things as weight for each column and how would I do that?
I have actually only been working with for a couple weeks now so I apologize if the question is naive, I assure you I have googled this as many ways as I can think to. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the answer I was going down a completely useless path. I have been trying to get it to work following the example you linked to. I have 260 columns with numbers and one column with the conditions as one of five text strings. This is the condition I am trying to predict.
The first time I tried it threw an error "expecting single but got string". No problem I used .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("Label", "Label")) to convert to key values and it threw the error expected Single, got Key UInt32. any ideas on how to push that into this function?
At any rate thank you for the reply but I guess my upvotes don't count yet sorry. hopefully I can upvote it later or someone else here can upvote it. Below is the code example.
//Create MLContext
MLContext mlContext = new MLContext();
//Load Data
IDataView data = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<ModelInput>(TRAIN_DATA_FILEPATH, separatorChar: ',', hasHeader: true);
// 1. Get the column name of input features.
string[] featureColumnNames =
.Select(column => column.Name)
.Where(columnName => columnName != "Label").ToArray();
// 2. Define estimator with data pre-processing steps
IEstimator<ITransformer> dataPrepEstimator =
mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", featureColumnNames)
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("Label", "Label"));
// 3. Create transformer using the data pre-processing estimator
ITransformer dataPrepTransformer = dataPrepEstimator.Fit(data);//error here
// 4. Pre-process the training data
IDataView preprocessedTrainData = dataPrepTransformer.Transform(data);
// 5. Define Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent machine learning estimator
var sdcaEstimator = mlContext.Regression.Trainers.Sdca();
// 6. Train machine learning model
var sdcaModel = sdcaEstimator.Fit(preprocessedTrainData);
ImmutableArray<RegressionMetricsStatistics> permutationFeatureImportance =
.PermutationFeatureImportance(sdcaModel, preprocessedTrainData, permutationCount: 3);
// Order features by importance
var featureImportanceMetrics =
.Select((metric, index) => new { index, metric.RSquared })
.OrderByDescending(myFeatures => Math.Abs(myFeatures.RSquared.Mean));
foreach (var feature in featureImportanceMetrics)
I believe what you are looking for is called Permutation Feature Importance. This will tell you which features are most important by changing each feature in isolation, and then measuring how much that change affected the model's performance metrics. You can use this to see which features are the most important to the model.
Interpret model predictions using Permutation Feature Importance is the doc that describes how to use this API in ML.NET.
You can also use an open-source set of packages, they are much more sophisticated than what is found in ML.NET. I have an example on my GitHub how-to use R with advanced explainer packages to explain ML.NET models. You can get local instance as well as global model breakdown/details/diagnostics/feature interactions etc.

how to get the hash value when using StaticWordValueEncoder in Mahout

I'm look at an example in the Mahout in Action book. It uses the StaticWordValueEncoder to encoder a text in the feature hashing manner.
When encode "text to magically vectorize" with a standard analyser and probe = 1, the vector is {12:1.0, 54:1.0, 78:1.0}. However, I can't figure out which word the hash index refers to.
Is there any method to get the [hash, original word] as a pair? e.g. hash 12 refers to the word "text"?
if you have read Mahout in Action paragraph:
"The value of a continuous
variable gets added directly to one or more locations that are allocated for the storage
of the value. The location or locations are determined by the name of the feature.
This hashed feature approach has the distinct advantage of requiring less memory
and one less pass through the training data, but it can make it much harder to reverse engineer
vectors to determine which original feature mapped to a vector location."
-----I am not sure how the reverse engineering can be done(which certainly a difficult task as Author has put) Perhaps some one might put some light on this.

Why does ELKI need file in addition to distance matrix? Also what should file contain?

I tried to follow this tutorial on using ELKI with pre-computed distances for clustering.
I used the following set of command line options:
-dbc.filter FixedDBIDsFilter -dbc.startid 0 -algorithm clustering.OPTICS
-algorithm.distancefunction external.FileBasedDoubleDistanceFunction
-distance.matrix /path/to/matrix -optics.minpts 5 -resulthandler ResultWriter
ELkI fails with a configuration error saying file is needed to make the computation.
The following configuration errors prevented execution:
No value given for parameter "":
Expected: The name of the input file to be parsed.
No value given for parameter "parser.distancefunction":
Expected: Distance function used for parsing values.
My question is what is file? Why should I provide it in addition to the distance matrix file since the pair-wise distance matrix file completely specifies all the information about the point cloud. (also I don't have access to any other information other than the pair-wise distance information).
What should I do about Should I override it, or specify some dummy information etc. Kindly help me understand.
thank you.
This is documented in the ELKI HowTos:
Using without primary data
-dbc DBIDRangeDatabaseConnection -idgen.count 100
However, there is a bug (patch is on the howto page, and will be in the next release) so you right now can't fully use this; as a workaround you can use a text file that enumerates the objects.
The reason for this is that ELKI is designed to work on multi-relational data. It's not just processing matrixes. But some algorithms may e.g. need a geographic representation of an object, some measurements for this object, and a label for evaluation. That is three relations.
What the DBIDRange data source essentially does is create a single "fake" relation that is just the DBIDs 0 to 99. On algorithms that don't need actual data, but only distances (e.g. LOF or DBSCAN or OPTICS), it is sufficient to have object IDs and a distance matrix.
