Slow Storyboard edition in XCode 4.2 - ios

Using XCode 4.2 to edit a simple App with a TabViewController and 5 tabs. I am just starting the app so there are not too many components in each.
However, just switching from viewing code to view the Storyboard in XCode takes about 1 minute. Any change is that slow... like it is rebuilding the internal hierarchy of all components everytime I touch something.
Have anybody else experienced this? any advise.

This is a repeat question. See here: Xcode 4 - slow performance
If you delete the workspace it should increase your speed. (It should be the accepted answer to that question).
Source: I've used this answer in the past and it greatly helped.
If not, read up on the answer here for common issues with xcode 4's slow performance: Why are xcodebuild and Xcode 4.2 so slow?


Xcode editor taking too much time in compiling

I'm a newbie in Swift. I just created a new single view project in xcode9.3 and tried building it and its taking forever to compile.
Why is this so?
I have had something similar to this, and I found that restarting Xcode a few times should solve the problem.
If this doesn't work, you might want to download the latest version of Xcode. As of now, I think the latest non-beta version is 9.4.1.
Had the same issue in the past.
The swift compiler have some issues with specific code styles which makes it sometimes compile files even slower.
In the end we quit Swift as a development language and moved to React Native and back to Objective-C on iOS projects as swift became too cumbersome.
Moving forward, you might want to look at some of guides out there.
This two looks promising.
Back when I was working on swift, this was guide we were using as a guideline:
Part 1
Part 2

IBDesignablesAgentCocoaTouch and Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool are eating my CPU

Does anyone know what these two: IBDesignablesAgentCocoaTouch and Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool are doing ?
Every time I have Xcode open these two are using so much CPU that my fans are at max speed.
I am using Xcode 9 beta 5 at the moment. Not sure if these all started with beta 5 or beta 4.
Can I do something to prevent them using so much CPU ?
Issue seems to be fixed in Xcode 9 Beta 6
I had this issue for a few hours and in the end I finally fixed it. IBCTT was eating up cpu and memory 5gb at one point and Xcode was unresponsive. I updated everything, cleared every cache and even tried throttling the tool but in the end the issue was simple but hard to detect. If that seems like your issue read on.
What you must do is clear all constraints on any view in the storyboard with errors if you are able to load it at least once. Then reset to suggested constraints and save.
If your storyboard has many views you want to Editor -> Refactor to storyboard the most complex or recently added/edited view.
You may notice in the crash report that it mentions an error not reporting a reason. Seems that I was having an error that I couldn't detect since the storyboard wouldn't load anyways. Refactoring out the view with the issue, then loading it first on a fresh restart showed the error and allowed me to clear constraints immediately.
Then restart Xcode by shutting down without force quitting to avoid the crash report and allow Xcode to start normally. Clear build folder then recompile.
This issue followed me through three installs of Xcode, 9.1 GM and 9.2 beta 1 and 2(9c34b) and a couple High Sierra beta updates (4 currently), so the issue seems to be deep within the AutoLayout engine. In all fairness to Apple constraints are a powerful idea but the variations involved on tools end is a nightmare.
Also my Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool is back to 84mb in Activity Monitor so I'm back to work....good luck!

Xcode 8.3 Indexing & Building Extremely Slow

I am posting this after reading many similar posts on here regarding this issue and none of the solutions that worked for other people not working...
Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b)
Swift 3.1
Things I tried
Deleting Derived Data folder
Deleting Workspace File
Cleaning Build Folder
Cleaning Build
Reinstalled Xcode (after complete removal)
I also looked for Swift Issues:
Removed all concatenating strings
Cleaned up Swift arrays and dictionaries
Added Whole module optimizations
This all started happening after last Xcode update of 8.3.3. My project was compiling within seconds and now I have to wait at least 15 mins for it to index, then 5 minutes to compile after everything I change even something small in code.
When Building, it get stuck in "Compiling Swift source files". Is there way for me to look in to where it is actually getting stuck?
I tried pretty much everything. Read every article, post, ect. NOTHING worked. My project was created right after 10.0.
Creating a new project and copying each file worked! It used to take 8-9 minuted to build. Now less than 2 seconds!
Apple knows about this problem, and says that Xcode 9 beta will perform much better. Note that if you don't want to update to Swift 4, you can continue compiling in Swift 3 mode using Xcode 9. The big limitation is that you won't be able to submit your project to the App Store until Xcode 9 goes final.
Also, Xcode 9 contains a new build system. You don't get it by default: you have to turn it on for this project. Choose File > Project Settings and switch the pop-up menu to New Build System (Preview). This is experimental, but it will be the default build system eventually, so it would be interesting to know whether this makes an appreciable difference.
If you don't want to update to Xcode 9 beta, you will just have to do a binary search: comment out all your code and start adding it back, piece by piece, until you find that piece that's causing the trouble.
The best way to work this out is to find what out what the build is doing while compiling your code. This is a really useful tool to use:
When you run this tool it will show you what methods are taking the longest to compile, and then you fix those. Once you have done that, you can also try the answer I gave here to decrease the build times: Extremely long compilation times with Swift in Xcode

