Creating provisioning profile? - ios

I want to create provision certificate for development and testing purpose.
I login Apple web site and going to
But I did one mistake during certificate creation i revoking distribution profile... Now I am worried if I revoke distribution profile then the distribution binary on app store is not working if during this time any body download my application from app store? How do I go back if I revoke the distribution certificate?
If in not able to go back on real certificate then what is will be the solution of it?

Don't worry, if you revoke the distribution certificate or profile, it only means that you can't create a new binary for Ad-Hoc or App Store until you create a new one. No problems, don't panic.
Oh and you can't "go back", once it's gone - it's gone, just create a new one.


iOS distribution certificate revoked. cause any problem?

While I try to create the iOS distribution certificate it says your account reached the maximum limit for distribution. if revoked one of the iOS distribution certificates. Is that cause any problem on the app that I have already the push to the app store with this certificate?
Well we can create 2 distribution certificates from a single account, revoking one will NOT CAUSE any harm to launch apps on app store. YOU CAN CREATE ONE AFTER REVOKING ONE FOR yourself and edit the provisional profile also with new certificate that you created.
the only consequence is no one will able to launch the app from the revoked one he has to get the new one along with he has to renew his provisional certi also
Your App distribution uses exportMethod as Ad-Hoc, (e.g. Firebase Distribution), will no able to launch and install.
My terrible experience.

Distribution Certificate vs live app in App Store

I have a live app on App Store, but found that the distribution certificate for it has been revoked by someone and we don't know who is it.
Is it possible to generate new distribution certificate for it without affecting currently live app on App Store? Or is it better to revoke and re-generate?
You can revoke a Distribution certificate without affecting apps in the App Store. Once it's revoked you can generate a new one that can be used to sign a new build for submission.
You have it right — revoke the distribution certificate then re-create it.
Generally you would follow this protocol when:
1. You no longer need them.
2. There's code signing issues.
3. You suspect that they have been compromised.
4. Team members no longer work on your project.
Revoking development or distribution certificates doesn’t affect apps that you’ve submitted to the store nor does it affect your
ability to update them.
The entire procedure is explained in more detail here:
↳ Maintaining Your Signing Identities and Certificates: Revoking Certificates

IOS creating a new distribution certificate without revoking old one

Tried reading around but there's a lot of information around which negates itself
I have an app which I built with a certain distribution certificate, those certificate's private keys are lost to me now...
I want to create a new distribution certificate, and a new provisioning profile without revoking the old one... because the old needs to remain active on the places I've installed it on... I can't afford to re-publish it.
will uploading a new certificate ruin the old certificate?
I should mention I am using an enterprise account to distribute the app.
do I have ANY other choice other than revoking and re-install my app on all devices for my account?
Uploading the new certificate to the Apple dev a/c and creating the new profile will not ruin the old certificate. As long as the old certificate is valid, application with that certificate will continue to work.

iOS Certificates and Provisioning Profile

My client has a few apps in the app store that were submitted using a certain App Store profile which I have access to the account. We also have those apps installed Ad Hoc signed with the same Distribution Profile. Now I am taking care of one of this apps and I need to code sign to make a few changes and then submit it Ad Hoc for some testers. No one knows where the .developerprofile backup is. Can I revoke the existing certificate and recreate a new one without affecting the apps on the App Store. If I revoke, any other developer using this key pair will stop working, right? Any other problem I am not remembering. Can I revoke the certificate?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can safely revoke the developer and AdHoc distribution certificates without affecting any App Store apps. Be careful not to revoke any Push Notification certificates if your app uses push.
Generate a new certificate signing request on your machine and use that to generate the new certificates. Remember to edit the provisioning profiles after you create the new certificates, especially if you've added any additional devices to the provisioning list. Then download the new provisioning profiles and you should be good to go.
Any other developers (if they still have access) will be able to download the new profiles if they need them. If they also need to sign builds, they should generate their own keys/certificates as well for their developer certificates.

Distribution certificates for iPhone

I have an app at the appstore.
Now I want to switch developers.
If the old developer won't give me the private key for the distribution certificate, what are my options?
If I revoke my existing distribution certificate and create a new one, I understand that my existing app in the store cannot be updated.
On the other hand, if I wait until my current distribution certificate expires, then create a new one, then my app at the store should be updatable?
Please whoever can clarify this issue will be blessed!
You will be fine with revoking your distribution certificate and making a new one. You can still update an existing app after doing this.
Relevant info:
Lost Private Key For iPhone Distribution Certificate. What could be solutions?
If I revoke an existing distribution certificate, will it mess up anything with existing apps?
