Select records based on date comparison - ruby-on-rails

I have a bunch of "rides" in my database. I want to display just the ones whose "date_range_end" field (which is a Date) is after the current date. In my controller I have this:
Ride.find(:all, :conditions => [ :date_range_end > ])
but that causes this error: comparison of Symbol with Date failed
So how do I perform this query?

Ride.where('date_range_end > ?',


comparison Operators in thinking Sphinix

I have a model with attributes start_date and end_date. I have search form where user will put the date and I should get a data from the model if date is in between start_date and end_date.
how should I create a query with thinking sphinx.
You will need to do something like the following:
Add both start_date and end_date as attributes (not fields) to your model's Sphinx index.
Translate form params into a date or time value
Use range filters to limit search queries.
I've opted for very large windows of time, but essentially this ensures the given date is equal to or larger than the start date and less than or equal to the end date.
beginning, ending = Time.utc(1970), Time.utc(2030) :with => {
:start_date => beginning..date_from_params,
:end_date => date_from_params..ending

activerecord comparing times

i am trying to do a query that will be compare the time stored in the database to the current time, and if it is greater than today to display those records.
below is query i am currently using that isnt displaying any records
#schedules = Schedule.where(:team_id => current_user[:team_id], :event => '1', :time => ">=")
how do i go back query against a timestamp? so that these records will be displayed?
have also tried the following
#schedules = Schedule.find_all_by_team_id_and_event_and_time(current_user[:team_id],"1", :time)
#schedules = Schedule.where("team_id = ? and event = ? and time >= ?", [current_user[:team_id], "1",])
The string is used directly in the SQL query so you need to make sure the column names are correct and unambiguous (if you joined on another table that also has a team_id colum, you would need to do schedules.team_id = ? and ...)

Comparing with model dates

my Project model has 2 datetime atttributes: start_date and end_date.
Now I want all projects where the current time is in between these dates.
I tried something like this with the start_date to start with:
#projects = Project.where(:start_date <=
But this returns an error:
comparison of Symbol with Time failed
Any ideas? Thanks!
Unlike some ORMs, active record doesn't augment the symbol class with methods to allow expressions other than equality to be expressed in this way. You just have to do
Project.where('start_date <= ?',
The squeal gem adds this sort of stuff and allows you to write
Project.where{start_date <}
You can't do this: :start_date <= You're comparing a symbol and a date with the <= operator.
If you want to add a condition to your query, pass it as a string:
Project.where("start_date <= ?",;
Unfortunately, with a where clause comparing dates, you'll have to drop into SQL. Try something like this instead:
#projects = Project.where(['projects.start_date <= ?',])

Get records where date.year == some_year in Rails

I have a date column in my database in a Rails 3.1 app, and I want to be able to get the records where the date's year matches a specific year.
I tried where(:date.year == year) but of course I got NoMethodError: undefined method 'year' for :date:Symbol. Is it possible to do this type of query?
You can use a scope to build something like:
scope :for_year, lambda {|date| where("date >= ? and date <= ?", "#{date.year}0101", "#{date.year}1231")}
In your Model:
scope :by_year, lambda { |year| where('extract(year from created_at) = ?', year) }
In your Controller:
#courses = Course.by_year(params[:year])
Jesse gave you, I think, the idea for the actual solution, but to explain why this failed - it's because it tried to evaluate ".year" as a method on the symbol you passed it: ":date".
The word :date is just a parameter to tell "where" which value it will later use to construct the SQL query to pass to the db.
It doesn't turn into the actual date of the record. But the ".year" will evaluate as you're passing it as a parameter, before anything has been done with the ":date" symbol.
Assuming your date format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Try this:
where(Date.strptime(:date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").year == year)
where(["YEAR(?) = ?", :date, year])

Selecting table entries where a given date is between the :start date and :end date

I have an object that has a start date and an end date, in order to represent the time that the object is valid.
Given a date, is there a way to only select those objects that have valid ranges that contain the date?
I tried fiddling with between, but couldn't get the syntax right.
This is often implemented using a named scope that does the appropriate restriction that identifies which records are visible at the current point in time:
class MyRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :visible,
:conditions => 'visible_from<=UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND visible_to>=UTC_TIMESTAMP'
This can be altered to use place-holders for more arbitrary dates:
class MyRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :visible_at, lambda { |date| {
:conditions => [
'visible_from<=? AND visible_to>=?',
date, date
Presumably your dates are stored as UTC, as it is a considerable nuisance to convert from one local-time to another for the purposes of display.
You can select all visible models like this:
#records = MyRecord.visible.all
#records = MyRecord.visible_at(2.weeks.from_now)
If you were doing this for "given_date".
select *
from table
where start_date <= given_date
and end_date >= given_date
This is how you'd do it using active record.
Foo.find(:all, :conditions => ['valid_from <= ? and valid_to >= ?', valid_date, valid_date])
