Windows 8 Localizations in app manifest - localization

I need to localize some data in application manifest (like name, description, splashscreen images etc.) According to documentation these data can be provided as resources but I don't know how to do this.

Add a localized resource (e.g. Strings/en/Resources.resw) with key "Appname" and value "My App Title"
Add a second localized resource (e.g. Strings/de/Resources.resw) with key "Appname" and value "My German App Title"
Edit you "App Manifest" and enter "ms-resource:Appname" in the "Display name" field (Application UI)
Edit you "App Manifest" and enter "ms-resource:Appname" in the "Package display name" field (Packaging)
Note: Before you do all that, you should register the app name in the Windows Store Dashboard.

In short, you follow a naming convention in your folder hierarchy. Here's a link that explains how to name properly. There is another helpful "how to" article here and two quickstarts to walk you through it in Javascript and XAML.
Specifically, look through the quickstarts (using the above links) for the step-by-step walkthrough. It is slightly different in JavaScript vs. XAML, but the overall steps are:
Set your default language in the Visual Studio project properties.
Create a folder in your project to hold all of the different resource files (one for each language). This will keep your project neat and organized.
Right-click on this folder and select "Add New Item" to add a resource file for a language. This file may be a .resx, .resw, .resjson - see the quickstarts for the specifics, based on what language you are coding in.
Add the items that you want to translate in your resources file. Again, see the quickstarts for specifics.
Associate your controls with resources and add string resource identifiers to your code.
Let me know if the quickstarts don't help.


iOS Facebook SDK localization

I am trying to change text in FBLoginView button but I have no luck so far. I've tried to read README from FacebookSDK and look at internet. I added 2 languages in project Localizations sections it creates 2 files in Supporting files for each language but I tried to change strings in there with example content of README (with changed string values) but even if I changed english file I always get default login string.
Then I tried to add some Bundle settings and change some files in there but with no luck too. Can someone tell me how can I achieve change facebook strings step by step? Thanks
The method described here is no longer applicable for the latest Facebook SDKs. So please refer to the answers given by #Erik van der Neut or #Ted, and use the bundle FacebookSDKStrings.bundle that ships with the SDK for string overrides.
The only way I found so far to localize/change the Facebook strings is described in their FAQ:
What I did was to copy the file FacebookSDKOverrides.bundle from the Scrumptious sample project that ships with the Facebook SDK. This is basically just a package that contains (can contain) different localization folders. If you want to add German strings, create a folder de.lproj within the bundle. This folder should contain a file Localizable.strings.
You can find a list of all overrideable strings in the file FacebookSDKResources.bundle.README. You can find it in the FacebookSDK folder:
or here:
To add a German translation of the text of the login button, for example, you have to add the following to the file Localizable.strings in de.lproj:
"FBLV:LogInButton" = "Einloggen";
As a last step, you have to make sure that Facebook knows about the bundle. Therefore, you can add the following to your Info.plist:
Alternatively, you can also specify this in code if you want to:
[FBSettings setResourceBundleName:#"FacebookSDKOverrides"];
This worked for me, although I would like to use my main bundle for overrides and just specify them in my normal app translations. This would come in more handy for the connection to translation tools as you don't need to translate multiple files per language.
As of Facebook SDK 4.9
If you have downloaded the Facebook SDK, theres a bundle named "FacebookSDKStrings.bundle"
add FacebookSDKStrings.bundle to your project
make sure you enable Base Internalization as described in Apple's documentation.
As an update to the accepted answer here from Flo:
For the latest Facebook SDK, the set of Facebook messages (and their identifying keys) has completely changed. For example, the "FBLV:LogInButton" key is no longer valid in the latest Fb SDK.
Because of this my Facebook strings were no longer getting localized, until I realized this and replaced all my Facebook messages with the latest FacebookSDKStrings.bundle (v4.2) from -- I simply removed my original FacebookSDKOverrides.bundle and included this whole bundle FacebookSDKStrings.bundle as is in my project (including the Resources sub folder in there), updated my project .plist files to point to it, and with that all the Facebook strings got localized again.
For example, the message for the default Login button label now looks like this:
/* The long label for the FBSDKLoginButton when the user is currently logged out */
"LoginButton.LogInLong" = "Log in with Facebook";
Luckily, Facebook's GitHub page now includes translations for these messages for lots of languages already (which in my case meant I no longer needed to run these past my translators).
I just copied all string from "FacebookSDK.strings" from folder of langauge you want like fr.lproj to my poject Localizable.strings (French) ...This way worked for me...

