What nice map can allow streets on top of polygons - mapping

I would like to use something like google, mapquest, bing, or openlayers to try and get something that looks like
where the major streets are unaffected by the polygon overlay.
Can someone point me in the right direction. From the google api documentation it would appear i cant get under the roads so... looking for some help.

You can do it with Google Maps by changing the order of the layers.
This is an API V2 example, but you can achieve the same result with the current version, which is V3.

We ended up using http://www.mapdotnet.com/ with background from open maps. Custom middle cache tiles from shape files stored in SQL, on top we have open street layer (or can use bing)


In OpenLayers 3, how do I write on the map?

I have made an OpenLayers 3 web application I use while driving. It would be very handy to have the speed of the car in one corner of the map. Is it possible to achieve this so that the text (numbers) are locked to the viewport of the map rather than the map itself. I'm thinking of something similar to the controls of the map.
I suppose I could put it below the map but then I'm afraid I would run into problems with different sizes of screens.
Could somebody suggest a technique I should look into?

Draw polylines which follow the roads gemoetry

In my app I want to highlight certain roads, which can easily be achieved just by drawing polylines on top of the roads. (I am using the Google Maps SDK, by the way). However these polylines won't follow the road's geometry, they will just connect two coordinates with a straight line. (I have a coordinate for the start of the road which I want to highlight and the end of it). The coordinates won't change, the same roads will be highlighted through out the whole time in the app.
The question is: Is there a way I could draw these polylines not to be straight but to follow the road's geometry? If it's not possible in the SDK, is there a tool on the internet which will connect two coordinates following the roads between them? Because if there is, than I could get the coordinates of those poylines and parse them in my app.
as #Fabian has suggested, if you have a small set of polylines to show in your app, and your app works mostly offline, it would be better to get all the polylines during the development. And there are two ways:
1) through the direction API, you might able to skip all the implementation by using the WEB API, which is meant for webserver.
2) or, with the Snap to Road API, which might gives you a better control over your route compare to the direction API. This API is meant to fix the pool GPS data you get from the sensor and snap those on the road.

Show particular area shaded in MapBox

I am using the MapBox iOS SDK for my project. Now I want to show shaded area in the Map for a particular area like any country, any continents etc. So how can I implement this feature.
Your suggestions and response will be helpful.
You can either do this client-side with something like RMShape or server-side by either shading things on the Mapbox.com online editor or making a custom map to upload with TileMill. The Mapbox site has lots of documentation on doing these things.

Can iOS MapBox use rectangle offline map in .mbtiles?

I'm trying to make an offline map using iOS MapBox SDK. It's easy to make square map (eg. 32x32 tiles) but for some reason it doesn't work when I try to make rectangle map (eg. 40x32 tiles). It loads but it shows only a small portion of the map or skips some tiles. It just doesn't look as it should.
My .mbtiles looks correct, I checked .mbtiles and specification and it doesn't mention that there might be any problem with non-square maps.
Although, .mbtiles that comes with MapBox offline example called control-room-0.2.0.mbtiles is also square so maybe it's not possible for some reason.
Does anyone have experience with something similar?
A non-square region should work just fine -- there is no limit on this. One way to test your .mbtiles is to upload it to your MapBox account and see if it works on a web map. It sounds like your MBTiles file might have issues.

Road with traffic on MKMapView

I have a question about the MKMapView component. I saw that on the native "Map" iOS app, we can draw the roads between different points and we can display the traffic for those roads. Well, that's exactly what I want to do for my app :)
So, I have two questions :
1) Firstly, how can I draw roads on a map. I read a lot of things about MKOverlay, about some samples which do that with JavaScript in UIWebView but what's the best way to do this ?
2) How can I know the traffic on a particularly road ? In order to draw the road in green, orange or red.
Thanks a lot !
Sébastien ;)
Unfortunately by now CLGeocoder class from iOS 5 is just supporting to process address to geolocation transformation and reverse. It means to find address around the geocode you have or to find geocode of the address you provide. There are no possibilities access road graph to create routes (to select and draw roads precisely) and moreover to control traffic on the exact place. The only things you can do with standard tools is to draw overlays on the MKMapView with your own data.
To achieve the results you want I would offer to use the third party resources, Google Maps API for example, and use UIWebView to present a customized map. Google Maps JavaScript API v3 TrafficLayer
