Umbraco 4 + MVC + Ninject -

I recently followed Aaron Powell's posts on supporting MVC controllers with Umbraco 4: and
Everything works as expected. I can set up controllers and they work seamlessly well along side umbraco's pages. The thing is I'm trying to setup IoC with Ninject and haven't been able to get it working.
I've setup a class in App_Start that uses web activator to attach to the PreApplicationStartMethod and defined my kernel configuration as I have always had in the past:
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
//Standard Modules
kernel.Bind<Func<IKernel>>().ToMethod(ctx => () => new Bootstrapper().Kernel);
//Registering my services, repositories, and connections
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new NinjectResolver(kernel);
return kernel;
I've debugged the solution and this code gets run. But everytime I call a controller the injection isn't made and I get the "No parameterless constructor is defined" error.
Does anyone know how to get IoC working in this scenario?

We started from scratch. Using the Umbraco compiled binaries/website instead of the sources. From that point we installed MVC4 and Ninject using nuGet and everything seems to work fine.
Thanks to those who helped anyways!


Autofac Fails to Resolve after App Pool Recycle

I've used Autofac for years and never seen this behavior: after building, the app runs fine. However, after the app pool is recycled (I tested this by touching the web.config), I get a DependencyResolutionException:
None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'Namespace.Controllers.HomeController' can be invoked with the available services and parameters
HomeController has one dependency, which has other dependencies, etc. But I know it can resolve them, because it does before it's recycled. Why on earth would this happen???
I autowire everything like so:
public static IContainer GetAutoFacContainer()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var assembliesToRegister = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Where(a => a.FullName.StartsWith("Prefix")).ToArray();
return builder.Build();
Then I use the container for WebAPI and MVC Controllers.
var autoFacContainer = DependencyRegistrar.GetAutoFacContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(autoFacContainer));
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver =
new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(autoFacContainer);
Thanks to Steven's comment above, I did find the answer on the other question as well as the Autofac site. Why these never turned up in my research I don't know.
The Solution
Change AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
To BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies().Cast<Assembly>()

How does EF7 bootstrap dependency injection (IServiceCollection) if you're not in ASP.NET 5?

I'm still trying to get my head around what's what with ASP.NET 5 / EF 7. I'm using DNX projects (.xproj).
Startup is used by OWIN/ASP.NET for configuring, loading services, etc. But it's also used for EF 7 migrations (to set your DbContextOptions for example).
My main goal is to know how EF7 (and ASP.NET 5) bootstrap with Startup and who's creating the startup class, initializing the DI container, etc.
An example of what I need to do, for context, is that in my xUnit unit tests (which are in their own assembly and reference my data assembly which doesn't have a Startup class), I need to AddDbContext to set my connection.
I have the sample startup class:
namespace Radar.Data
using Microsoft.AspNet.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Data.Entity;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions;
public class Startup
public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; set; }
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env, IApplicationEnvironment appEnv)
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
Configuration = builder.Build();
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddDbContext<RadarDbContext>(options =>
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
This is currently in my data assembly and not my unit test assembly. I tried adding the app setting (I know it's OWIN but I thought I'd give it a shot):
<add key="owin:appStartup" value="Radar.Data.Startup, Radar.Data" />
The startup class is not getting executed.
I'd really like an understanding of the overall mechanism with Startup, who calls it, etc., but for now, I just need an understanding of how EF 7 initializes dependencies/services so that I can properly initialize my unit tests.
Here's what I've got in my unit test so far and I thought I had it working at one point:
ServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
DbContextActivator.ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
options => options.UseSqlServer("Server=.;Database=SonOfRadar;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"));
but now I'm getting No service for type 'Microsoft.Data.Entity.Internal.IDbSetInitializer' has been registered when my DbContext is instantiated. So obviously not getting all the EF services loaded.
If I comment out:
DbContextActivator.ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
it errors earlier with: No database providers are configured. Configure a database provider by overriding OnConfiguring in your DbContext class or in the AddDbContext method when setting up services.
Setting DbContextActivator.ServiceProvider is the only place in EF7 where I can find a hook to set your own provider. I'd be just as happy getting an instance of EF7's internal service collection and working with that. I think I'm going to scour the EF7 unit test code again and see if I'm missing a critical piece.
Startup class is created by Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting package when you run you web application (see StartupLoader.cs).
You can also look onto WebApplication.Run method (WebApplication.Run) its an entry point to ASP.NET 5 web applications.
DI is initialized in WebHostBuilder class (WebHostBuilder.cs) and inside dnx in Bootstrapper class (Bootstrapper.cs)

Why should Ninject dlls be in the Web/bin folder? Can't I just put them in the GAC?