Localization in nopcommerce

I change language on nopcommerce and in admin panel and when i'am log in is all ok..but when unknown user visit my site, they see onlu tags. You see this when you are logged into the system IMAGE and this is what user see when he is not loged in IMAGE You cna see differences you can see in the fist top menu [log in, wishlist, cart..].
I try to change language in menu configuration>language>..
And i try to import new language too.. but always i have that problem..
It means the language you have chosen doesn't have entries for those resources. You can add them manually in Admin -> Configuration -> Languages -> the language and then add a record for each using that tag as the ResourceName.
I just follow these steps to change language on nopcommerce and they worked fine for me :-
go to Configuration → Languages.
To add a new language, click Add new. In the Add a new language
Fill all the fields :-
1.The Name of the new language.
2.The Language culture — a specific language code
(Eg- (France). fr-FR etc.)
When updating the Language culture field, please make sure the
appropriate CLDR package is installed for this culture. You can
set CLDR for the specified culture in the Localization panel of
the Configuration → Settings → General Settings page.
Localization settings
The Unique SEO code — two-letter language SEO code(Eg- fr).
The Flag image file name — enter the flag image file name. Which
is saved under the …/images/flags directory.
Select Right-to-Left if needed (eg- Arabic or
Select the Default currency for a specific language.
Limited to stores option allowing to set this language for a
specific store(s).
Publish the language to enable it to be visible and selected by
visitors to your store.
Display order of the language.(Eg 1 top of the list).
Here is the screen shot of add new language :-
After adding a new language, you will be able to import and export
string resources using the Import resources and Export resources
buttons at the top of the page. The String resources panel on the
language edit page will allow you to view the existing language
resources and add new ones manually.
Click on Save button to save the langauge.
After saving the new language, if you refresh the page you can see a
dropdown at the top of the banner in Admin panel and if you navigate
to the Public store you can also see it below the Administration
but if u select that language from the dropdown it will show you
only the Resource Name not the value for that you need to import the
language pack.
Without Importing language Pack
Import language pack
Download the language pack from :-
Choose the nopCommerce version and download the desired language
After that click on the Edit button beside that language in the
Language List page.
Click Import resources on the top of the Edit page or you can see
it during the add new language after click on the save and
continue button. And specify the path to the language pack
file (*.xml) that you downloaded and click on Import Resources
NOTE: It can take up to several minutes.
After sucessfully Import of the file you can check the resources for
that language in the String Resources or you can simply search for
that resource after click on string resource at the bottom of the
info tab by the Resource Name or value.
String resources
Just select the language that you want from the dropdown and it
will look like this
After Importing Language Pack
Follow this link to see more about how to add new language.
Hope this Help.

Component configuration file in xcode?

Lets say i want to develop an RSS Reader reusable component for iOS with a configuration file which can me updated by user. So my wish list is as follow:
Add the component to a new project in single click. Just like adding framework.
I also want that my source files are NOT visible to other user (developer).
And yes if there are resources associated with it should also seamlessly be added to new project.
And most importantly I want the developer to be able to adjust few parameters for my component eg specifying the URL for my RSS Reader.
In short after i am done all i want the developer to see are my header files and configuration file. Any ideas ?
You should use a fake framework as described here.

Sharepoint's "New Folder" doesn't ask for a required field

I am using Web Part Connections to filter documents in a documents library in SharePoint. To do this, there's a column that is required, which I've named "related contact." Here's my problem: When I go add a New Folder (instead of just a document) SharePoint only asks me for a title for the Folder. The "related contact" column (which is required for the documents) doesn't even appear. Since the info on that column is empty, web part connections doesn't see the folder at all. Is there any way to make the Folder ask for another field at the time of creation?
Did you try creating a new folder content type with those required fields and trying to use that (and perhaps turn off the standard folders)?
Perhaps this page will help you: SharePoint folders and metadata.
Folders are one-dimensional. They are virtual containers for your documents, but aren't objects in your library that contain actual metadata.
Instead of using folders, I would recommend adding a column to your library that would mimic the names of the folders. From there, you can sort/filter/group/query the contents of that library. If users are sticklers for the folder structure, you could create a View that groups the documents by that new column, which would give you the appearance of folders.

Why can I not create a node of a specific Document Type in Umbraco 4?

How do I get an existing Document Type to show up in the Create dialogue of Umbraco 4.
I installed the BlogForUmbraco4_1.0.0 package, which I realize tries to install as the primary site, but it also installs all of the necessary Document Types, including Blog, and BlogPost. Why are they not an option when creating a new item within my site.
Umbraco uses a permission based Document Type Hierarchy, to ensure that editors doesn't create weird page types in wrong places (like a 'Homepage' beneath a blog or a 'News Item' inside a Gallery).
So you'll need to allow the Document Type that you wish to appear in your create dialog to the Document Type of the page you're using as the parent (this might sound like non sense ;-)).
So, say that you've imported the Blog4Umbraco package and wants to allow a blog below a Home page, you should find out which Document Type that home page is (look at the properties tab on the document and look at the 'Document Type').
Go to settings section and open Document types and click on that doc type (let's just say it's called 'Homepage')
Click on the 'Structure' tab and you'll see a list of all Document Types in your install. Some of them are already checked and those are the ones that are allowed beneath that type. To allow blogs, simply check the 'Blog' document type as well :-)
