Cordova/PhoneGap: Linker Error after installing calendarPlugin - ios

Ive just installed the calenderPlugin for Cordova iOS from here
I followed the instructions and drop the m and h files into the plugins folder, then added the key value paris in the cordova.plist file
But when I run the app I get a linker error. Does anyone know what I did wrong?

I discovered why this was occurring. I needed to also install the EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks.

Click on the xcode icon, then you should see the project icon and
the target icon. click on the target icon, then click build phases.
Click the dropdown for "Link Binary with libraries. Click the plus
sign at the bottom of the window, then search for both frameworks. Add
both of those frameworks, rebuild the project and run it.!topic/phonegap/ylTBtmq30xg


Error while migrating project from Xcode 10.3 to Xcode 11.5

I am trying to migrate swift project from Xcode 10.3(swift 4.2) to Xcode 11.5(Swift 4.2) but getting error. The below error I get when I run the project first time.
and if I fix this error by setting the Build Distribution property to "NO" then I get the below error.
Now I want to set the Build Distribution property to Yes and want to fix the bridging header issue. I have explored for all the possible solutions but unable to find the right one which could fix it. Please help.
This is my podfile
Problem is your PaymentSDK is old.
First remove the old framework and follow below steps to get a new one and update it.
For Swift
Download the sdk from here. You have an option to download bitcode enabled and disabled SDK
Open your project in XCode and from File menu, select Add files to "yourproject"
Select Paytm.framework in the directory you just unzipped
Make sure 'Copy items if needed' is checked and Click 'Add'
Under "Link Binary With Libraries" in the "Build Phases" tab of your project settings, add SystemConfiguration.framework
Check if PaytmSDK.framework is added in both “Link Binary With Libraries” and “Embedded Binaries”. If not, add by clicking on the plus icon
Referemce from here.

dyld: Symbol not found: __TMPdCSs12AnyGenerator

when I try to build and Run my project it gives me an error of symbol not found: __TMPdCSs12AnyGenerator
I had installed Xcode 7 beta on my system. When I installed it gives me an error of realm module not found so I just removed realm framework and added again after adding this frameworks again it gives about stated error.
I have encountered this problem after I update my XCode from 7.2 to 7.3. I use a framework build from XCode7.2. After I rebuild the framework on XCode7.3, the problem was solved.
You need to add Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework to the “Embedded Binaries” section of your Xcode target.
You can check, if you have followed these steps correctly by following these steps:
Select your project in the Project Navigator.
Select your application target in the side bar in the section "Targets".
Navigate to the tab "Build Phases"
Expand the phase "Embed Frameworks"
The destination should equal "Frameworks". The list should contain Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework.
If such phase doesn't exist, please create a Copy Files phase by clicking on the plus in the upper left corner and selecting "New Copy Files Phase". Select as destination "Frameworks" and add the Realm.framework and the ReamSwift.framework there.
I've added two exemplary screenshots below, so you can compare graphically how it should look like.
General Tab
Build Phases Tab
Application Bundle in the Built Products Directory
there's an update released for these frameworks to support Swift 2.2 (Xcode 7.3):

Linker Error with AdMob

I am trying to add AdMob to an outdated app however I keep getting the error shown below when I try and build.
Does anyone know what is causing this problem. Thanks.
You need to include "StoreKit" and "EventKit" frameworks, to start with.
Go to the portion of your project where frameworks are included, control click on one of the frameworks to bring up a contextual menu where the first choice should be "Show In Finder". When you show the framework in the Finder, you'll see these additional frameworks that you can drag into the "Frameworks" section of your Xcode project.

Accidentally deleted an iOS framework, is there anyway to download it

in iOS5.0, i accidentally deleted the messageUI.framework, now it does not exist in the Xcode library. Is there any way I can download just the framework or will I have to reinstall Xcode to get the framework back?
Thanks in advance for your help?
Above method will not work if your xCode's location is different. For that Open xCode click top project blue icon. Click Target-> build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Now right or control click any existing framework and Show in Finder.
This way you will get all existing framework's default location. Now go to that location and add your deleted framework again.
Restart xcode then you will see your deleted framework as it was before.
Under your Project's Build Phases go to the "Link Binary With Libraries" section and press the + button.
In the search field type "message" and it should come back up. Select it and it'll be added.

Could not instantiate class named MKMapView

I may be doing something really stupid here as I've done it before and it worked and now...
Created a new iPad project, in the details view I added a MKMapView, added the MapKit.framework to the project, added the property / etc. to the header. Go to run the project and get a SIGABRT with
****Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate
class named MKMapView'**
I found but, like I said, I've already added framework. What am I missing?
I ran into this too, but I was able to get past it by following the instructions of step 2 in your link (thanks, by the way):
Add the MapKit framework to the project. (Control + Click Frameworks
folder -> Add -> Existing Frameworks)
I just searched for MapKit.framework, added it to the project, and the error went away.
I haven't added any map code yet (although I do have a MapViewDelegate connected in IB), but it's working fine so far!
Click on your project to bring the project settings. Under Targets, click your project, select from the upper toolbar "Build Phases". Under "Link binary With Libraries" tab, you will see the list of frameworks included in your project. Click the "+" button and add MapKit library from the shown list to your project.
For Xcode 6.1:
Select your project
In general tab, look for Linked Frameworks and Libraries (last one)
Press + button
Search MapKit.framework
Finally add
Easy way!
Works above Xcode version 7.2
As far as I'm concerned selecting the MAPS from capabilities will automatically link your framework to your project all you have to do is check the Maps button in Capabilities -> Maps.
Heres the attached screenshot. Cheers!!
For xCode 4.2:
Click on your project name ->targets ->building Phase ->link binary with library
-> click on + sign ->select mapKit.framework ->click add
I noticed that I was getting this message (on top of the original one mentioned in this post) when I was building and running on the simulator:
ld: warning: ignoring file
file was built for unsupported file format which is not the
architecture being linked (i386)
Then I just connected my iPhone, build and ran on the device, and the map worked.
So it seems that the MapKit framework cannot be compiled on the 386 architecture, it needs the device.
In regards to #futureshocked's input, I also came across the
Id: warning: ignoring file /blah.../MapKit, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
**Check to make sure you didn't copy the MapKit framework into your local project directory when you added it to your project. I accidentally did this and XCode was giving me the above error. So I removed it from my project directory (in Finder), recompiled, and everything was normal again.
If you don't have the Framework in your project, go ahead and re-link as stated in the answer above.
Found a good tutorial on getting started with MapKit:
I also received this error when trying to deploy to my 5.1 phone (with XC 4.5), even after changing my deployment target to be 5.1. Looks like the maps update wouldn't fly since I still had Google Maps on my phone. After updating my phone's OS, the exception disappeared.
Please import the WebKit at your Build Phases.