My company has got a deployment policy (I skip the details) such that any 3rd party software should be installed in the GAC, whilst our libraries are in Web/bin folder. But this approach doesn't work with Ninject and MVC 3/4. Let's follow an example:
This is my dependencies binding code:
public class RequestorDependenciesRegistration : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And this is my MVC controller:
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) {
this.something = something; // 'something' is set only if Ninject dlls are in Web/bin... X-(
If Ninject dlls are in the GAC, it loads the module correctly, but when instantiating the MVC Controller the dependency is not injected (in some cases is null, in some cases MVC returns an error "No parameterless constructor etc etc"). If I manually copy Ninject*.dll in the Web/bin folder, than everything works fine, even without restarting IIS! Can't really understand why...
Even more surprisingly (for me), if I do something super-dirty like storing a reference to the Ninject Kernel instance in a public static property and use it as a ServiceLocator, it works! (Something dirty like this, in the MVC controller):
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) { // 'something' is always null if Ninject is only in the GAC...
var controller = Kernel.Get<MyController>()
this.something = controller.something; // ... but this 'controller.something' is set, even if Ninject is only in the GAC!!! 8-O
Can anyone suggest me the reason why? And possibly a solution? :-) Many thanks!!
Ninject has a built in extension loading mechanism which is used to load the different extension like the Ninject.Web.Mvc.
But mechanism is looking only for the application folder to load the extensions so if your dll are in the GAC Ninject won't find them.
To solve this you can turn off the automatic extension loading and load the MvcModule module by hand when creating your StandardKernel:
var _kernel = new StandardKernel(
new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false },
new MvcModule(),
/* your other modules * /);

How can we support modular and testable patterns with ASP.NET MVC 4 and MEF 2?

