Scroll view design feasibility - iOS - ios

Im working on a scroll view design where the 'black boxes are supposed to be image items.The blue box is the scroll view. Is it possible to have a zig zag format? And for the count of the box depends on the images available on the internet. So it is more dynamic. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, you can definitely do this.
You will be positioning UIImageView objects inside the content area of a UIScrollView. Simply set the contentSize of your UIScrollView to reflect the size of your blue box. Think of UIScrollView as a film strip. The UIScrollView is the visible portion of your film, and the entirety of the film is your contentSize.
Now position each UIImageView by setting its frame as you wish and then add it as a subview to the scrollview. If you find yourself needing more horizontal space, you can resize the contentSize accordingly.


Nested UIScrollviews, how to make one zoom out whilst the other zooms in at the same time?

I am trying to figure out how to achieve this. I want to have a view centred on the screen that can be pinched for zoom in and zoom out but also be panned across the screen. One way I thought of trying to replicate this was to have a UIView within UIScrollView. Let's say the UIView is just a black square. The UIView will be the same size as the UIScrollView and always remain centred. When I pinch the UIView to zoom out, as it gets smaller and the UIScrollView will zoom in at the same rate. This allows space to pan. The UIView would of shrunk, remained centred and the UIScrollView's content area increased. Is this something that is possible? Is using a UIScrollView the wrong way to go about it?

Simulating content offset of UIScrollView in Interface Builder

I have a UIScrollView with a rather large amount of controls in it (like a long form or questionnaire).
The controls are static and can be added in IB, but the scroll view itself is not large enough for all the controls (scrolling is necessary, duh!), meaning that I can't see most of my controls in IB and have to align them "blindly".
Is there a way to simulate a scroll offset for a UIScrollView in IB?
You don't need to, just size your UIScrollView to the size that is needed (it will come off the bottom on the phone screen layout in Xcode) and place the items on it
You should check out this link, it gives a great explanation on different ways to implement the UIScrollView.
UIScrollView implementation

ios - scrollview zooming when scrolling to end, like Fancy

I don't know what this effect is called. Fancy uses it in its app. It works like this.
You have an image at the top of a scrollview.
Drag down and the image gets zoomed to fill the extra top space, so its top edge always remains at the top edge of this scrollview
release your finger and it bounces back
Please give me some idea on how to build this effect. Thanks!
There are many open source implementations of this, such as:
The basic idea behind these is to have an imageview as a subview of the scrollview. When scrolling, you monitor the content offset of the scrollview, and when you reach a certain threshold, you start increasing the image view's height. If you set the image view's contentMode to UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill, you will get the effect you want.

UITextView won't scroll from outside particular area

I have a UITextView with approx 100 lines(for testing purpose its static) which scrolls fine but when i try to scroll from approx 150 its from the bottom i can not scroll. That means it lets me scroll from only certain area of the textview. for example see the image below. If i try to select and scroll above 3 line from top, i can scroll but below 3rd line, It won't let me scroll. I went through documentation but couldn't find anything that makes sense.
Try resizing the frame of your UITextView so it does not overlap the UITabBarView. If you create this in interface builder, you can resize it there.
if there is some area that is not taking ui touches, thAT means, your UITextView is being overlapped by another view. try:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:textView];
also think about Enrico's answer.
Put Background color for TextView. It will give you extact idea of TextView Complete framing and is it sub view of background or foreground.

Resize content of UIScrollView when zooming

I know there is many topics for this subject but I didn't found a good solution for my problem.
I have a UIScrollView with an image and other components added as subviews.
I just want to know the good way to resize the components into in real time when I zoom.
- (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
// Resizing image and other components
EDIT : I would like the impression that the components inside the scroll view keep the same size when I zoom. I don't want to they become bigger or smaller during zooming.
EDIT : Here is the hierarchy of my UIViewController
Main view
Image view
Drawing view (UIView with components like UILabel, other UIViews, etc...)
Thanks a lot !
I would leave the scale of UIScrollView as it is and reach the goal with the help of subview (adjusting its size, not scrollView's), where I would place all the subviews and the images you work with.
So it would be something like:
yourView.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(newScale, newScale, 1.0);
where yourView is the main (only) subview of scrollView. Then I would recalculate the size of the yourView with new scale and set it to scrollView's contentSize parameter so that you could actually scroll the enlarged content, not only see it truncated.
The only thing is that in this case you should use the callback other than scrollViewDidZoom: I guess.
P.S. Changing UIView's transform parameter you don't need to bother about subviews' scale: CoreAnimation does everything for you.
