Adding multiple dynamic series and axes via JSON into Highcharts - highcharts

Like many Highstock users, our data is retrieved from a database by way of Ajax queries. The series data sets are all time-based, but have different purposes and data ranges.
I can add multiple series to the chart no problem. Works great. However, how can I dynamically (emphasis on dynamically) add companion axes to these series (axis title and range)? I've scoured the documentation and forums but can't figure out exactly how to associate the new axis with the new series.

The only way to do this (as far as I know) is to add multiple empty axes to your chart, and then set them programmatically. It's a hack - but it works:


Antd Charts - Show only total value for column label for series data in Column Chart

I have a Column chart that presents grouped data based on a property (using the seriesField property). Here is the stacked Column chart I am using from Antd Columns Charts and this is the docs I'm using for reference.
My issue is that I can't find a way to show only the total value of the group for a label for the whole column instead of for each separate section (and this is a very basic feature). The docs are terrible - badly structured and half of the content is in chinese as well.
Has anyone stumbled upon this?
Okay, I've managed to find the solution in another documentation. You can achieve the following by using the annotations property as specified in the example.
annotations reference in the docs:

Google Sheets: Swap X and Y Axis in Chart

I am trying to illustrate the twist in a sail using a chart, showing the effect of various twist amounts.
However, try as I might, I cannot swap the x and y axis! The cells B3:B8 are the height going up the sail, where the measurements were taken, and should be the y-axis.
The columns C:V are series, which are different sets of measurements taken at the various heights up the sail, with the degree of twist as the series' values. This is what I have:
I've also tried to create the chart from Transpose()d data (swapped rows <-> cols) but ended up with the same chart! The "Height" is supposed to be the Y-axis, and the values ("Degrees") the X-axis.
I must be missing something obvious, but Google is not my friend today. I have created a sample Spreadsheet here if anyone can help. MTIA.
Currently it is not possible to define the Y-Axis to a specific range for Smooth Line Chart, in fact, the only way this can be defined is by using Bar Chart.
As a workaround, you can use Bar Chart to define the Y-Axis like this:
Please note that it only looks best when displaying one or two series, the bars would look squished when more series are added.
As for the original intention of defining Y-axis for Line Charts, or a completely new type of chart, you can file a feature idea request here:
How To Submit a Feature Idea Request
Google Workspace Feature Idea Request Link

Highcharts multiple stock series tooltip show

I have a question about several stock charts.
Put the series data into an array by name.
Hovering over the chart shows only one data.
I am curious how to make several together.
My code is here:

Show more than 20 categories on highcharts heatmap xaxis

I am working with Highcharts heatmaps.
I have multiple data points (I am calling them functions), each having some data series defined as
The format of the above is
string, epochtime, value
The series1 or series2 (see comment below) are series names associated with each function. I want to update the series in the chart based on the click of a button associated with a function. There are multiple such functions and each function has its own button. Clicking on the button populates the respective data in the heatmap using the above array of arrays.
Th problem is when I click on adding a function which has more than 20 series defined in the format above, it doesn’t work . The screen displays time since 1970(for some reason). While it works for less than 20 series.
Figured it out, my bad. Apparently had to disable the turbothreshold for the heatmap via the plotOptions. Everything worked fine and i could have as many categories in the x axis.

connectNulls:false functionality with no data

I have an area chart (and a percent-area chart) that uses timeseries data for the x-axis. The timeseries is missing some data points and I would like the functionality to be that of connectNulls:false.
Is there another HighCharts option or a way to extend HighCharts to add an option for this functionality?
I have looked at the docs and browsed the questions here on StackOverflow and Googled for it, but the solution that I have found is to use connectNulls:false and to insert NULL values for the missing data points, but inserting the missing data points with null values would be cumbersome in my situation and I would have to replicate it in a few places.
I would imagine that it would be possible since in the instances that there is a missing data point, HighCharts will maintain the x-axis spacing. All I would want is addition to noticing the missing data point and inserting the appropriate spacing to also use a y-axis value of 0/inset a NULL/the equivalent.
Thank you all for your time and assistance.