Xcode 6.1 swift autocomplete and code sense broken

I am using Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d), it is working well except the only problem is auto complete and code sense is broken for swift projects.
I can fix it by deleting derived data and the folder ~/Library/Caches/, which is described here, or changing the deployment target of the project from 8.1 to 8.0.
However, the first solution only last me for 1 or 2 days, out of no where it doesn't work again, I don't want to delete the folders every so often or change the target iOS versions all the time. Please help me.
I have had the same issue for many days while working in swift, finally I have deleted some old data in the directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and started the xcode again and error is disappeared.
Hope it helps!
it's not gone .. I do this procedure 3-4 times a day while coding .. did anyone find a permanent fix? I'm on Xcode 6.3 beta on Yosemite.. on 6.1 I had to do this process more than 5-6 times per day, but they did not fix it entirely :(. I observed that working in one file and not switching back and forth really delays this from happening + if you work with collection views or table views and switch and modify in all files of your MVC architecture, there are greater chances you will need to restart Xcode (which in 6.3 beta fixes this issue automatically). If only there was a way to force a re-indexing on the project ..

XCode 4.2 on OSX 10.7.1 (Lion) Crashing/Locking Up all the time. Anyone Know how to fix?

This should not create any Issues with the NDA as I am not asking anyone to reveal any functionality of the application, I have asked on the Developer Forums, but They dont have the user base or the response speed of StackOverflow.
I have been working with XCode for a while now. And other then these issues, I REALLY LIKE the new xcode. I will (when these issues are resolved) recommend this application to all iOS/OSX developers.
I am currently developing iOS applications. And am Running this setup on Mac OSX 10.7.1 (Lion)
Issue 1:
If I use the Interface builder it will first of all stay open even after I navigate away from it and it is no longer visible or to my knowledge "running". After a while it will consume more then 4 gigs of active memory. I will have the activity monitor open and Will eventually have less than 20megs left of free memory. I upgraded my MacMini to 8 Gigs of memory and at this point it will get down to about 200 Megs of memory left and will eventually release the memory that IB had held onto. If I do not open IB in XCode 4 it tends to use a lot less memory. (adding 8 gigs of memory makes this memory leak a lot less of a problem)
This one only currently happens on one of the Three machines I code on. And what happens is while programming if I [Run] the app it will work for a while. Then at some point through the process it will begin to Lock Up when I press Run or Command-R. If I save the code file and run. It will not lock up. However if I forget to save, It will not only lock up. But will force me to terminate the XCode app, and Subsequently Recode everything that I had edited since the last save and the Application Run. This is by far the most annoying bug I have encountered this far.
Issue 3:
This bug happens more and more often the longer the application and operating system has been running. Running into the iPad will give me a number of Errors including "Unable to Connect to Debugger" or "Finished Successfully" among others. But the important part of this issue is that the application will never get sent to the iOS device. It will compile and say it finished. But there will be a error in the output pane.
I hope others have encountered these errors and Hopefully there is a quick fix with config files or something that will make development a lot more convenient. Thanks to anyone for resolution to any of these issues.....
I finally received an email from apple support. I have emailed them off a Capture from XCode 4 and will hopefully hear something from them. Or maybe they will just release a new beta. Either way I hope to get this resolved asap.
For issue #2 you might want to try auto-saving your code before runs. See XCODE auto save code when build and run? instructions. Not sure if these instructions will work for 4.2 but you get the idea.
I had issues with my Xcode 4.2 install crashing initially. Re-running the installer over the already installed Xcode 4.2 fixed them. Obviously I don't know what the underlying issue with the install was, but although the first install reported installation was successful, obviously it wasn't. Perhaps worth trying.
When a newer version of Xcode 4.2 becomes available to you (cough), you might want to see whether installing that one fixes the problem. Perhaps given the issues, you should try uninstalling the previous version first rather than installing over the top?
Do you use multiple windows? They are anathema to Xcode 4. If you persist in your heresy, it may corrupt some files, and slow itself down. You will see a lot of beachballing, and it will be in some sort of GC.
You can work around this by deleting a workspace-specific file hidden inside your project. (I will have to look up which one, if this describes your case.)
With the new Beta GM Release they have seemingly fixed the issue with the Hanging.
Thanks for the Answers. Ill +1 anyone who helped but ultimately it was apple that fixed the issue.... For now