We're trying to use MEF 2 with ASP.NET MVC 4 to support an extensible application. There are really 2 parts to this question (hope that's okay SO gods):
How do we use Microsoft.Composition and the MVC container code (MEF/MVC demo source) to replace Ninject as our DI for ICoreService, ICoreRepository, IUnitOfWork, and IDbContext?
It looks like we can't use both Ninject and the MVC container at the same time (I'm sure many are saying "duh"), so we'd like to go with MEF, if possible. I tried removing Ninject and setting [Export] attributes on each of the relevant implementations, spanning two assemblies in addition to the web project, but Save() failed to persist with no errors. I interpreted that as a singleton issue, but could not figure out how to sort it out (incl. [Shared]).
How do we load multiple assemblies dynamically at runtime?
I understand how to use CompositionContainer.AddAssemblies() to load specific DLLs, but for our application to be properly extensible, we require something more akin to how I (vaguely) understand catalogs in "full" MEF, which have been stripped out from the Microsoft.Composition package (I think?); to allow us to load all IPluggable (or whatever) assemblies, which will include their own UI, service, and repository layers and tie in to the Core service/repo too.
A little more reading solved the first problem which was, indeed, a singleton issue. Attaching [Shared(Boundaries.HttpRequest)] to the CoreDbContext solved the persistence problem. When I tried simply [Shared], it expanded the 'singletonization' to the Application level (cross-request) and threw an exception saying that the edited object was already in the EF cache.
I used the iterative assembly loading "meat" from Nick Blumhardt's answer below to update my Global.asax.cs code. The standard MEF 2 container from his code did not work in mine, probably because I'm using the MEF 2(?) MVC container. Summary: the code listed below now works as desired.
CoreDbContext.cs (Data.csproj)
public class CoreDbContext : IDbContext { ... }
CoreRepository.cs (Data.csproj)
public class CoreRepository : ICoreRepository, IUnitOfWork
public CoreRepository(IInsightDbContext context)
_context = context;
CoreService.cs (Services.csproj)
public class CoreService : ICoreService
public CoreService(ICoreRepository repository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_repository = repository;
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
UserController.cs (Web.csproj)
public class UsersController : Controller
public UsersController(ICoreService service)
_service = service;
Global.asax.cs (Web.csproj)
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// EDIT 2 --
// updated code to answer my 2nd question based on Nick Blumhardt's answer
foreach (var file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("Plugins"), "*.dll"))
var name = System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file);
var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(name);
// You'll need to craft exception handling to
// your specific scenario.
If I understand you correctly, you're looking for code that will load all assemblies from a directory and load them into the container; here's a skeleton for doing that:
var config = new ContainerConfiguration();
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(#".\Plugins", "*.dll"))
var name = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file);
var assembly = Assembly.Load(name);
// You'll need to craft exception handling to
// your specific scenario.
var container = config.CreateContainer();
// ...
Hammett discusses this scenario and shows a more complete version in F# here:
Note, this won't detect assemblies added to the directory after the application launches - Microsoft.Composition isn't intended for that kind of use, so if the set of plug-ins changes your best bet is to detect that with a directory watcher and prompt the user to restart the app. HTH!
MEF is not intended to be used as DI framework. Which means that you should separate your "plugins" (whatever they are) composition from your infrastructure dependencies, and implement the former via MEF and the latter via whatever DI framework you prefer.
I think there are a little misunderstandings on what MEF can and can't do.
Originally MEF was conceived as purely an extensibility architecture, but as the framework evolved up to its first release, it can be fully supported as a DI container also. MEF will handle dependency injection for you, and does so through it's ExportProvider architecture. It is also entirely possible to use other DI frameworks with MEF. So in reality there are a number of ways things could be achieved:
Build a NinjectExportProvider that you can plug into MEF, so when MEF is searching for available exports, it will be able to interrogate your Ninject container.
Use an implementation of the Common Services Locator pattern to bridge between MEF and Ninject or vice versa.
Because you are using MEF for the extensibility, you'll probably want to use the former, as this exposes your Ninject components to MEF, which in turn exposes them to your plugins.
The other thing to consider, which is a bit disappointing, is in reality there isn't a lot of room for automagically plugging in of features ala Wordpress on ASP.NET. ASP.NET is a compiled and managed environment, and because of that you either resort to late-binding by loading assemblies manually at runtime, or you restart the application to pick up the new plugins, which sort of defeats the object of being able to plug new extensions in through the application.
My advice, is plan your architecture to pick up any extensibility points as startup and assume that any core changes will require a deployment and application restart.
In terms of the direct questions asked:
The CompositionProvider accepts in instance of ContainerConfiguration which is used internally to create the CompositionContainer used by the provider. So you could use this as the point by which you customise how you want your container to be instantiated. The ContainerConfiguration supports a WithProvider method:
var configuration = new ContainerConfiguration().WithProvider(new NinjectExportDescriptorProvider(kernel));
Where NinjectExportDescriptorProvider might be:
public class NinjectExportDescriptorProvider: ExportDescriptorProvider
private readonly IKernel _kernel;
public NinjectExportDescriptorProvider(IKernel kernel)
if (kernel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("kernel");
_kernel = kernel;
public override IEnumerable<ExportDescriptorPromise> GetExportDescriptors(
CompositionContract contract, DependencyAccessor dependencyAccessor)
var type = contract.ContractType;
if (!_kernel.GetBindings(type).Any())
return NoExportDescriptors;
return new[] {
new ExportDescriptorPromise(
"Ninject Kernel",
true, // Hmmm... need to consider this, setting it to true will create it as a shared part, false as new instance each time,
_ => ExportDescriptor.Create((c, o) => _kernel.Get(type), NoMetadata)) };
Note: I have not tested this, this is all theory, and is based on the example AppSettingsExportDescriptorProvider at:
It's different from using the standard ExportProvider, because using the CompostionProvider is built around lightweight composition. But essentially you're wrapping up access to your Ninject kernel and making it available to your CompositionContainer.
As with adding a specific new provider (see above), you can use the ContainerConfiguration to read the available assemblies, probably something like:
var configuration = new ContainerConfiguration().WithAssemblies(AppDomain.GetAssemblies())
Again, I haven't tested all of this, but I hope it at least points you in the right direction.

