in iOS5.0, i accidentally deleted the messageUI.framework, now it does not exist in the Xcode library. Is there any way I can download just the framework or will I have to reinstall Xcode to get the framework back?
Thanks in advance for your help?
Above method will not work if your xCode's location is different. For that Open xCode click top project blue icon. Click Target-> build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Now right or control click any existing framework and Show in Finder.
This way you will get all existing framework's default location. Now go to that location and add your deleted framework again.
Restart xcode then you will see your deleted framework as it was before.
Under your Project's Build Phases go to the "Link Binary With Libraries" section and press the + button.
In the search field type "message" and it should come back up. Select it and it'll be added.
I am trying to migrate swift project from Xcode 10.3(swift 4.2) to Xcode 11.5(Swift 4.2) but getting error. The below error I get when I run the project first time.
and if I fix this error by setting the Build Distribution property to "NO" then I get the below error.
Now I want to set the Build Distribution property to Yes and want to fix the bridging header issue. I have explored for all the possible solutions but unable to find the right one which could fix it. Please help.
This is my podfile
Problem is your PaymentSDK is old.
First remove the old framework and follow below steps to get a new one and update it.
For Swift
Download the sdk from here. You have an option to download bitcode enabled and disabled SDK
Open your project in XCode and from File menu, select Add files to "yourproject"
Select Paytm.framework in the directory you just unzipped
Make sure 'Copy items if needed' is checked and Click 'Add'
Under "Link Binary With Libraries" in the "Build Phases" tab of your project settings, add SystemConfiguration.framework
Check if PaytmSDK.framework is added in both “Link Binary With Libraries” and “Embedded Binaries”. If not, add by clicking on the plus icon
Referemce from here.
I was compiling my app and archiving it correctly with no problem whatsoever. I added a charts library to the app, did some stuff with it, archived it fine but Apple didnt let me upload it because the library wasnt correctly referenced in the app.
So I fixed that problem and tried to archive it again, but it just wont appear on the organizer.
Skip install is set to NO
Archive in the scheme is checked
Reveal archive in organizer is also checked
How can I fix this?
Simply try this steps:
Reopen your project
Clean Xcode & Remove derived data
Change build number & version number
Make archive now
You are able make archive earlier, so it could work perfect after this steps. Unless you have changed any settings in Xcode.
Go to targets - build settings & find "Installation Directory". Make sure there is "$(LOCAL_APPS_DIR)" added.
Go to Edit Scheme -> Build tab, Make sure you have archive check box selected. Check image below:
Go to Edit Scheme -> Archive tab & make sure the check box "Reveal in organizer selected"
See below image:
Hope it will help you.
I know this is an old item... However, I encountered the same issue today and tried all the above suggestions and still no luck.
Was able to work around it by using Finder and going to the build > iOS > archive folder of the application. Then right click on the .xcarchive file and open with Xcode.
I'm trying to build an iOS framework, I did this by going to File -> New Project -> Cocoa Touch Framework.
However, I never was able to locate the .framework file event if I successfully build the project, it is always displayed in red and it's not there when I open the project's files in Finder, here is a screenshot:
What could be the problem?
Choose "Build Only Device -> Generic iOS device" should work
Short Answer = yes
red items in Frameworks and Products, pointing to derived data are normal.
See this related response:
Totally new to iOS but I'm currently trying to setup Google Analytics. I have followed the SDK documentation and everything went great until this step:
Add the configuration file to your project
Drag the GoogleService-Info.plist file you just downloaded into the root of your Xcode project and add it to all targets.
It doesn't say anything on HOW to add it to all targets. Being new to Xcode and iOS in general, I'm completely lost. Anyone with an answer for me?
Select the GoogleService-Info.plist in the project navigator (the file hierarchy on the left side of Xcode). Then, if it isn't open yet, open the utilities bar (click the top-right most button in Xcode). You will see a section 'Target Membership'. Check all the checkboxes to add the .plist to all targets.
In most cases it is enough to just add the file to your project.
Physically drag the GoogleService-Info.plist file from your download folder ( or wherever you saved it) to your main project directory as shown below. Once you do that, the "Targets" dialog should open automatically and you can choose all targets ( on all the targets shown)
In Xcode 6
Follow the step sequence in this digram.
First select your target.
Select build settings tab.
Search for "info.plist file"
Edit the value for key "info.plist file" (Add the actual plist path in step 4)
If you select the plist in question and then go to the file inspector (press command+option+1 or select the first tab on the right panel), you can select on which targets you wish to include it:
Update for Xcode 12.3:
It should be selected automatically, but check anyway:
ce you drag the file to the root dir, select it and on the very right hand side you will see Target membership, make sure all the targets are selected.
It is important to note that GoogleService-Info.plist file should be added to xCode i.e. open your xCode and drag the file to Runner > Runner.
Then click on GoogleService-Info.plist. On the right side of he screen you can find Target Membership.
Ive just installed the calenderPlugin for Cordova iOS from here
I followed the instructions and drop the m and h files into the plugins folder, then added the key value paris in the cordova.plist file
But when I run the app I get a linker error. Does anyone know what I did wrong?
I discovered why this was occurring. I needed to also install the EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks.
Click on the xcode icon, then you should see the project icon and
the target icon. click on the target icon, then click build phases.
Click the dropdown for "Link Binary with libraries. Click the plus
sign at the bottom of the window, then search for both frameworks. Add
both of those frameworks, rebuild the project and run it.!topic/phonegap/ylTBtmq30xg