iOS: Parse framework & Facebook OpenGraph - ios

Has anyone out there integrated Facebook OpenGraph in to your iOS app using the Parse ( framework as your backend?
My goal is simply to post images to Facebook from my iPhone app using OpenGraph. From what I can tell, FB will not host the photos themselves - surprisingly - so I'm on the assumption I need my own backend (or Parse's in this case). (If I'm misunderstanding this, please correct me!)
I've spent most of the last day experimenting with the Facebook framework, and I plan to use Parse for much of my web services in the app, so ideally I would leverage both together and NOT introduce a separate backend/webservice (e.g. Heroku/Rails) just for simple image hosting.
..but either way I fear could get lost down a deep hole trying to implement something that will never work - web tech is not my strong suit.

I actually got this answered at a company event here in SF, and since then have also learned A LOT about Facebook integration and posting.
The long story short is: cannot serve as the only object in your web stack if you want to post Facebook Open Graph Stories.
In addition to simply hosting an image, Facebook Open Graph Stories require two things:
A public HTML page that Facebook's servers can reach. This page serves Facebook meta data that Facebook uses to determine how to present your image object.
A click-through link to a landing page that contains your image object.
I ended up using a Tumblr blog to host my photos, because you can 'hack' their Themes to include your own HTML headers that support FB OG Stories. It's not perfect, but for a guy without a web stack, it gets the job done!


Receiving information from social media into iOS

As the title suggests I want to add Social media extensions into my iOS application, I have seen multiple tutorials on how to publish to an external source e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc... which seems easy enough.
Now my question is it possible to do the reverse and instead retrieve information from these external factors? For example if I set the application to look directly at my Facebook profile when loaded and retrieve my Facebook status's.
I've heard of the concept of a Facebook Graph API which I plan on learning of the next couple of weeks. I'm looking for any resource materials or videos which I can use to learn from. I'm currently looking through Facebook's developers options but any additional information would be great.
You're going to want to use their official API. These links are a good starting point.
Facebook SDK for iOS
Twitter SDK for iOS
Instagram support for iOS

Facebook open graph run story with fitness.course

I am trying to use the Facebook iOS SDK (latest release at time of post) to post a run (fitness) Open Graph story. The Custom Stories tutorial explains how to setup basic story posts in my app (note: I am not using a custom story, I am using Facebook's run story); and I've made it that far.
The point where I'm stuck is with the fitness.course parameter. The course parameter documentation states the following:
A unique course URL is required for each run, bike, walk published for a user.
If I'm reading the documentation correctly, Facebook will not accept an array of location points. Instead, Facebook wants developers to upload course data to their own server and then pass in the URL of the associated course file on the server? Can someone confirm that's correct?
Is there a way to submit course information without hosting it on my own server (as this would be a lot more work than I planned)?

Post pictures and tagged friends to facebook through ios app

I find it disturbing that its very easy to pick friends with friendPicker (FacebookSDK) and post pictures is extremely easy with IOS 6.0 social framework but to post the two combined seems very difficult.
I'm looking into the Facebook Open Graph API -
It seems very difficult in comparison since it requires application server etc. Its however the only solution I have found so far.
Is the use of the Open Graph API the way to go, to post a picture with tagged friends to facebook wall, or is there anything in the IOS Social Framework that can accomplish this?
With the Facebook Object API, you no longer need to set up a server in order to host Open Graph objects. You can directly create/add them to Facebook.
You can also use the native Share Dialog (in versions 3.5+ of the SDK) to share Open Graph stories with photos and user tagging embedded. See the Scrumptious app on how to create a story with photos and tags and publishing either via Open Graph directly, or using the native Share Dialog.

IOS twitter feed tutorial

I am currently building an app where they require all their users to be able to view their feeds only.
I looked at a lot of tutorials online which talk about the new api v1.1 of twitter and now authentication is required at all times.
I see a lot of examples and even successfully followed several of them like
I even saw a tutorial posted on the twitter dev page.Following all of these focused on a few key elements
Using ACAccount to retrieve the account settings of the current user
Using the SLRequest to encapsulate the HTTP request made to the twitter api
Retrieving the data in JSON format, parsing it and presenting it to the user
Well my question is, I do not want user specific feeds. It's like a company updates their twitter regularly, users using the app should get feeds regarding the company. So I was wondering if there was a way, the app provides some default or hard coded authentication information ?
Is there some sort of tutorial, library or anything out there to help me move in the correct direction ?
Thank You for your time and help.
Your going to want to implement the following API call to get that information:
Once your application is authorized you can make a call to,
That should give you the information you're looking for.

iOS 6 Twitter share without using system account

On a current project I would like to let a user that does NOT have a Twitter account setup login and tweet. Use case: this area of the app is being used by many different end users as part of a check-in process. It is not their personal iPad, they just use it for about 10 minutes to check-in for an event. During that check-in process I want to let them share to FB and Twitter if they choose.
I was able to accomplish the Facebook share without using the system account using Facebook's presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession API, which works great. Is there a similar API in the Twitter SDK? Is there another way I could do this that leverages the Social or Twitter framework?
Recommendations greatly appreciated.
You cannot do this with the built-in twitter SDK. You will need to use the "old" way of doing this, which is via oAuth or xAuth. A good framework for this can be found on github called FHSTwitterEngine. You will need to make your own UI for what you do with twitter itself, but it handles the login/authentication for you as much as possible.
Also this page may be useful to find other 3rd party frameworks (that is updated by twitter themselves) if you need to go outside of their regular SDK and the above does not get you what you want.