Error "More than one matching bindings are available" when using Ninject.Web.Mvc 2.0 and ASP.NET MVC 1.0

Recently I've switched to Ninject 2.0 release and started getting the following error:
Error occured: Error activating SomeController
More than one matching bindings are available.
Activation path:
1) Request for SomeController
1) Ensure that you have defined a binding for SomeController only once.
However, I'm unable to find certain reproduction path. Sometimes it occurs, sometimes it does not.
I'm using NinjectHttpApplication for automatic controllers injection. Controllers are defined in separate assembly:
public class App : NinjectHttpApplication
protected override IKernel CreateKernel()
INinjectModule[] modules = new INinjectModule[] {
new MiscModule(),
new ProvidersModule(),
new RepositoryModule(),
new ServiceModule()
return new StandardKernel(modules);
protected override void OnApplicationStarted()
/* ............. */
Maybe someone is familiar with this error.
Any advice?
I finally figured this issue out recently. Apparently, the NinjectHttpApplication.RegisterAllControllersIn() function doesn't do all of the proper bindings needed. It binds your concrete controller implementations to IController requests. For example, if you have a controller class called SampleMvcController, which inherits from System.Web.Mvc.Controller. It would do the following named binding during application start:
But when debugging the NinjectControllerFactory, I find that request are being made for the Ninject Kernel to return an object for the class "SampleMvcController", not for a concrete implementation of IController, using the named binding of "SampleMvc".
Because of this, when the first web request that involves the SampleMvcController is made, it creates a binding of SampleMvcController to itself. This is not thread safe though. So if you have several web requests being made at once, the bindings can potentially happen more than once, and now you are left with this error for having multiple bindings for the SampleMvcController.
You can verify this by quickly refreshing an MVC URL, right after causing your web application to restart.
The fix:
The simplest way to fix this issue is to create a new NinjectModule for your controller bindings, and to load this module during application start. Within this module, you self bind each of your defined controllers, like so:
class ControllerModule : StandardModule {
public override Load() {
But if you don't mind changing the Ninject source code, you can modify the RegisterAllControllersIn() function to self bind each controller it comes across.
I have been dealing with this problem for months. I tried so many options but was unable to come to a solution. I knew that it was a threading problem because it would only occur when there was a heavy load on my site. Just recently a bug was reported and fixed in the ninject source code that solves this problem.
Here is a reference to the issue. It was fixed in build of the Ninject source. The key change was in KernelBase.cs by removing the line
context.Plan = planner.GetPlan(service);
and replacing it with
lock (planner)
context.Plan = planner.GetPlan(service);
To use this new build with MVC you will need to get the latest build of Ninject then get the latest build of ninject.web.mvc. Build ninject.web.mvc with the new Ninject build.
I have been using this new build for about a week with a heavy load and no problems. That is the longest it has gone without a problem so I would consider this to be a solution.
Are you sure you really are creating a single completely new Kernel from scratch in your OnApplicationStarted every time it's invoked ? If you're not and you're actually creating it once but potentially running the registration bit twice. Remember that you're not guaranteed to only ever have one App class instantiated ever within a given AppDomain.
My answer was a bit more obvious.
I had declared the binding for one of my controllers more than once during refactor of my code.
I added this to my global.ascx.cs file:
public void RegisterAllControllersInFix(Assembly assembly)
RegisterAllControllersInFix(assembly, GetControllerName);
public void RegisterAllControllersInFix(Assembly assembly, Func<Type, string> namingConvention)
foreach (Type type in assembly.GetExportedTypes().Where(IsController))
private static bool IsController(Type type)
return typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsPublic && !type.IsAbstract && !type.IsInterface;
private static string GetControllerName(Type type)
string name = type.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (name.EndsWith("controller"))
name = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("controller"));
return name;
Then called it from my OnApplicationStarted() method as follows:
Difficult to know whether this fixed it though because it's so intermittent.
